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Boston, MA well not literally. But near it =3
Member Since
...... HOT TOPIC! Next year.... But until then, I work at my mom's day spa. X3
Real Name
Hailee Rose
Quite intelligent, very nice, talented with art, writing and many other things. And several other "achievements" ;D That need not be listed here =3
Anime Fan Since
Kindergarten, BITCH!
Favorite Anime
Yaoi and Death Note
To go to fashion design school, get married to Xavier and have his wittle babies <3 I also want to make a really good living and try to donate as much as I can to charities.
Art (both literature and drawing/painting/etc), football and baseball, GSA, studying, listening to some killer music, and chillaxin with my awesome friends, family and boyfriend.
Art, Football, School work (yeah, I'm IN honors and AP and I get ON honor roll. Bitches <3), Music, and being a really great person =3
| HaileeofTheSand
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Sunday, September 7, 2008
MyO Sucks Ball Sacs. & Not In A Good Way.
So school started and shit. Blah, blah, blah. I'm doing well in it. Switched out of band; Taking Baking/Textiles now. Loving it! We're learning how to bake really ummy yummy cakes and how to decorate them <3 My weekend was fabulous. I drank some alchoholic cider. It was NASTYYY. I really only like sugary mixed drinks and milkshake like stuff. Overall the weekend was okay, not amazing but, okay. I don't like my grandmother. She's a bitch. Sorry... just had to put that out there. Xavier and I are offically getting engaged (eventually). He got me a diamond promise ring from Kay Jewlers for our one year next month. You know, "Every Kiss begins with K". They're LEGIT diamonds too X3 I LOVE HIM SOOOOO MUCH. I miss Brendon. I put some pics I drew up on my facebook... My name is Hailee Halo on there if anyone (that reads this XD) wants to add me.... *COUGH COUGH* BRENDON. Emily already has =P I think I'm gonna put some pics up here... and piss some hicks off ehehe. Love all you guys and miss you all! <3 Mwahskis! ~Hailee¢¾
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Monday, August 25, 2008
I finally went home X3 I had a great time but I'm really glad to be back. I love my house. I need to go back-to-school shopping, because unlike hicks, the kids up on the East Coast actually go to school. I need a ton of shit too.... Since I'm a whole year ahead in science and in all the honors classes I'm gonna need a lot of stuff. Notebooks... a graphing calculator.... pencils and pens... art supplies... a composition notebook for all the experiments and chemical equations we have to do. A planner, tape, glue, staples... paper clips.... etc, etc, etc. FUCK. That's a lot of SHIT. Xavier might come over today... and he left his summer reading book here. So he needs to get it haha X3 It was his birthday on the 22nd. I went to his house for the day, went out to eat and came back to his place. Where many interesting things went down. <3 He let me listen to a song he recorded. It was AWESOME. He has rediculous talent. SERIOUSLY; Rediculous. I'm trying to figure out what to do these last two days of summer vacation.... Oh well. I figure it out eventually. Hehe and the weekend after labor day, me and my family and Dee and Xavier are all going to NH. We went last year, and now we're goin again!!!! YAAAY! The guy that rents us the place is so nice too. Probably because he's friends with my mom... and he's gay. Gotta love it~! ~Hailee ¢¾
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Sunday, August 24, 2008
I love life. I've been at my best friend Dana's since yesterday. It was her sister's 18th birthday and seeing as I'm friends with her as well I was invited. We played some water fights with balloons and stuff. I got all beat up but that's okie. I like it =3 And I got to hang out with my love <3 It'll be a year soon. Ahhhhhh I love him soooooooo much! I'm sleeping at her place again tonight cause I haven't seen Dee in WEEKS! Urgh O.o And we played in the big bouncy thing. And that was great. =D I took pics and I have pictures from the party too. And I'm thinking of putting them up.... Hmmm who knows? Well... I'm gonna go now and make some chocolate chip cookies. =P YAY! Too bad I never really eat any.... Damn stomach. Haha X3
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Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Brendon Smith.
Brendon Fucking Smith.
Born July 17th 1992.
It's all I've got to find you. And it's not working. I'm honestly trying. I'm trying as hard as I can. I'd do anything to find you. ANYTHING. I know how bad your probably hurting right now. And I know how much I miss you and how much I want to be there right now. I really miss you. Your one of my best friends and I have so many things I want to tell you. Like how me and Xavier decided to try gay/lesbian fantasies.... I made one up about him and you having sex in the shower, hahaha! And you were the bitch. Then Xavier tried one with me and my friend... and I, of all people, was the bitch..... -__________-' Xavier also enjoys calling you Brendon Flowers (the lead singer from the Killers). Whenever I bring you up he's like.... "Brendon Flowers???" He said he likes you already and wants to get to know you. I don't know why you won't talk to us. If your afraid of hurting us.... TOO BAD!!! Grow some bigger balls (yes, I said it!) and stop being so damn reclusive. Your hurting us more by NOT talking to us. And I'm not the only one who has things to tell you. Guess who has a boyfriend??? Emily. Oh yeah.... and guess who FINALLY lost her virginity??? Me. Brendon. I love you. Stop dickin around (even though I know you like it, ;D) and Come home. I love you.
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Sunday, July 13, 2008
Friends Will Always Be There??
Everyone's gone. For real. Brendon is missing. I haven't talked to him in forever. I miss him so much. I don't know where he went. I hope he's still alive. But even if he isn't... I would never know. I don't want him to turn into one of those people that 20 years from now I'm gonna think... "I remember that kid. I wonder what happened to him?" I love that kid. He's like a brother. But... a girly brother.
And Em. I still talk to her of course but she's gone from here too. I guess... I'm the only one left? This place... has fucked everyone up. It's done good and bad. For instance, I've met many amazing people but in those amazing people was Jazz. If you've known me for long, you'd know how much he's hurt me. He actually was the reason I first cut myself. But I still made the choice to do it so... I don't blame him. And em... she had to meet that girl. But she's better now, she doesn't talk to her anymore so she's happy again. and brendon met us. I wonder how they all are? Brendon, Emily, and Jazz? Even that girl. Have they changed too?
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Wednesday, March 26, 2008
xavy baby!

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Saturday, March 8, 2008
NEW HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHOOO!

Hot yeh???
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Friday, February 22, 2008
X | XtRemE | A | Altruistic | V | Virile | I | Important | E | Emotional | R | Raw |
Name Acronym Generator From
D | Dirty | A | Altruistic | N | Naive | A | Astounding |
Name Acronym Generator From
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
..... Sad
I just realized something... I miss my friends on the otaku..... Man... this sucks. What happened to the good old days? If only they were still like that except with xavier in them. I miss you guys.
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Tuesday, February 19, 2008
RAWR!!!! (???)
I like that "rawr" thing.... It's menacing yet cute. Like MEEEEEE! ¢¾ Yes yes, I know, I'm pure evil. You don't have to inform me.
Anyways.... Valentine's day was good. Great actually. Xavier got me the most gorgeous gold locket, I LOVE IT SOOOO MUCH! He also got me candy, and some fake roses in a pretty vase (he wanted to get me real ones but he was in the hospital with the flu the whole week until valentine's day). I got him a giant teddy bear, I baked him a cake (which everyone said was delicious btw, I made it all from scratch, even the whipped cream that was the icing ¢¾) I also made him a picture frame, it's wicked cool. I wish I could show you all.
I got a new hair cut, it's pretty awesome, I look simply marvelous. Quite adowable in fact. <3 I'll put a pic up sometime soon.
It'll be me and xavier's 4 months on the 28th, (YAY!!!) but first his stupid crazy ex is coming back from the crazy house in florida. Seriously, she was sent to a crazy house. Cause she's a wicked whore and a total shady spazzster.... Yuck. Lucky for him he's dating someone who's actually quite stable. But I'm not all that great. The best part is that even according to Xavier, she's no match for me. Hehe. But I will say this, if she does anything to piss me off, anything at all, I'll have her back into that crazy house quicker than you can say, "Fuck you". And that's pretty damn fast darlings. hehe. =3
Umm.... My doggie died a couple weeks ago... I miss him a lot.... Like a lot a lot.... I think I keep seeing him and hearing him but I'm not... But he's in heaven and he went without pain so that's good.
Well, I better be going... My dad will be home in a couple and I have to get ready to go pick up Xavier. Hehe. Later alligators!!!! Love love love love love!
~Hailee ¢¾
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