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Boston, MA well not literally. But near it =3
Member Since
...... HOT TOPIC! Next year.... But until then, I work at my mom's day spa. X3
Real Name
Hailee Rose
Quite intelligent, very nice, talented with art, writing and many other things. And several other "achievements" ;D That need not be listed here =3
Anime Fan Since
Kindergarten, BITCH!
Favorite Anime
Yaoi and Death Note
To go to fashion design school, get married to Xavier and have his wittle babies <3 I also want to make a really good living and try to donate as much as I can to charities.
Art (both literature and drawing/painting/etc), football and baseball, GSA, studying, listening to some killer music, and chillaxin with my awesome friends, family and boyfriend.
Art, Football, School work (yeah, I'm IN honors and AP and I get ON honor roll. Bitches <3), Music, and being a really great person =3
| HaileeofTheSand
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Sunday, July 15, 2007
Would-Be Year Anniversary
Wow. Its so hot out today.... Well anyway, its a sad day for me again. If me and my ex were still together it would have been a year as of today. *sigh* How i loved him..... Oh well.... I guess I'm bound for bigger and better things.... It still hurts though.
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Okay, I'm really pissed.
Okay. Here we go. To all those who are giving me crap right now. Not the rest of you. Just 2 of you. One of you, you've never even BEEN in a relationship. You don't know what it's like to seriously care about someone and (even if you dont think so) have that person like you back. So shush. And the other one, you have. Sort of. And when you were all depressed and bumbed out about it, who was there for you? Huh? I didn't give YOU shit. So why should you give it to me when I'm sad? It's really rude. I just think I'm not gonna bring up my relationships with you guys anymore cause it almost never does any good. And besides you say to look at it from your parents veiw. I have. Do you think im an idiot? of course I have. That's why I didnt run away the first chance I got. But it doesnt make anything any better.

OMG that was hysterical!
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Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Wagggh.... Im sooooo bored. I miss jazz T^T its so boring with out him. *sigh* oh well..... at least i only have to wait a couple more years to talk with him... not. well yeah actually. 2 years is how long im supposed to not talk with him. i dont know how im gonna do it but oh well.... its better then him getting in trouble because of me.
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Monday, July 9, 2007
Saddness T^T
K here we go. Got in huge trouble. i wasnt supossed to talk with Jazz anymore. I did anyway. my parents found out. I lost the internet and my cell. Thats why i havent been on. Sorry guys.
PS i wont be on much anymore for a while. but when i can get on i will~! I love you all!
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Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Scenarios Involving Your Friends
You and all your friends are at a party. Which one is most likely to..
Flirt with your girlfriend/boyfriend?: Yanni
Throw up everywhere from drinking so damn much?: Amanda
Suggest a game of strip poker?: Me XD
Suggest a game of poker strip?: Me XD
Start dancing wildly knocking over and injuring dozens of people?: Olivia
Sit there quietly and glare while plotting evil things?: Dana
Start singing out of the blue: Emily
Get kicked out: .... hmmm no one.
You and all your friends are in bus crash. Who would..
Laugh Manically and frolic into the distance: Dana!
Help the survivors: Eileen and Sarah
Help the survivors only to lure them away from the group and kill them: Yanni
Die quickly: .... hmmm...... with our luck. no one
Die slowly and in agony: Amanda
Pray to God for help and forgiveness for their many sins: Olivia
Hum while collecting the dead bodies: Emily
Start screaming until someone cracks and knocks them out with a rock: Me
You and all your friends are playing truth or dare, Who would ask/dare..
You to lick someone elses nipple?: No one
What colour underwear you're wearing?: Me
You to perform a lap dance on someone?: Amanda
What sexual fantasy are you thinking of at the moment?: Olivia
You to hump a chair violently?: No one
What's your honest sexuality?: Emily
You to ask the hosts parents for a head of lettuce?: .... Dana
Why are you so dirty?: Sarah
You and all your friends are in the middle of nowhere..Who would..
Die from lack of food: Dana!
Hunts down innocent fluffy animals to roast and eat: Dana
Sit there on a rock and work on a crossword?: Sarah and Eileen
Attack the rest of the group and become a cannibal?: Emily!
Sing until they starve to death?: Olivia
Go crazy..erm..crazier then they already are..?: .... Me....
Run in circles?: Dana
Cry?: All of us.
Comfort the crying person?: ... Eileen or Sarah... or all of us
Laugh at the crying person?: Amanda
The end. {Word Association just for fun}
Blue: Olivia
Fetus: Me ( i lurve babies!)
Belt: Emily
Leather: dana
Flower: Eileen, Sarah, Amanda
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A "Have you ever" survey! wayyy fun!!!
Had any pets: YES! 8 dogs, 6 birds, a GAZILLION fish, 2 hermit crabs, 2 lizards.... ummm i'm pretty sure that's it lol.... WAIT! NO! A chinchillia and other rodents =P
Had any siblings: Yeah! 2 big brother's and a big sister. Jessica, 28, Charlie, 27, and Ryan, 24
Been kissed: .... no.... >.<
Made out with someone: well obviously not.
Kissed just a friend: yeah XD on the cheek but that doesn't count as kissing!
Made out with just a friend: HELL NO!
Had sex: ....... no........ >.<
Had sex with just a friend: HOLY HELL NOOOOO!
Been out of your town: Yes'm
Been out of your state: Yes'm
Been out of your country: Yes'm
Eaten sushi: YES! And LOVED it!
Eaten out for every meal of the day: Yep. In Oklahoma when I was visitng my brother cause that's where he's stationed (he's in the air force)
Been to disney land: Does Disney World count?
been to six flags: Yes sir
Been skiing: Yes..... I got run over by some snow boarder.... and I've been afraid of skiing (very fast) ever since
Been on myspace for more than 15 hours: NO! i HATE myspace!
Loved someone but there was no point in loving that person: .... I'm... not sure..... maybe... Like my friend Beau... cause he'd never like me back anyway =P
Moved houses: Yes. T^T
Eaten anything gross for money: ummm... I don't remember but knowing me, I probably have!
Eaten anything gross for free: Yep =P
Made a survey on Bzoink: Nope.
Had more than one myspace profile: NO. NO. NO. MYSPACE IS FULL OF PETAFILES!
Tried orange juice mixed with coffee creamer: No actually.... Is it good? I might have to try that...
Been to keva juice: No. (?)
Gotten a detention: Yeah! I was framed! This kid threw rocks at this one kid and I got blamed. Everyone said he did it and i didnt do anything but they gave me a detention anyway! GRRR!!!!!!!!!
Gotten a referral: Yeah actually. For babysitting.
Ben beaten up: Nope. Almost. But I gave that boy a bloody nose! HA!
Beaten up someone else: Not on purpose. It was self defense.
Been dumped: ............ sigh... I ... dont know....
Dumped someone: Kind of... but.... sigh.... long story...
Cried yourself to sleep: Every night. (seriously I know it sounds overly dramatic but it's seriously true)
Lauged so hard you cried: Yeah! actually... i pissed my pants once cause i laughed so hard...
Blown a bubble but accidentally spit out your gum: yeah! hahaha!
Have caught yourself drooling: ummmm yes.... XD.....
Played On a Game Show: No. That would rock though!
Been On TV: Nope. But i was on the big screen during a Celtics game!
Been on the radio: ..... Nope...
Had a REALLY EMBARRASSING MOMENT: Yes.... yes i have.
-----what was it?: I started bawling in the middle of science class....
thought about death: Yeah.
considered suicide: Yes. Tried and failed sweet heart. Tried and failed.
been emo: Yep lol ( i love their hair!)
had a diary: yep ^ ^
been to TGI friday's: yes! Their food used to be my favorite! And then i went one time and got constipated... and ever since everytime i go there i get sick...
Had strawberry applesauce: yes! YUM!
Been in the rain without an umbrella: yeah! i love it too ^ ^
Put a: Huh?
Lost more than $50: ummm no
Given away money just cuz you felt like it: yeah lol
Thrownup in public: yeah >.< stupid resturant popcorn. That's the last time i EVER ate at that place.
Thought that your throwup tasted good: NO! OH GOD NO!
Thrownup so hard that it came out your nose: Ummm not entirely. A little but not to much.
Thrownup on someone: Yeah. My dad when I was like 3.... It's weird cause i can actually still remember it.
Eaten something so gross it made you gag: Yes....
Been swimming: yeah! I LOOOOVE TO SWIM!!!!!!!!!!
Been on a sports team: yep ^ ^ basketball in forth grade ^ ^ Our team kicked ASS that year!
Been on a camel: yes!
Been on a horse: yes! I used to ride horses ^ ^
Jumped on a trampoline: yeah =P
Eaten cottage cheese: yes mmmmmmmmm ^ ^
Turned up the music so loud on your ipod/mp3 that your ears started ringing: ALL THE TIME
Had a dream about the person you like/love/are crushing on: yeah. several. and my friend Beau many times. we always made out in those and I woke up horrified lol and i did it with a couple people but i always woke up at the best parts
Had a scary dream: yes O.o
Peed in a pooll: yep >.< I WAS A BABY!
Pooped in a pool: yes..... i was a little baby! GOD!
Had a beverage come out your nose: yeah! Green tea XD
Cussed at your parents: yeah. but not in front of them. only behind their backs
Ran naked around your house: yep when i was itty bitty
Ran naked in public: no. maybe when i was a baby....
Turned down a dare: yeah. cause i'm cool like that ^ ^
Turned down a truth: nah lol
Prank called someone: yes! My grandpa! God! Sooooo much fun!
Eaten liver and onions: ew. ew. ew. no. never. not in a gazillion years.
Thought about why the grass is green: yeas. and why the sky is blue. and why the dirt is brown. and why Jazz has to have so many pericings.
Thought about why people arent upside down when they are at the soutpole: yes! What the heck!
Cried when your feelings were hurt: yeah........
Cried when you were hurt: yes....
Been laughed at: yep XD
Been called a nerd: yes!
Been called emo: YES!
Taken a picture of an inanimate object: yeah! my lampshade XD
Said a really random word in dead silence: yes lol..... pudding.
Played cricket: no actually.
Played on a hockey team: no but my brothers did ^ ^
Searched random words on google: yes! nose, mittens.... I found porn when i typed in mittens. I was HORRIFIED.
Been to no... what is it?
Been drunk: No. Getting drunk is for morons.
Been high: NO. Drug are for idiots.
Eaten so much that you gained 5 pounds or more: NO! THANK GOD NO!
Been concered about your weight: All the f-ing time.
-----Are you still concerned: yeah! I've lost 20 pounds but I'M. STILL. NOT. SKINNY. ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!
Laughed at someone who got hurt: NO!
Reposted a bulletin because you were scared of what would happen if u didnt: no lol more liked amused at it.
Peed your pants after age 8: yeah... i have this chair i sit in.... and i dont know why... but i alwys start getting outragiously horny in it... and i really had to go once and some leaked out. not much.
Won a game of pool: yeah =P
Been a member to a private gym/pool complex: no...
Ignored someone just to annoy them: Not that I remember... well if someone really makes me mad then yeah
Thrown something at your teacher: No. But i flipped one off once.... He was such an asshole
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sexy random questions 2
what is your best friend's mom's name?: Ummm... I have so many friends..... I know all the mom's names.. I just don't wanna say cause that would be like giving away personal info
if you were getting plastic surgery, what would it be?: I'd be skinner....
do you have a birthmark? whereeee?: .... I have a beautimark. On my upper lip. Right under my nose. A lot of people have plastic surgery to get one there actually ^ ^ SO i'm pretty lucky ^ ^
do you have an innie or outie belly button?: innie =P
whats your favorite kind of cheese?: ummm.... I'm not sure. I had this really great cheese imported from paris once.. It was delicious.
have you ever had a song written about you?: no! I wish!
would you ever work at disneyland?: yeah ^ ^
what state do you want to grow old in?: Virginia ^ ^ with Jazz
what color rose is your favorite?: I like any color rose ^ ^ my favorite is this white rose and it has this really pretty pink lining the tops of the petals ^ ^
do you do your own laundry?: nope =P
do you workout?: not much... like rarely ever.
do you always flush the toilet?: yes! and i always close the lid.
do you weigh yourself often?: not too much.... But enough.
are you embarrassed to fart in front of a friend?: Kind of... Not really though....
do you change your appearance a lot?: not too much.
what do you wash your face with?: ummm expholient, then some special cleaner thing and somtimes i use this thing that get rid of the dead skin. and then i use cream to mosturise ^ ^
about how long does it take for you to get chur hair did?: "chur hair did"? Ummm well i' m not quite sure...
are you a violent person?: No. But i can be.
what color is your bathroom floor?: white. like a virgin =P
does PDA bother you?: Sometimes. Not like hugging and stuff but making out, yeah.
are you a hairy person?: .... >.< I'm not too bad actually.
do you keep your house clean?: ... yes. my mom's a freak sometimes.
how much water do you drink daily?: I'm not sure... probably not enough.
are you health- conscious: Kind of. But not too much.
do you sleep with your hair up?: yeah.
what time do you eat dinner?: we normally dont eat dinner.
what is your favorite color on a car?: Blue ^ ^
are you a good artist?: yeah... I guess.. I'm okay. Nothing special
are you friends with your neighbors?: Yeah. For the most part.
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In a guy...
Tall or short: Taller then me ^ ^ But I don't mind him being shorter then most guys ^ ^
Muscular or Toned: Toned . Muscle guys kinda freak me out.
Long or short hair: Medium. I go nuts for emo hair.
Freckles or Dimples: Either is fine ^ ^
Nice smile or softy eyes: Both ^ ^
Well groomed or rugged: Well groomed. But I don't mind a little rugged-ness.
Cologne or no cologne: ... Either. Just not TOO much cologne.
Glasses or braces: I don't mind =P I love geeks
Earring or no Piercings: ........ Sigh... it REALLY depends... I'd rather no peircings. But. I can make exceptions =P
Overly bright or moderately smart: hahaha. As long as your as smart or a little smarter then me ^ ^ I can't STAND stupid people.
Shy or outgoing: Either one ^ ^
Soft spoken or chatter box: Either one ^^
Constanyly similing or just at the right moments: Hmm Either one ^ ^
Loud laugh or quietly chuckle: Both are adorable!!!!
Share his feeling/thoughs or keep them bottled up: SHARE THEM OF COURSE!
Truthful or lie to protect your feelings: ... tough... It really depends... I'd rather hear the truth. Even if it does suck...
Thinks for himself or does what you say: Thinks for himself. But I would like for him to listen to me too.
Offer to help or leave you for yourself: Offer to help please?
Shop at brand name stores or thrift/cheap department: ... Brands are retarded. But cheap clothes.... Are... okay i guess. An undeground or less popular brand sure. But no preppy crap like Abercombie & Fitch or whatever.
T-shirts or tank tops: Either
Shoes or slippers: Shoes in public. Slippers in the privacy of our home.
Jeans or shorts: Either ^ ^
Jackets or long sleeved shirts: Either ^ ^
Punk or prep: PUNK. PUNK! PUNK!!!! PREPS ARE EVIIIIIL!!!!!!!!!!
Athlete or conservative: Hmmmm i guess a little bit of both is ideal.
Retro or vintage: Ha ^ ^ either is fine
Cowboy or high-fashion city boy: city boy i guess.
Ties with collared shirt or no tie: Either is fine ^ ^ Ties are hot anyway.... I can do dirty things with them ^_~
Have his own fashion sense or ask your opinion: Both. I want him to be his own person but I think it's fun to see what each other thinks ^ ^
Vertical stripes or horizontal: Ummm... Either....
Necklace or bracelets/bands: Either ^ ^
Rings or earrings: Either ^ ^
Tattoos or piercings: ... not TOO many tatoos and preferably in hidden places. and not too many peircings. just little ones in the ear is okay... but... lip rings okay... sometimes... sigh
Hoodies or collared jackets: Either
Oldies or motown: Hmmmm either lol
Techno or euro-pop: Either lol Jazz likes Techno =P
Reading or writing: Both pleeease ^ ^
Movie theatre or renting for home: Movie theatre preferably but it's fine either way
Listening to the radio or playing cd's: CD's are easier but radio's good too. it gives you a chance to find new music to like and listen too ^ ^
Cruising with friends or hanging inone place: Either one i guess....
Hanging at the beach or the mall: Either one
Baseball or Basketball: BAseball is my favorite over basketball but either is fine
Volleyball or football: FOOTBALL! YAYAYAYAY!!!!!!!!! I LOVE FOOTBALL! But i love volleyball too! So either is fine
Singing or dancing: haha! Both ^ ^
Musicals or ballet: Musical XD
Play video games or computer games: Video games are great. Computer games are okay i guess ^ ^
Green Day or Linkin Park: Linkin Park is what I prefer but Green Day is good too ^ ^
Tim McGraw or Sara Evans: Hmmmmmmm either
AC/DC or Guns N Roses: AC/DC!!!!!! But guns N roses are great too
Backstreet Boys or NSYNC: Backstreet boys. I've always hated NSYNC
Timbaland or Fatnam Scoop: huh? whom? I already told you... I hate rap and hip hop!
The Princess Bride or Robin Hood Men in Tights: ....... I dunno... both?
Rush Hour 2 or Shanghai Knights: Shanghai Knights...
The Ring or The Grudge: ... both are great.
Remember the Titans or Friday Night Lights: those are both great movies tooooo
J.R.R. Tolkien or C.S. Lewis: ... AGH! I'm not sure >.< they're both so good!
Dan Brown or Dean Koontz: ... ummm i dunno
Fantasy or Adventure: Either is fine ^ ^
Romance or Comedy: Either is fine but I prefer comedy!
Holding hands or arm in arm: Awww ^ ^ Both
Thight hugs or sweet kisses: Both ^ ^
Mixed tape or burned cd: CD cause i dont have a tape player ^ ^
Cute notes or big cards: Notes =P but cards are great too
A dozen roses or a single rose: I think a single rose is more... romanitc... in all honesty ^////^ but a dozen roses is good on occasion
A necklace or promise ring: A promise ring ^ ^ Cause it's... more special in my opinion but a necklace is really nice too
Write you poems or songs: poems ^ ^ Songs are wondeful too though ^ ^
Play guitar or sing: either one is fine ^ ^
Paint you a portrait or take your photo: either one is fine ^ ^
Bake you a cake or make you dinner: ummm. either one is great ^ ^
Dance in the rain together or stroll on the beach: Dance in the rain! It's so much fun! A beach thing is really nice too though ^ ^
Watch the sunrise or sunset: Both ^ ^
Sit together at the beach or on a rooftop: roof top ^ ^ it's much more.... i don't know, private? But the beach is great too
Play on the swings or on the seesaw: seesaw! YAY! I love the swings too though!
Serenade you or slow dance: both ^^
Ferris wheel ride or sharing a shake: ... SHAKE SHAKE! DEFINATELY SHAKE! I'm petrified of ferris wheels >.< But if he was there to hold me then I guess it wouldn't be so bad after all ^ ^
Carve your names in a tree or adopt a tree for you: Carve your names ^ ^ But i think the other would be equally as sweey
Attend all your shows or just opening and closing nights: All of them ^ ^ or the ones he could make
Phone calls or text messages: Both ^ ^ I love phone calls! but sometimes it'seasier to espress myself through writing
Bowling or mini golf: mini golf! I LOVE THAT! But bowling is great too
Hairy feet or hairy arms: hmmmmm.... i... dont know....
Take you on a hike or out to dinner: hike ^ ^ I love hiking ^ ^ but dinner is really nice too
Buys you a kitten or a puppy: puppy! I don't like cats. At all. But I ADORE dogs!
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Monday, July 2, 2007
JAZZ IS HOOOOOOOOOOOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS I LOOOOOOOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Sunday, July 1, 2007
The stuff i got from Hot Topic (its a request lol)

the pic doesn't do it justice....

these are the wrist warmers/ gloves i bought

these are my earrings

and my shirt ^ ^ But the pic doesn't do it justice (again)it has music notes on it. It's my way oh saying how much i love Jazz.SO basically anything with music notes reminds me of him ^ ^ So anything with music notes, is cool by me ^ ^
PS they didnt have a picture of the head band i got... but thats okay ^ ^
PSS YAY! MY first fan art! It's finally up!
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Saturday, June 30, 2007
Hey! I went to my friends Olivia and Emily's house today ^ ^ It was soooo much fun. We drew on her flash art program... which rocks. I must buy myself one. NOW. Lolz. Actually. just the tablet. She can loan me the disk so i can get the program. lolz. But ne way. We played croquet (sp?) i like to pronounce it "crock-et" lol i know. dumb. but i like saying it =P I won ^ ^ i was behind a bit. their mom was ahead the entire time. Then Olivia and then Emily. Who both caught up at the end. Her mom got poison (which is basically where you went through all the wickets so you just hit your ball around and try to hit the other ones. and when you do, the are taken from the game. So the last person who's still in, win's ^ ^) But after her mom i got poison and her mom tried to kill olivia who was right next to me (i was going after livvy ^ ^) and i hit her mom and eliminated her hehe ^ ^ And then I got Livvy, who tried to run away. But failed miserably. And after that, I got Emily.... Who nevcer stood a chance! JK JK JK! It was really fun ^ ^
Then we went swimming and played marco polo. Emily flipped cause her foot touched a spider. I would have flipped too.... Spiders freak me out. And then Oiliva found dog poop at the bottom of her pool, so when enily saw it, she went "BLAAAARGH!" wicked loud under the water. So when i heard her i almost choked cause I was under water too.... and i burst out laughing when she did it lol. And then we drew some more and i had to go home... too early in my opinion but I'm just glad i got to see them ^ ^
I went to Hot Topic tonight. I bought a dress, gloves, earrings and a shirt ^ ^ YAY!
PS Jazz is home tomorrow! YAYAYAYAYAYYAY!!!!!!!!!!
Will was in the hospital.... he got dehidrated.... WHY DOES NO ONE TELL ME ANYTHING ANYMORE???!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!??! AGGGGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! FIRST JAZZ, NOW HIM! AGH! AND IT'S THE SAME EXCUSE, "I didn't want you to worry...." YEAH? YEAH?!?! WELL I"M WORRIED NOW! WHAT THE HECK! I'D BE WORRIED EITHER WAY! AGH!
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Sora or Riku?
Heyo ^ ^ Figured I'd make a short post lol.... I'm playing Kingdom Hearts II and kicking ASS at it! I'm almost done too ^ ^ Only like 1 or 2 more levels and then we're all done ^ ^ *sigh* I love Sora ^ ^ But I love Riku too.... I don't know which one i like more! >.< Cause Sora's just adorable... and him and Jazz are basically twins. But Riku gave me a hug at the anime convention and it was the happiest moment of my life ever ^ ^ I should have gotten that kid's phone number ^ ^ *siiiiiigh* I will take them both then ^ ^ Hahahahaha ^ ^ Cartoon boyfriends rock lol. But real boyfriends rock too. But they're much more work ^ ^ But that's okay ^ ^
PS K guys, who do you like better Sora or Riku?
PSS OMG! I forgot Axel and Roxas! I love them too ^ ^ I'l have 4 guys then =P lol! They can.... I don't know.... talk to me? In my miiiind ^ ^
PSSS Okay guys.... Sora, Riku, Axel or Roxas? Pick ur fav =P
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A "Getting to Know You" Survey | The Basics | Name:: | Hailee | Birthdate:: | April 16th 1993 | Birthplace:: | Ummm I don't remember... Somewhere in MA | Current Location:: | In my TV room =P | Eye Color:: | Green | Hair Color:: | Brown with blonde highlights | Height:: | 5' 1'' and a half..... | Your webpage:: | Ummm the otaku? | Are you taken?: | Kind of.... But not really. | Are you a virgin?: | Not for long ^_~ | How many & what kind of pets do you have?: | I have 4 dogs and 4 birds | What's your job?: | I work with my mom and do stuff to help people out. I'm a student too. | What's your Dream Job?: | Ummmm zoologist, radiologist, writer, artist, mom and wife ^ ^ | Who is your best friend?: | Ummmm Dana, Sarah, Olivia, Emily, Yanni and Jazz | What instruments do you play?: | Ummm clarinet, drums, and i play the violin and keyboard and guitar badly XD | What are your hobbies?: | reading, writing, drawing, singing in the shower, playing sports, ogling wicked hot emo boys XD, Talking with my friends, thinking about Jazz... and many others. | What are your goals?: | to be rich and smart, to go to Boston University, get a P.H.D, get married and have kids, and to be happy and successful and slightly famous ^_~ and to own lots of anime porn | Would you ever sky dive or bungee jump?: | Yeah ^ ^ I'd be scared shit-less but yeah ^ ^ | What kind of books and/or magazines do you read?: | Manga, romance.... vampire books =P Only good ones though.... And music magazines. And books that are relatively dark. | How would do describe yourself?: | ... Unique..... and unattractive lol | What is a topic you wish you knew more about?: | ........... Porn........ | What do you daydream about?: | Jazz..... My ex... and beating that cheating jerk senseless..... ummm being rich and happy.... Getting revenge on all the stupid preppies..... But mostly Jazz..... | What are your religious/spiritual beliefs?: | I belive in God and stuff.... just not everything. | List 3 Things You Would Change About Yourself: | One:: | My body (EWWWWW) | Two:: | My smile | Three:: | And to make my already clear skin even more clear XD | Either / Or | Shy or Outgoing?: | Both. Depends on the cituation | Spender or Saver?: | Oh. Spender most definately. But I save when I have to. | Truth or Dare?: | Dare. But truth is good too. | Books or Movies?: | Books. Movies sometimes. | Romantic Comedy or Action Adventure?: | Romantic Comedy. Action movies are soooo dull. | Cats or Dogs?: | Dogs of course. I don't like cats at all. | Mountain or Beach?: | Both =P | Sweet or Salty?: | Sweet | Do You... | Smoke?: | No. | Drink?: | Sometimes. Only wine or milk shake things. And I only stick my finger in. | Get annoyed easily?: | Yes... Unfortunetly. | Like to travel?: | Yep ^ ^ | Like to drive fast?: | Sometimes. | Sing well?: | I don't think so but some people do.... | Want kids?: | YES! ^ ^ 4 or 5 | -----What would you name a boy?: | Edward. Cause it's awesome lol Edward Cullen ----- Whatever the last name is... | -----What would you name a girl?: | Ummm.... Morgan ^ ^ Cause it's tom boyish | Have You Ever... | Performed on stage? In what?: | Yeah. A gay school play. | Been in a car accident?: | Not that I can remember | Been out of the country? Where?: | Yeah... mostly tropical places. | What Is... | The last CD you bought?: | Linkin Park: Minutes To Midnight | The last movie you saw in the theater?: | Ummmm.... Shrek 3 | The last movie you rented?: | God.... I don't remember. We never rent movies. | Your greatest fear?: | Losing my special someone.... Or my parents finding out we're still in contact.... or finding out he's not really who he says he is..... | Your greatest strength?: | The people who are precious to me. | Your greatest weakness?: | Same XD I almost died when my boyfriend and I broke up.... Sigh | Your happiest memory?: | Gosh..... When James and I first started dating ^ ^ And all the times me and Jazz goofed around. | Your Favorite... | Movie:: | Bruce Almight.... NIghtmare Before Christmas.... Anything with Adam Sandler or Jm Carrey... Shrek 1, 2, 3, SPIDER MAN 3! Harry Potter.... Meet the Parents... Meet the Fockers | TV Show:: | Ummm Naruto? FMA, Trinity Blood, American Idol, America's Got Talent.... | Actor:: | Adam Sandler, Jim Carrey, Tom Felton ^ ^ Ben Stiller | Actress:: | Drew Barrymore, Angelina Jolie | Food:: | It differs... I like ice cream.. pickles... buffolo (sp?) wings... eggs... chinese food. bbq chicken pizza... candy... lolipops, strawberries, whipped cream ^ ^ | Drink:: | CHOCOLATE MILK SHAKES! YAY!!!!! | Color:: | Red, blue, and black are my favs... But I like brown and sometimes pink | Scent:: | Jazz..... roses, bownies and cookies in the oven.... steak on the grill, summer, winter.... Beau's axe deoderant XD the ocean, Six Flags and Canobie Lake Park... | Season & WHY:: | Summer. Cause NO SCHOOL stupid! | Day of the week & WHY:: | Friday and Saturday, Cause i actually get to leave my house. | Store:: | Hot Topic ^ ^ and Border's | Quote:: | "TELEPORTATION! NOW!!!!" ~Jazz | What Do You Think About... | Abortion:: | Ew. Hell no. | Homosexuality:: | Yep ^ ^ I loves it ^ ^ Yay for YAOI! | God:: | Yep ^ ^ | Jesus:: | Yep ^ ^ | Satan:: | Yep T^T he's my 3rd cousin-in-law 3 times removed ^ ^ JK JK JK | Heaven:: | Yes ^ ^ but it ain't heaven if Jazz ain't there... and it sure as HELL ain't heaven if there's no sex. | Hell:: | Yes... but only evil people go there... | Miracles:: | Yes ^ ^ the miracle that is babies ^ ^ And Jazz =P | Astrology:: | Yeah kind of. But not really.... It's really cool to read up on though ^ ^ | War:: | Yeah it's nessacary sometimes. Cause some retards like terrorists have their stupid radical head shouved too far up their ass to actually listen when you try to use reason. | Ghosts:: | Yep ^ ^ | Reincarnation:: | ummm i'm not sure. maybe? | Karma:: | I guess. | Luck:: | Yeah lol and I have none XD | Aliens:: | Totally. | Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
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