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Making it through 14 years of school
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Since I was a toddler (though I didn't know it yet ;))
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DB/Z, InuYasha, Cowboy Bebop, FLCL, Tenchi, Naruto
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Thursday, June 24, 2004
Fan art down?!
Dang, how can the fanart section be down (no new submissions)? That sucks. It also sucks that the Rei picture I submitted last night/ this morning has dissapeared along with all the other recent submissions. I wouldn't really care, but I already had a good number of votes and comments on it. :( Maybe they will be able to salvage all the lost art with their comments and votes intact(though I doubt it). I'll probably just have to re-submit my pic.
Well, I didn't do any drawings today. I might still start one though. I'm thinking of another Naruto one, or maybe an Evangelion. I dunno. I'm kind of afraid to start tonight because I can see myself staying up until I finish (into the wee hours of the night), which would be totally fine except that I have to wake up early tomorrow. We'll see.
Oh, so I figured out how to add images to my profile! Yay! Since there's no new fanart to look at I'm going to be experimenting with my site. I like it how it is now, but change is always nice.
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Another submission
So, I just submitted another fanart. This one is of Rei from Evangelion. I think it turned out really well, so I'm happy about that. It's weird though because I've never seen the anime (or read the manga for that matter). It's been at the very top of my list of must-see anime for the longest time. It seems like a very good, interesting series. I never read/hear anything bad about it. I just haven't wanted (or been able) to spend the money to buy it (I want to just get the whole series at once- it will save time and money in the long run). But I got graduation money, so maybe now's the time.
I also finished drawing an Inuyasha picture. But I'm going to wait until I get my new colored pencils to color it. And I don't want to post the black and white version... it looks too plain. Besides, it bugs me when I look at someone's fanart section and there are tons of duplicates (ie. "Angry Rei pencil draft", "Angry Rei in ink", "Angry Rei colored", "Angry Rei CG color", etc. ;P). So, I'm trying not to do that too much myself. (Btw, I'm not refering to anyone in particular. And I don't mean to complain, that's just my preference :).)
Anyway, I started my Rei drawing at like 12am, and haven't been to sleep yet, so... you know where I'm going now.
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
What the...!? (
Dang, my piccolo fanart is now rated at 38%. That's such an awful rating. It's really not that bad a picture. Do people have something against Piccolo or what? And the thing is, there isn't one comment, so I don't know what the reason is for voters not liking it. :( It's not like I'm upset about this or anything, it's just curiousity. I'm still thankful to all my voters! ^^
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Yada Yada Yada
Okay, so today I drew and submitted 2 fanart pictures. They didn't take long at all to draw (plus I didn't color them) and then when I submitted them they were instantly posted. It's awesome that we don't have to wait 24-48 hours anymore. Both pics are from Naruto, so if you're a fan, check them out. :)
I really enjoyed drawing Naruto characters. I used to subscribe to Shonen Jump and Naruto was always what I read first. It's a great Manga so if you haven't read it yet (or watched the anime) I highly recommend you do.
Hmmm, what should I draw next? I think it's about time for another Inuyasha drawing. Yes. That sounds right. But I won't color it. I ordered some new watercolor color pencils yesterday and I'm waiting for them to come. That's why I didn't color my Naruto pics yet.
Thanks to all who've commented or voted for my 2 latest pics. If you haven't then you should! ^_~
Wow, I did not mean to write so much- especially when I didn't really have anything to say. Sorry about that. =P
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Sunday, June 20, 2004
it's good to be back
Today I started and finished my first fanart in a looong time. It was quite enjoyable ;), and it didn't even take that long. It's of the Japanese singer Utada Hikaru. I wouldn't think to submit it here since it's drawn in a realistic style and is not anime, but before my absence I saw a few realistic pics of J-artists here, so I figured it was ok. That's when I got the idea to draw the Hikaru pic. But when I went to submit it today I noticed that there's a new paragraph saying not to submit art that doesn't fit within any of the established categories (Which I completely agree with... I even made a suggestion of it on the boards.). So, I guess I'll have to wait and see if an appropriate category is created. Oh well.
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Friday, June 18, 2004
I'm Back
Long time no see! Wow, so much has happened since last time I posted. I haven't had a chance to even visit this site for weeks.
Well, I just got home from a week long trip with my friends, so I'm exhausted. I haven't had a chance to draw anything either. But I still intend to use the idea I mentioned last post (or the one before, I don't remember) for my next drawing which I'll probably start within the next few days. I think it's gonna take a while to finish, but hopefully it'll be posted by the end of next week.
I haven't looked at the fanart section of theOtaku yet, but I'm looking forward to catching up on all the new artwork. I'll be sure to vote and comment.
If you're reading this right now- thanks! I'm really afraid I've lost all my post-readers/ fanart-voters since I haven't been maintaining my site. I promise to keep this thing updated at least 3 times a week from now on! And if I'm really good, I might be able to get about a fanart a week submitted. At the very least, I'll view lots of other fanarts and vote and comment on them.
Alright... I'm going to sleep!
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Saturday, May 1, 2004
So, I submitted my Tenchi Muyo fanart this (actually Friday) morning, but no new fanart has been posted since then, so tomorrow I guess.
Last night I got a new idea for a drawing. I was really excited to start working on it today, but friends called and well- I've been gone all day and just got back now. I had lots of fun, but it kinda sucks that I couldn't work on my drawing. :(
[The following paragraph is basically just me sorting out some of my plans for the next 6 weeks. I doubt you'll care, so I recommend you skip to the following paragraph. Thanks! ^_^]
I'll be gone all this weekend then I have school and work and homework all week, then next weekend I have to go shopping for all my prom stuff, then I have school/work/homework, then I have prom, then it's back to school for a week. Then it will be the last weekend before a huge group project (which none of us have started working on yet) is due in one of my honors classes. Then it's back to school again. +_+ After that I may be lucky enough to have a weekend when I can do some art work. Oh, who am I kidding? That's toward the end of the school year (always a busy time, especially this year with graduation), so I seriously doubt that. Then it's my B-day, and the senior trip. [If you actually read that, I apologize. But hey, can't say I didn't warn ya'! =P ]
Good Lord, I have a lot to do. *Sigh* Well, I have done more drawing in the past 1 or 2 months than I have in a long time so that'll make up for it a little I suppose. -_-
Anyway. I haven't forgotten about adding some images to my site. I got some instruction on how to do it, but it still seems complicated. I'm sure I can expect approximately an hours worth of trial and error there. XZ Plus, I want to make sure I pick out some pleasing images and arrange them attractively. ^_~ But that takes time... which, as of today, I no longer have. But I will get back to it.
I don't know when I'll update again. If you don't see anything new from me for a while you know that I may actually be taking care of my responsibilities. If you do see evidence of my presence you should tell me to go away and stop procrastinating! >:P Tell me to read that list I made of very important things I need to do. ...One of which is to get some sleep. I've got to wake up early tomorrow....
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Friday, April 30, 2004
Hey look! I'm on the top 10 rated artists list again! Yay! That's a great honor, but I won't go nuts over it again this time. o^_^o But I would like to re-thank everyone who has voted for my art!
I'm almost done (it should only take me about 10 more mins) with another pic. It's of Kiyone of Tenchi Muyo. I'll submitt it tonight or tomorrow.
Oh- could someone please tell me how to add images to my site? I thought I knew how to do it, but when I actually tried, it wouldn't work. I'd really appriciate some help! :)
Au revoir!
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Wednesday, April 28, 2004
Well both my pics are posted now (I'm surprised about my Inuyasha one- it's only been a few hours since I submitted it). Check 'em out if you haven't yet. Looking at comments about the Inu pic I have come to realize that some people here don't like Kikyo.:P Well, don't worry Kikyo-haters, I'm not a big fan of her either. Just because I drew her doesn't mean I like her. But still- try to keep an open mind. ^_~
I'm going to try to get one more picture done before Friday. I have no idea what I'll draw, but I'm looking forward to it. I'm really thankful I found this site. Seeing all your guys' [and gals'of course ^_^] art work, getting feedback on my pictures, and having the opportunity to share them has really inspired and motivated me to draw a lot more. n_n
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Tuesday, April 27, 2004
I just submitted a new Inuyasha pic. (See my last post to read my spiel about how much I like it. haha.) My FLCL fanart should be up very soon too. So, keep an eye out for those! O_~ (<-- an eye is out; get it?)
This week is testing week for the underclassmen at my school and the seniors have meetings and stuff that only last an hour or two a day. That's why I've been having time to draw and update. So, to those of you who read my posts and look at my fanart (Bless you!)- enjoy it while it lasts! :-P
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