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myOtaku.com: HaileeofTheSand

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

   Happy Halloween
So yeh. Been a while since my last post.
I find the otaku to be rather tedious and boring as of late.
Ever since Jazz stopped using it. it's like... Blah. It was awesome back then tho.
I did a horrible wrong to jazz. After we broke, a got with another guy.
It's not that I don't love Jazz. I do. To death. I'd do anything in the world for him.
It's just like, I dunno, my rents and all. And then just a lot of bad history. And I missed him so much.
It was hard. Then my dad made us break up. I needed someone you know? And I still love jazz.
I'll never stop loving him. That's why we promised to try again, when he was with me up here and I was old enough.
I'll always love him and look to him for support. Not one second will pass that I won't.
I just hope he realizes that.

Anyways. On to a happy topic.

Halloween was good. If you want to know ALL the details PM me.
I don't plan on talking about it all on here.
There's some people I don't want reading it.
But if your on my friends list then obviously I like you.
Anyways. Yeah. Life is pretty good. Except
Jazz. And this fucking random chick I don't even know.
I wanted to wait to tell Jazz about Xavier
Because I knew that when my dad made us break up,
He was hurting really bad and so was I.
I didn't want to hurt him anymore then he already was.
That's not fair and he doesn't deserve that.
But this random chick has the nerve to start talking with him because he's "hot"
Oh yeah, this chick has a BF by the way (whore right?)
So then she tells him all about me and Xavier.
I was waiting until Jazz was better to tell him.
I didn't want him to be hurt. I wanted him to find someone too.
Even tho, I plan on us trying again.
I want him to be happy.
Fuck my happiness.
As long as that boy has a smile on his face, I'm fine.
But this bitch. Oooooh.
That burns me up.
She'll get it back one day tho.
And when she does, I'm going to,

Happy Halloween you guys.
That I'm late.

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