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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
Member Since
Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Which Naruto Guy is Right For YouYou Dated? (oneshot mode! XD)
 You've been Chillin' with Kakashi! oneshot:The next day you see Kakashi walking on the street. He asks you out for another date but all he received from you was a evil death glare and a book flying into his face. "You know _____ you must be more forgiving" said Kakashi calmly. "How can I be more forgiving when YOU'RE the one that didn't pay attention to me at all throughout our date yesterday?! all you did was read Ichi Ichi Paradise!" you snap. "Now Now _____" said Kakashi looking at you. "don't now now ____ me" you say quietly glaring at him. "Ok ok, here's the deal. This date, I PROMISE I'll make it worthwhile" said Kakashi. "Now you just sound like a pervert" you say with a anime sweatdrop. "Fine, we'll just go out to a fancy resturant" said Kakashi in his calm voice. You give him a suspicious look. "Fine" you reply after a while. Kakashi smiled and you two headed to a very fancy resturant. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/23/07:
Ooooookay. O_o
Result Posted on 03/15/07:
Heh heh...^_^;;
Result Posted on 03/15/07:
This really does suit me well. ^_^
Result Posted on 03/15/07:
Wha...wha...WHAT?! I got Kakashi AGAIN?!
This is the third time already; it's is really weird. O_o
Still, YAY! ^_^
 | You scored as Kakashi. You are Kakashi: the supercool leader of Naruto, Sasuke, and Sakura! You keep your headband over one eye to mask your lone Sharingan, and a mask covers you face. During battle, you are sooooo good you even have time to read your favorite novel, !
Kakashi | | 88% | Sakura | | 63% | Shikamaru | | 47% | Hinata | | 47% | Sasuke | | 44% | Choji | | 38% | Ino | | 31% | Naruto | | 31% | Jiraiya | | 28% | Orochimaru | | 22% | Rock Lee | | 19% | Tsunade | | 19% | Gaara | | 6% |
Which Super-Amazing Naruto Character Are You? created with | |
Result Posted on 03/14/07:
Well, I love water-type things, usually. ^_^;;
What do you dream of? (anime pictures)
Result Posted on 03/14/07:
What do the people in Naruto think about you? Your rep, best friend, boyfriend etc. Girls only, please.
 You're the Silent AngelBoyfriend- HakuBest friend(s)- Naruto, Kakashi, SakuraTeam- Haku and ZabuzaRival(s)- Gatou, SasukeBackground- You were another orphan around Haku's age. Zabuza found you and despite his objections, took you along. Though you didn't fight much, you were a gifted healer. When Haku died, you died beside him, holding his hand.What the cast thinks of you:Naruto- She was a good person. It's too bad she was killed.Sasuke- She was just another of Zabuza and Gatou's minions. I didn't like her.Sakura- She was a good person in the end and loved Haku very much.Hinata- Didn't know youKiba- Didn't know youShino- Didn't know youShikamaru- Didn't know youChouji- Didn't know youIno- Didn't know youNeji- Didn't know youRock Lee- Didn't know youTenten- Didn't know youGaara- Didn't know youTemari- Didn't know youKankuro- Didn't know youHaku- I loved her a lot. It's too bad she had to meet the same end as I did.Orochimaru- Didn't know youKakashi- If Zabuza didn't get her wound up in his problems, we could have made her a great ninjaAsuma- Didn't know youKurenai- Didn't know youGuy- Didn't know youIruka- Didn't know youKabuto- Didn't know youItachi- Didn't know youOverall- Though you weren't well known, mostly you were well likedHow you and Haku got together:You stand crying over Haku's body. He is almost dead. You kneel beside him and stroke his hair. He reaches up and touches your hand"Don't cry for me." he says. That only makes you cry more."Please don't die, Haku. I love you." you whisper. Haku grips your hand tightly and his eyes turn blank. With a loud cry, you grab his needles and stick them into your weak points. As the world turns dark, you can swear you hear Haku say,"I love you too" Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 03/14/07: O_o
Weirdest quiz I ever took.
Result Posted on 03/14/07:
Well, yeah, that's pretty much what I look like. ^_^;;
Result Posted on 03/02/07:
YES! I am Nyamo, the gym teacher! ^_^
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