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ScorsheoDragnGrl & KaViKtheSiLvRCaT
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Infront of mah computer sittin' in a spiny chair ^___^
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i'm a sudent at my skool, that good enough?
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Samantha Call me Kazra or Kionji, Kionji mainly plez! =]
ooooooooooo whats this -presses a button that reads, 'do not press'-
Anime Fan Since
forever i guess
Favorite Anime
Inuyasha and Naruto, Trigun and Saiyuki......
..become a voice actress
anime!!!drawing, singing...yeah...
drawin' singin'....etc...
| Halfdemonkazra
Sunday, April 4, 2004
oo quizzes!!
April 10th!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 You are Nytine!You watch over the indago star from evil purpose or anyone that trys to take it.Make sure noone get s that star or the Indago unicorns will fade!
Who are you in Unicorns of Balinor? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Kurama. Deadly and evil untill you were assasinated, and your soul moved into an unborn babe. Now, after your mother risked her life for you, you are quiet intelegent,and gentle, when not battleing.
Da Yu Yu Hakusho Caracter Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
 You're in Gryffindor!
Harry Potter:: Which House Calls You? - with pictures! (for girls) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are an Inu Yasha master! You know everything there is to know about the show. ^_^ I applaud you.
Inu Yasha Quiz (HARD) brought to you by Quizilla
 you are Allen Shazar:
you remind me of a prince...but you are really a knight with with manners fit for a king.....I like you a bit... but I like van better though you can be were one of few people who welcomed hitomi don't hate van, but you don't really seem to like him THAT gave hitomi a bad rap at the start
and I didn't like that too much...and you get in the way of hitomi and van.....but in all honesty u r the voice of reason. u have a dark secret which also causes a lot of problems....
My "What Escaflowne character are you?"Quiz (Please vote) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Trunks. I dont know why everyone likes him. I only like his sword. Swords own all. Except for Vegeta. Vegeta owns all!!!
The Best Dragonball Z Quiz-Who are U?(plz rate) brought to you by Quizilla
 Vash the Sampede when it comes to death he cries but he goes crazy over doughnuts. He's an outlaw that is an all around good guy.
What Trigun character are you?(w/pics) brought to you by Quizilla
You are either Ivan or Sheba, depending on whether you are a male or a female. You are the rarest and most unusual of Adepts. You have the Psyenergy of Wind. You r traits include inteelect, calmness, and friendshipness. Ivan was given to the merchant Hammet to be riased, although Ivan had been put in a prophecy that he would save the world. Sheba fell from the sky into the town of Lalivero. However, neither of them could use their future predicting abilities to see what came next. High atop VEnus LIghthouse, Ivan surrenders the Shaman's Rod, a rod that was given to Ivan to protect from Lord Hammet, to Felix in exchange for Sheaba's safety, for Sheba had been taken against her will. Ivan is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOTTTTTT!!!!!!!!! Congratulations to the brainiacs!
Which Golden Sun Character are U? brought to you by Quizilla
"There is no one who does not carry scars on his heart. if there was someone in the world like that, he would be a shallow soul." You are sympathetic and understanding to all, even if you don't like them. You appreciate that everyone has their own struggle in life, including baka ningens like Kuwabara (j/k, I like him) and the "bad guys." Very insightful, very deep.
Which Hiei quote from Yu Yu Hakusho do you relate to? brought to you by Quizilla
 congratulations!you are most likely to be with sesshoumaru!A.K.A fluffy!^^ hes silent and mysterious almost all the time but once you start working his cold heart into a warm one he'll be the ideal guy for you.^.~
which inuyasha right for you?(for girls only and,it includes nice pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 OH MY GOD!!!YOU PASSED!!!You got most of them or all of them right. You rock. Your a true Inuyasha fan.^-^You probly know more like me,but I didn't wont to make the quiz to long.Please rate and message me if you want.Thanks.^-^
!!!!THE ULTAMITE INUYASHA IQ QUIZ!!!!!You think you no more then me?Final finished. brought to you by Quizilla
 Wow..I don't believe it! He actually loves you! trust me! This is very rare!!! Aint he sexy?!
Date with Sesshoumaru please!!!#ONE(with pictures!!!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
uh.......... umm..... -shifty eyes-...........
 Sesshoumaru loves you!! Awww! how sweet! You must of showed him how sweet people can sometimes be!!
Date with Sesshoumaru please!!!#TWO(WITH DIFFERENT PICTURES!) brought to you by Quizilla
 He still loves you yay! go you!
Date with Sesshoumaru please!!!#THREE(read memo!w/pics!) brought to you by Quizilla
 He just wants to be friends..he might have changed his mind about you..he just wants to be friends right now..he can still love you(again)...or he will just kill ya..0o
Date with Sesshoumaru please!!#FOUR!!(w/pics. ^ ^) brought to you by Quizilla
noooo there goes mah winning streak..-is depressed-...
 Sesshoumaru loves you!! Awww! how sweet! You must of showed him how sweet people can sometimes be!!
Date with Sesshoumaru please!!#FIVE(w/pics) brought to you by Quizilla
YAY! ooo.. is that pic apopriate?? I dunno if it is or not...SO DONT GET ME IN TROUBLE CAUSE IVE GOT NO CLUE! ^____________^
oooooooooooooooooooo more sesshomaru date quizzes.
Miroku: HEY! Ehy dont you take some date me quizzes!?
Me: Because...Um..I dunno why. I guess because I mainly find Sesshomaru date quizzes.
Miroku: Oh....-sad-
me: Dont worry ill look for one ^__^
Miroku: YAY!-jumps up and down-
Me: -slowly backs away- miroku..your scaring me...
miroku: Oh..srry -stops-
 He would totally go with you!! He thinks your so hot.. even though you are a human... He would evin consider marrying you!! Im so proud of you!!!!
What does Sesshoumaru think of you after you first meet? brought to you by Quizilla
 He is head over heels in love with you!! Every waking hour, he thinks of you. He wants to marry you, and hopes you feel the same way about him.
Sesshoumaru *part 2* (Animie pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 He loves you sooooooo much. Unfortunatly, hes mine, but i guess i could share, for now!!!! He would ask you to marry him, if we wernt together!!!!! lol
How would Sesshoumaru react to you ~part 4~ brought to you by Quizilla
 He loves you and wants you to marry him. 'nuf said right??
Sesshoumaru *part 4* (really this time lol) brought to you by Quizilla
 Sesshoumaru wants to marry you!! he no longer cares that you are a human or that you don't even have any demon in you!! He loves your sence of individuality, Independance, and most of all, he loves you for you!! He wouldn't care if you were the sweet school girl or the gothic person everyone is afraid of at school.... he really loves you!!!!!
Sesshoumaru *part 5* (animie pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 I have to narrow it down..... and you ........... MADE THE FINALS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol Im sorry, im really bored!!!!!!but anyway congrats!!*claps hands happily* the new pass is: Sessie
Sesshoumaru *part 7* (pass needed!!! pics!!!) brought to you by Quizilla
 He loves you!!! He loves everything about you and would never want to change anything about you!! YAY!!!!!!
Sesshoumaru *part 8* (last one with password!!new pics!!) brought to you by Quizilla
Me: Ooo yet another happy ending so far! ^____^ YAY!
Miroku:-is depressed-
Me: -looks at Miroku- whats wrong?"
Miroku looks at me still depressed.
Me-sighes- what ever... ANYWHO, These quizzes are really interestiong to take, ya know. lol =] i think ill stops so i dont depress purple monkey over there any more
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