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Friday, January 7, 2005
im soooooooooooooooo upset, every one thinks that me and my friend are "together" we're just frieken pals!!!!!!!!!!!! T_T. and besides, he's not the i one i even like!!!! the kid i like is waaay more hotter then my friend will ever be!!!! *drool*....what do i do?!?!?! do i stop talkin to him? do i ignore it. or should i beet up the people that say we like eachother???? *sob* please help...
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Thursday, January 6, 2005
jeez i haven't been here in LONG time!! well...a few days...BUT STILL! then again theres fricken school! maybe that's a reason. hmmmm. well keep it cool! *huggles*
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Sunday, January 2, 2005
yo! theirs this misserable girl with a site and no one is going on it. please go on her site. she's sooooooooooooooooooooooooo sad. her s/n is bbtheb235. and there is this other girl who has a cool site but no one will go on it. her name is darkestmemory35. please check um! thanx
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
DON'T CLICK THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
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Friday, December 31, 2004
a little sum sum i made
 congrats you are the night angel! your soul is so lonely. your depressed and have so many secrets not ready to be heard by human ears. you poor soul you.....
what kind angel are you? [girls only] with cool anime pics! brought to you by Quizilla
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i definately have sum dark in me
 You are a dark girl. You have a really quiet and really a i dont' care attitude. You like to be alone and that is what you enjoy. You don't like to be around others and you'd rather be away from here. You have a get away from me look and others find you bitchy and self-rigious. You'd rather read than be at a fair but that's ok because that's who you are.
Who are you inside????? (LOTS OF RESULTS)girls only brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, December 30, 2004
ok ok im goin to niagra falls in like 15 min but for now im bored......and bored and bored. did i ever tell u i get bored easily? well when i do i go a little retarded in the head. *hick up!!!!* hee! well i got 2 go take my stuffed turtle out (he hasnt takin a crap yet)
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Wednesday, December 29, 2004
omg i was talking to aino91 on aim and she said sumone was stalking her!! Im gunna ask her his s/n and well im gunna piss him off like u wouldn't beleive!!!!!
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im nakie? ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww...-_-' how embarrasing
 Reserved, quiet, wise and free spirited
You are a sprite of the Earth: You have a deep connection with the earth and all its creatures, preferring plants and animals to people you are quiet and reserved. You understand things on a different level and can often see straight through to a persons true intentions. You are mysterious to everyone even those in your family, they may live with you but that doesn't mean they 'know' the real you. Being inside the house for long periods of time can be torture, you crave the outdoors and love simply escaping up a tree or into the forest where you can be free. Although you may be smart you are easy to judge a person because you fear what they 'may' be going to do. You are wise in things that most overlook and you are very creative in many aspects like art, music, etc... Although try as they may to seek you, you are a free spirit. Just let them try to catch and put you in a cage.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Tuesday, December 28, 2004
realy weird how they know my
M | Mysterious | E | Emotional | G | Great | A | Appealing | N | Neat |
Name Acronym Generator From
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