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Metru Nui. (Just kidding)
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Student, Bionicle fan, Naruto fan
Real Name
Alta. Yeah, like I'd give you my name.
I dunno.
Anime Fan Since
2006. Yeah, not for very long.
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Kingdom Hearts, Avatar: The Last Airbender, Blood+, Romeo x Juliet, Death Note, Final Fantasy, .hack//SIGN and Azumanga Daioh!
Become the ultimate Bionicle fan? Win Kakashi's heart? I dunno.
Reading, playing with my adorable puppies, playing video games, watching TV, playing on computer
I dunno.
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 07/29/07:
Yes...I love happy endings. :D
What would the Naruto characters think of you?Girls only!(pretty pics!and long results^.^)
 Your strong,have a great sense of humor,powerful,but not very good with showing up on time.You get lost on the road of life.lolYou are a:Jounin,you were ANBU but just decided to become JouninWhat they think of you:Naruto:All she does is read Icha Icha Paradise and hang out with Kakashi-sensai.But she did buy me ramen!!!Sakura:Perfect match for Kakashi-sensai!Kakashi:(me:Trys to hug him but he dodges)Shes..shes PErfECT!!*stary eye*She loves to read Icha Icha Paradise with me and(me:Ok Kakashi,yes we know you love her)Sei(sp?):CuteIno:Awww.Kakashi-sensai and her make such a cute couple!Chouji:*munch*That silver haired guys girlfriend?*much*She alright.*much*Shikamaru:zzz(me:WAKE UP!)hmm?oh yah she's ok,I mean for a fellow jounin.She beat me at chess.Kiba:She's to old for me!AHHHHShino:She smashed my bugs with her BOOK.TenTen:She trains me sometimes,very powerful.Neji:Desti-(me:*glares at him*)I mean fate is kind to her.Hinata:She's very nice and trys t get me to open up to Naruto-kun more.Gai:WHAT AN ANGEL!!*starry eye*Lee:Why doesn't she love Gai-sensai?WHY?!Gaara:*smiles*(me:HOLY SMOKES!!GAARA SMILED!)I like her.Temari:She's really nice.And even before Gaara was kazage she was nice to him.Kankaru:Same as Temari.Jeriya:Wonder if she'd like to be in the next Icha Icha Paradise...(me:RUN!)Tsunade:One of our best jounin.Sasuke:(me:SASUKE HAS BEEN FOUND!)Who?Oh her yah she's ok.Itachi:Might be fun to kill.BF:Kakashi(me:LUCKY!!)Friends:Mostly everyone,but mainly Kakashi.How you and Kakashi met:You were in the book store,buying an Icha Icha Paradise and noticed a silver haired ninja doing the same.You smiled at each other and he interduced himself.Future:Happily married to your elite ninja.LUCKY! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/29/07:
I took a boy quiz by total accident, but I liked the result, so I saved it! Just a fact that I'm weird! XD
What you would look like if you were in Naruto and what the characters think of you! [[Boy style with pics!]]
 You are Taku!You are kool and calm!People say you are identical to kakashi. You get on well with Neji, especially when you train together, and you like 'Chillin out' with Shikamaru. You are skilled at Taijutsu mostly, but know some Ninjutsu. If the girls aren't crushing out on Sasuke, they're after you! Watch out for FanGirls! The other characters think you are:Naruto: He's kool! Dattebayo! Sakura: He's too much like Kakashi Sensei, its almost too weird...Sasuke: Hmph...Kakashi: Don't really know him... (Me: Yeah right...!)Shikamaru: Not so troublesome at all!Ino: Well, lets just put it this way, if i werent crushing on Sasuke, he may of had a chance...Chouji: He's ok, i guess...Kiba: Na??? Never spoke to him...Akamaru: *Bark*Shino: He's skilled. On a mission once as a leader, he defeated 3 ninja's without us knowing they were there! Gaara: A skilled chuunin. Thats all he is...Kankorou: Yeah. He's kool. Temari: Ooh. Another local hottie...Hinata: Erm, he's never bothered with me... *Blushes*Neji: A failure from the begining. TenTen: Local Hottie Alert....! Wah!?!? Not nearly as hot as, erm...Rock Lee: Hmmm, Gai sensei, can i beat him?Konohamaru: He teases me and acts all kool around the girls. Orochimaru: He's merely a weak Chunin, Nothing to worry about!Jiraiya: He reminds me of Kakashi. Maybe if he were to become a disciple of mine? Nah, he would steal the spotlight from me, and then all the girls would go for him instead of me! He could blow my cover!!!!Tsunade: Strong. Very strong. Very good at his missions too. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/29/07:
My dream team. :3
My favorite team besides Team 7... :3
Which Naruto Team would you be in, what would your role be in that team and what would you look like?
 You are Miya from Team Yondaime!You are fun and caring. You believe that life must be taken seriously, but laughter is an essential to live a good one. Your teammates are Kakashi, Obito, Rin and Yondaime Hokage. You get on well with your teammates. You enjoy joking around with Obito, sharing secrets with Rin and training with Kakashi. You found out through Rin that Kakashi likes you, even though her never show it. You are best at controlling the animals around you to aid you in battle. This is a Kekkai Genkei passed from your family. You believe Teamwork is essential.Your team think you are:Obito: I love Joking around with her, she has a wicked sense of humour.Rin: I like it when she tells me things, secrets about our teammates especially. Kakashi: I like her. Her, erm, skills and summoning are great. She is... erm, that is i, erm... never mind...Yondaime: A great student, you can tell she wants to be a Ninja, i just wish she would concentrate more. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/29/07:
I can be really naughty sometimes... :P
Which Naruto Character would date you, and what would you look like? [[Pics in Results]]
 You are Yuri!You are Naughty and Sexy!You love reading naughty books and playing Naruto up!Your boyfriend is Kakashi!You are very alike! You were the one who started Kakashi off by reading the books!He loves you and will fight for you. You enjoy sitting around and reading books, aswell as doing other things ;).Kakashi loves you, but you don't realise how much!the other characters think you are: Naruto: Just like sensei...Sakura: So Cute!Sasuke: I see them reading books together... What is that book they are reading? The dictionary?Kakashi: I love you <3 you're so naughty! ;)Shikamaru: Troublesome Couple!Ino: So sweet.Chouji: Not too sure about her...Kiba: She seems like a trouble maker to me...Akamaru: *growl*Shino: I like them.Hinata: They suit eachother well. Like me and... erm... *Blushes*Gaara: She gave me a look once, i hate them for it...Kankorou: Not a bad couple...Temari: They're okay, that Kakashi is a little to full of himself, i think anyway...Neji: Fate should never have brought them together...TenTen: I think they're cute. She has good style aswell...Rock Lee: HOTT!! She isn't colourblind! She is hot!Konohamaru: She reminds me of my mom... Eww, Kakashi and my mum.... Eww.Orochimaru: I will kill her and then see how Kakashi will fall apart.... BWAHAHA!Kabuto: that's evil... But i think they go well together, even though i don't like them...Tsunade: They are the best Couple in Konoha!Jiraiya: They are great fans of my books! I love them! Best couple ever! She's hott too! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/28/07:
Yes! Onward Christian soldiers! :D
What type of person are you? (Very unique results)
 You are the christian type.... You put all the trust you have in God. You rely on Him to help you and to use you in His Name. You are not afraid of death and want to spread the love you found in Him to others. You tend to try to be as pure and protecting as possible. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/25/07:
Result Posted on 07/25/07:
Ahahahaha. Wow. ^^;
Result Posted on 07/23/07:
Oh man...I love this quiz result. XD
Lee as my best friend...Shikamaru as my trainer...Kakashi as my lover! Like doesn't get any sweeter! :D
Result Posted on 07/21/07:
Not exactly a quiz result, but I was unable to put this on the main page. So, here is my chibi Kakashi! :3
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Kakashi Hatake
Likes: Make-Out Paradise, Walking, Hahli :3
Dislikes: Spoiled kids, TOO much excitement
Owner: Hahligirl56
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi! |
Result Posted on 07/19/07:
I decided to take this quiz again, and I got another great result. *hugs*
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