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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
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Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 08/10/07:
Wow...I got Leon. True, I act like him most of the time at school; not very socialable. But, I'm a lot more like Kakashi...
Which Final Fantasy VIII Character Are You?
You are Squall Leonhart, the hero. You like to be withdrawn for the most part. When you consider someone a friend, you trust them with everything. It's not easy for you to get hurt. Mentally, that is. You could really care less. You also like to think things through before acting out. All of the bad emotions, you shove to the back of your mind. You don't exactly like responsibilities. You tend to act cool, and tough. But you're actually a big softy. Way to go, you. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/10/07:
Oh, yes. ^_^
What Naruto Character are you (Pics and detailed answers!)
 You are Kakashi. You are a teacher and a fighter, more powerful than you appear. You have hidden gifts that you don't go around sharing with everyone. You take care of the people you are in charge of and though sometimes you seems removed from the real world you mearly take a step back to let others take charge. You are kind, powerful, and knowledgeable. Don't change a thing. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/10/07:
Again with the 'May'! XD
But, I'm also pleased with this result. ^_^
Your naruto life (pics, what do people think of you and much more)
 Your name: MayYour from: hidden leaf villageYour family: mom, dad, brotherYou are: jouninYour age: 23Quite: "It takes a smart person to talk a lot and intresting, it takes an even smarter person to keep his mouth shut"What do THEY think of you:Naruto: Silent. Great fighter.Sakura: Kakashi digs her *snickers*Sasuke: Someone I look up to.Ino: who?Shikimaru: the least troublesome person ever.Ten Ten: something gai and kakashi fight overLee: shes preety but too seriousTemari: i heard jounins have there eyes on herNeji: *doesnt care*Kankuro: I think shes smexyGaara:...----Kakashi: *drool* shes uhm... *blush* Gai: I'll fight kakashi for herOrochimaru: who?Kabuto: shes preety.Itachi:...Some random facts:1. You take off Kakashis mask, kiss him and pretend nthing hapened.2. You're always calm and silent.3. You think that jounin uniforms are sexy.4. You think that Gai and Lee are really cool.5. Your into greenpeace. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/10/07:
LOMG! My name is 'Mei'? XD
Still, it's a nice result...
Your Naruto Life (pics, boyfriend, name, story)
 You got Kakashi  This is What you Look LikeYour Name Is: Mei How You Met Kakashi: You were laying down against a tree where your house was burned down. A tear rolled down your face and you were alone well so you thought! You just had a flash back on your past and you hear a twig break. You get out a kunai, "Who's there?" you said firmly."No need to get all worked up it's just me Kakashi!" Kakashi said smiling. You looked at him but didn't smile back and looked away. Kakashi looked at you and frowned. He walked over and sat next to you."So what are you doing here?" You both say and you both blush. "Ohh, you first my bad!" Kakashi said."This is where I used to live until it was burned down!" you said. Kakashi looked at you he felt sorry for you but he couldn't do anything about it."I see, but why did you come alone?" Kakashi asked. You looked around and then at Kakashi."Why?!? You know you worry about me too much!" You said smiling at him. He looked at you for a second then he pulled his mask down and.....! You couldn't believe it he was kissing you. You both pulled away but slowly you both were blushing. You looked at him."What was that for Kakashi?!?" you said to him."I couldn't control myself it was too tempting not to!" he said blushing.You both kissed again but this was longer!You think up the rest use your imagination! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/10/07:
I always loved ninjutsu the best out of the three. ^_^
Are you a ninjutsu, taijutsu, or genjutsu user? (picsdetailed answers)
 You are a user of Ninjutsu-- that is, the ninja arts. Some techniques you might use are Chidori, Kage Bunshin no Jutsu, and Katon- Goukakyou no Jutsu. You would most likely have the kekkei genkai of the Hyuuga clan (Byakugan) or the Kaguya clan (bone manipulation). Ninjutsu users: Kakashi Hatake, Naruto Uzumaki, Sabaku no Gaara, Hayate Gekkou, etc. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/09/07:
Result Posted on 08/09/07:
Result Posted on 08/08/07:
That...pretty much describes me. ^_^
Result Posted on 07/29/07:
Yet another Kakashi personality, I'm lucky. :D
Which Naruto character are you?
 You are Kakashi Hatake! I really don't wanna write about him at the moment, so I'll copy the basic idea from wikipedia. Like his father, Sakumo Hatake whose skills have been compared to that of the Legendary Ninja, Kakashi is considered a genius shinobi, graduating from the Ninja Academy at age 5 and achieving the rank of Chunin at 6. A few years after these accomplishments, Kakashi's father was disgraced by the village for abandoning a mission in favor of saving his comrades, which cost the Land of Fire dearly. Because of the shame he felt, Sakumo committed seppuku, leaving Kakashi to bear witness to the event. After his father's suicide, Kakashi began to adhere strictly to the rules of the shinobi in particular the rule dictating that the success of the mission must come before the well being of one's teammates, causing him to become arrogant, humorless, and by-the-book.At the age of 13, Kakashi achieved Jonin status. As a reward for his accomplishment, he was assigned to lead his team on a sabotage mission to blow up a bridge in order to prevent enemy forces from attacking Konoha. Shortly after the mission started, Kakashi's teammate, Rin was captured by enemy shinobi. Kakashi's other teammate, Obito Uchiha immediately stated his intention to save her, but Kakashi said they had to focus on completing the mission, opting not to make the same mistake his father had. Though Kakashi believed that they had to complete their objective, Obito eventually convinced him that his father had done the right thing in saving his teammates, causing Kakashi to join in on the rescue effort.During their attempt to save Rin, Kakashi lost his left eye as a result of an enemy ninja's attack. To protect Kakashi, Obito managed to awaken his Sharingan and killed Kakashi's assailant. Soon after saving Rin, Obito again saved Kakashi, pushing him out of the way of another enemy's rock-dislodging attack but getting crushed in the process. Shortly before he died, Obito had Rin (a medical ninja) implant his Sharingan eye in Kakashi's damaged eye socket as a gift. As his first act with his new eye, Kakashi avenged Obito by killing the enemy ninja with his now-perfected One Thousand Birds technique, bringing the Kakashi of today into being.Years later Kakashi would become a member of the Konohagakure ANBU where he served as a squad leader. During this time, he had several kôhai, named Yugao Uzuki and Tenzo, and recognized the latter as the most successful of his kôhai. It is unknown why he left ANBU, but he still wears iron guards on his gloves, a characteristic of ANBU uniforms. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/29/07:
Wow...what a weird result. O_o
Still, I'm glad! :D
Your Naruto Love Story... (Meant for Girls)
{You Got...} |-Hatake Kakashi-| (I'm not sure I spelled all of his name right...)
 {You Look Like...}
 {Your Background...} Ever since you were ten and ran away from home, you had to rely on your instincts. Sometimes you followed your instincts blindly, sometimes you would follow your pride. At times, or most of the time, you had no one. But whenever you did have someone, you would protect them with your life. {How It Started...} When you first came to Konoha, you knew how to fight and defend yourself. But tragedies played in your mind, all were the truth. All were your past. And they played in your head until you bumped in to a man with silver hair. "I'm sorry," you said as you looked at his only visible eye. He looked familiar, but you were so sure, because after wandering most of your life, familiarity was very common. But, this man, seemed too familiar. Maybe it was the way he didn't even seem to notice that you had bumped in to him. And then it clicked. Two years ago, you had met him by sitting at a bar next to him. After two drinks, you were in a full conversation and laughing. "Kakashi?" You heard yourself ask. The man looked up and you could tell he was smiling by the way his eye glittered. "Ah! I was wondering when you'd come here!" Kakashi's eyes glittered a little more. "What about going for a walk and then some drinks?" He asked, holding out a hand. You took his hand.. Later, after two of the promised drinks, you two were walking again. Mainly Kakashi was doing more of the walking. You were pretty much skipping and running around. (Me: And that's why you shouldn't drink very often. *gets pelted by fruit*) No words had been exchanged in a while, and you were starting to calm down. "What's wrong?" you asked Kakashi when he started to stare at you more and more. Kakashi just shook his head a little and walked closer to you. "I love getting drunk with you, because most women won't ever get drunk," Kakashi confessed, "And I love the way you keep saying cute things and the way you look when you're curious." He was closer than he had ever been and you were starting to feel tired. (Me: Once again, don't get drunk! It has negative effects on people.) So when he embraced you, you fell into him and fell asleep. Omg. I haven't seen very many things like that, but I think it's absolutely adorably. In a way. 'Cause he's there to catch you when you fall. Yeah... Take this quiz!
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