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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/31/07:
Do unto others as you would yourself. ^_^
What wise quote fits you? [pics]
 Your wise quote is: "Be kind to unkind people, they probably need it the most" by Ashleigh Brilliant. You try to look beyond apperance, try to give people second chances and are probably very kind. Understanding is your biggest personality trait, and thoose you can see through should be grateful. If they aren't already. You detest narrow minded people, because they can't see what's really there. Facades is not your thing and you strive to always be who you really are. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/28/07:
Whoo hoo! ^_^
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Well,isn't this awkward...?
What Elemental Wolf Are You? (Dazzling new picsmemo)
 Youre the wolf of fire! You are the one who is most likely to be a leader. The wolf of fire has a deep passion for almost anything and is very noble. They are athletic and rough but are still tender on the inside. These are probably not the most rare type but they are still very special. A fire wolf is such a cool being the way they eat and hunt together. If you are the fire wolf then you are very social and proud although you are not always loyal. But, still being the fire wolf is a good thing because they are strong and do most things independently. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Hee hee...
What Emotional Goddess Are You?
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Innocent soul, innocent soul...^_^
What kind of soul do you have? (Long results and beautiful anime pics!)
 You have an Innocent Soul. Some people call you niave, or childish, but really you are only innocent. You enjoy the little things in life, and are young at heart. You are generally cheerful, and rejoice in the safety of your family and friends. One day you would like to finally grow up and fall in love, but for now you are content with being who you are. It doesn't seem to matter to you if people ridicule you, most of the time you are lost in a dream world anyway. Your thoughts pass easily between reality and the imaginary, both in your mind and in books, and you can escape to your own place to block out difficult things in life. These, thankfully, don't happen to you very often. You love being outdoors and nature fascinates you, your young character never fails to be amazed by its beauty.Likely Career: Landscaper, Librarian or Actress.Prized Possesion: Your Books.Mythical Creature: Fairy Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Haku! But you're a different Haku...:P
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Heh. Blue eyes, blue eyes. ^_^
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
*smiles* ^_^
What angel represents you? (Breathtaking pics, and long results.)
 Your the light/innocent angel! Your favorite thing to do is watch over people to make sure they are safe. You love little kids' because they are so pure to you. Your also a very pure person, you always believe in what is right and you always listen to people. You have a great ammount of friends because of your kindness and innocence. Color: White Flower: Dafidills Sweets: Cookies Number: 3 Animal: Dove Element: Light Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Well, my favorite weapon-type IS the sword, katana, blade, etc. ^_%
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Well, I'm glad. ^_^
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