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Thursday, March 3, 2005

Grarg! It's been a while...I ould rant and rave about my pitiful existance and my constantly failing attempts to make any money, but I'm too tired and too sick. I'll just say that I have apparently been recruited to join Nero (I don't know if that's how it's spelled, but it's how it sounds). It's like Dungeons & Dragons, only rather than speaking for your character, you run around and act the part of your character, all while hitting others with padded plumbing supplies. w00t. arrowed! MSG'd. Oh, wait, you need money for Nero too...shit...
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Happy (extremely late) New Year! Woot. It is now the time for individual study units. The terms ISU and Evil are also acceptable names. Anyways, I'm supposed to be working on a career portfolio "Carrières: Portfolio Électronique", but I'm not. Actually, I have no intention over ever truly finishing this project. I know, I'm a horrible student who deserves to suffer a macabre demise at the hands of a photostatic copier. The sad thing is, I will most likely receive one of the highedt marks in the class. Apparently half-assed jobs done by a raging procrastinator are worth more than the blood, sweat, and tears of all the hard-working overachievers in my class. Kinda makes you wonder what else is corrupt in the world of 2005 *cough*the government*cough*.
Forget about New Year resolutions, they don't work. How about trying mid-June resolutions next time. For anyone wondering: no, the tsunamis aren't the first signs of the apocalypse; and yes, George Bush is the Anti-Christ.
Here's to another year of poverty, famine, disease and death. Later.

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Saturday, December 11, 2004

Four-and-a-half more days of slavery, and then I shall be free! That's right, one week of school until my Christmas holidays begin. My school is known for it's large number of exchange students, and I wouldn't be surprised if a third of the student population didn't celebrate Christmas. It is for this reason that my friends and I are proposing a new holiday, a most wonderful of holidays, a holiday to end all holidays! MWAHAHAHAHAHA! **cough** Anyways, here it is. It is here. Behold, Christmaramakwanzaka! I know, you wish you celebrated Christmaramakwanzaka, and you can (although your parents and friends may think you're crazy)! What do we do during Christmaramakwanzaka? How should I know, my friends and I thought of the name, so our job is complete.
I must be off, shopping and such. Until later.

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Sunday, November 21, 2004

I saw a new animé today after a friend's birthday party. You must understand that I have no money to buy animé DVDs, and my computer hates me so it refuses to download anything from the internet, so when I went to this person's house and saw a rather large number of episodes from random animé, I was jumping for joy (literally). I viewed many a first episode, but after watching Gravitation, I had to watch the rest...so I did...until I had to go home in the middle of episode 8. It was so **insert your own expression of happiness/delight here**. Even though my friend lives a half hour away (biking, remember I'm poor), I will soon return to see the rest of the episodes. If you've seen the series and like it, woot. If you didn't like it, too bad. If you haven't seen it, please do. And if you're homophobic...I don't nessasarily recommend this particular animé for you... Oh well, Later!
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Thursday, November 18, 2004

I added a new picture the other day. It’s of Naruto, because shinobi are awesome.
I’m also trying to figure out how to get a clear background, so that the image I have of Dark and Daisuke can be seen, because they’re awesome too. So if any one can tell me the hex number to use for a transparent background, I’d really appreciate it.
On the lighter side of things, this Saturday I’m going to a friend’s house for her birthday party, and many hours of mindlessly watching animé. It shall be awesomeness (non-existent word. Don’t bother looking it up). Got to go to my evil English class, cuz I speking dee egnish goot!

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Friday, October 29, 2004

I’ve been really busy lately…an extra curricular every day, unforgiving slave drivers for teachers. It seems like the whole world is against me. I haven’t been able to see my friend Rama-san in weeks. Normally the weekend would be a time for relaxation and rest. This weekend is Halloween, however, and I am volunteering five hours on both Saturday and Sunday, so I won’t be resting at all. **weeps** Anyway… I hope everyone enjoys the holiday, and that if you chose to wear a costume, it strikes fear in the hearts of those under four. Later!
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Friday, September 24, 2004

My school library, which has a few good books, but is other wise poor, recently got two manga ; Lament of the Lamb vol. 1, which I just signed out, and Demon Diary vol. 2. Question. What would possess a person to get the second volume of a series? It clearly states ‘Volume 2’ on the cover and binding, yet rathre than clueing in and, maybe, getting the first book in a series, they get vol 1 of one and vol 2 of another! Mind you, vol 2 of Demon Diary has Mr. Tomato in it, making this whole post pointless…**sigh**
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Wednesday, August 18, 2004

I made this one!
Cool, yes?

What horrific, murdering creature are you?
Good or Evil
Favourite phrase
You are a Wendigo
Number of people you have murdered 25042
You kill because You need to cleanse the world of all that is made of pudding
You kill with your Impossibly large sword
What others think of you They aren't worried...as soon as the planets fall out of alignment, you'll be back to your old self again
This Quiz by halfbeast - Taken 2 Times.
New - COOL Dating Tips and Romance Advice!

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Saturday, August 7, 2004

In the theatrical production of Metamorphoses, King Midas (the dude with the golden touch)states that money is a good thing. Then why is the world against me making any!? I'm 15, and old enough to work in any grocery story or fastfood joint, yet every time I ask, my mother starts making excuses like; you're going to be working for the rest of your life, you're just going to waste the money, spend time doing school work instead,in our housing complex, if you make money then you have to pay rent too...
She doesn't seem to realize that there's more to me than just computer games and manga. Sure, I could buy those if I had a job, but that's not what I want...
- 1 electric guitar and mini amp cost $300+
- Weekly theatre program
cost $400 for the year
- Trip to New York in May plus spending money
cost $900
These are the things I want to be able to do, and allowance money won't cover even one of these. She promised to talk to me about a job this month, and yesterday she told me to do chores for 6 months and then we would talk about it again. I hate it. I'm not a little kid anymore. I don't want to have to rely on gift money, of begging my grandparents. The items listed above are the things I want to earn on my own, in the real world. It's like a rite of passage, yet she refuses me. I wish there was a way I could prove to her that I'm capable of hadling life...without having to wait until life has passed me by.

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Saturday, July 24, 2004

This is perfect for me...

If you were on a battlefield right now, versus everything...
Lover or a Fighter?
Fight for good or evil?
Battle Cry
Weapon of Choice Reliable six-shooter
Appearance Your Favourite Clothes, flying using telekenetic powers
Your Battle Cry... Is best left unsaid
Foes slain upon first strike: - 97%
What you fight Demons
You fight.... Because the voices in your head suggest you should
This cool quiz by Ferggs - Taken 35942 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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