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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Friday, January 25, 2008
...IT'S A BOY!!! =D
Sorry for not posting in almost a week. ^_^
Oh well.
My birthday was real nice, if I didn't mention already, though no one at school new I celebrated my birthday...
Which makes me feel half sad and half pleased with slyness. I feel I do have a split personality of least, I behave very nice at most times...but I think very sly thoughts sometimes. XD
The newspaper for our school isn't out...yet. But my Desktop Publishing teacher says she PROMISES she'll get it done on Monday. I can't wait...I want to see if my story is in the paper, and if it is, show it to my family members! I got to show some of the kids at school before I handed it in, and they said it seemed interesting...oh, please, God, let it be in the paper!!!
And you know I dreamed up the dream that inspired my story? That's why I love my imagination and dreams...
Speaking of dreams...yesterday, I had the most ADORABLE dream! My brother and I were at a zoo, and we were looking around, and we saw the CUTEST bear cubs, that looked kinda like Grunties, except they were bears, of course. There were polar bears, black bears, brown bears...they all looked alike except for the color of their fur, and their eyes just SPARKLED!!! *w*
But the polar bears were the cutest of all... :333
And then, my brother and I discovered that the owner of the zoo was really planning to destory the bear cubs, so we risked our lives (climbing on top of this REALLY HIGH HOUSE outside the zoo for one thing...) letting the bear cubs go free, and putting to justice the zookeeper! Then, later on, I dreampt that my dad and I were at Wal-Mart, and there was this cool...believe it or not, Bambi game, with cool music and graphics. Naturally, I asked my dad if I could hae it. He said yes, and there was a mother coming up to him, and they both start talking about their kids...and I wake up. :P
Anyways, school. Umm...this week in English, we're reading Night by Eliser Wiesel.
In Biology we did mostly worksheets, easy stuff.
Theatre Arts, we were SUPPOSED to do monolouges over someone that made us really angry (I did mine over someone you bullies me mentally in the 4th grade, and I've tried to avoid her ever since), BUT my teacher was suddenly in labor, and today, no teacher! Justa instead, we just wrote two opinion answers to the questions on the board and made her a congrats card. Her baby boy's named Sam. :)
In Algebra, we did mostly probability this week. Again, easy.
In Tennis - oh, man - It was cold and rainy a lot this week, so we just stayed in the gym and did a BUNCH of leg work on the bleachers in there. My legs were sore this week. T_T
We began Speech this semester. Not a whole lot going on; just getting to each other this week.
World Geography, we're going over North Africa and the Middle East, and we're doing a project over a chosen Middle Eastern group, and I've got the Israelis! =D
Also...can yoou believe I was one of the only ones in my class who knew about the Crusades? O_O
Oi, vey...
Besides that, I've just been reading really good fanfics on, and listening to music on imeem. :D
And also, after reading this week's manga chapter of Naruto Shipuuden, I have come to a startling that may rock the Earth's very existance into oblivion!
It is now official...Uchiha INSANE! O.O
I'm not lying; that smile of his just had 'MADNESS' written clear over his face!!!
Don't believe me? Read the chapter then!

Wow...there's Tsukasa, Suburu, Mimiru, Bear, Sora, BT, amd Crim. Awesome! I'm so smart, and I just started watching about 3 weeks ago! XD
Kidding, kidding. ^_^

The kids are together again (except for Sasuke)...yay!!! =D
And now, for some Naruto pickup lines! =D

Well, ladies and gents, that is all I have for you today. Until then, dismissed!
LOL. Bye! ^_^
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