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Member Since
Making it through 14 years of school
Anime Fan Since
Since I was a toddler (though I didn't know it yet ;))
Favorite Anime
DB/Z, InuYasha, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Tenchi, Naruto
Travel the world, draw more often
drawing, shopping, collecting, music/ band, anime/ manga, learning about Japan
Being nice =D

Welcome! n_n/
I had two goals in mind when joining The Otaku. The first was to improve my artwork (through emulating other otaku artists and getting their advice and opinions), and the second was to meet some new people who share my interest in the art of Japanese animation and manga.
So if you are reading this right now and have not already done so, please sign my guestbook and vote for my art! ;)
Arigato. *^_^*
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Hey Hey! Remember me?? I doubt it. But that's alright. Maybe I'll make some new friends. ^_~
I *finaly* uploaded some new fanart. I hadn't realized it, but it's been over a year since the last time. Dang. Time goes by fast. .. Well, a lot sure has happened in that time, but I won't punish whoever is reading this by going on about it. =P What I would like to say though, is thanks for visiting my site, and please take a look at my latest art!
Actually, 2 of the pics are a few months old already, but the Chobits one was just done 2 weeks ago. I have a lot more drawings too, but many of them are unfinished. Hopefully I will soon be in the mood to finish them up and scan them in. Okay.. later!
Oh, I'd also like to thank all the other fanartists submitting their work. I have really enjoyed looking at random pieces the past couple days. That's what motivated me to send mine in too. Arigatou! ^^
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Thursday, January 13, 2005
This place *seems* familiar...
Ok, so obviously I've failed to return as a regular visitor to theOtaku. I've failed to post that new picture I was talking about. But I did not fail to work on some new drawings. I've done a couple :S. Now I just need to post them- that shouldn't be hard, right? I wonder how much longer that will take me. Hmmm...
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Saturday, September 11, 2004
...I remember this place...
Oh my gosh, it's been forever since I've updated, or even visited theotaku, to be honest. So much has been going on. I've started college, moved, and continued to work 2 jobs. Whew, I'm busy! But I miss drawing. I think that pretty soon my desire to draw will overpower my obligation to accomplish my daily responsibilities. I want to draw something pretty to put up in my new room. :) So maybe you'll see something from me in the next couple weeks.
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Featured Quiz Result:
Eww, this must be the worst one. >=P
Ya know, this is the only result I've ever seen anyone post. Suspicious. Oh well, I like the picture. :)
 You have an intense kiss! You and your partner connect when you kiss and you forget about the rest of the world. Hey, call me!!! ^_~
What anime kiss are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Miroku?! Oh heck no... ;P
 Your soul mate is Miroku. He's tall, dark, and definitely handsome, so not a bad choice at all. True, he may have wandering hands and eyes...and yes, he is a little overly flirtatious...but that's not really so bad, is it? You know why? Cuz when push comes to shove, he's totally loyal and endlessly brave. He'll sweep you off your feet and (after he's copped a feel or two and asked you to bear his child) carry you away into a dreamy world for just the two of you. And hey, if he acts up, just whomp him upside the head with a giant boomerang a few times. He'll get the picture. ^_~
Who's Your Inuyasha Soul Mate? (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla