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myOtaku.com: Halkatla

My Avatar

Hello... ^^
So.... You've entered my site... I should be polite and welcome you... But I'm not, so I won't! XD

I'll only say this once (okay, maybe twice) my background image and my avatar is made by (good guess!) ME!!! And anyone who steals any of it will be grilled like a freaking marshmallow and then I'll throw you to my sister's hamster!!!!!!!! >________<
Get the point? Good ^^

As you might have noticed I'm quite patient and calm.... Until you do something that freaks me out or makes me mad... -___-;; But otherwise I tend to be quite shy... ^^;;;;; (No, I'm not schizophrenic... -__-;; )

Anyway... If there's something you want to know, PM me... ^^ And if you want to, sign my guestbook while you're here... ^^

98% of the teenage population does or has tried smoking pot. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't copy & paste this into your profile.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

   Valentine's Day
Happy Valentine's Day all of you! ^^
Just a regular day at school I guess... No one to give chocolate... No one gave me a card or anything... >__< I'm starting to see why I dislike Valentine's Day slightly.. -__-;;

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Saturday, November 26, 2005

Things are a bit chaotic at my house right now... My sister has to choose between two guys, and she doesn't know what to do... She's really depressed, and I don't like that... I'm crying because I'm worried about her and because she's sad. I hate it when she's sad, because it makes me sad too... Right now my eyes are stinging because I've been crying so much.. ^^;;
I really hope things will be allright soon...

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Monday, November 14, 2005

I watched the movie "Moonchild" last night... A movie starring Gackt and Hyde... And I cried my freaking eyes out! TT___TT It was so sad!! The first half of the movie made me laugh until I almost cried, and teh second half was just so sad!!
And that song Gackt and Hyde are singing in the end is just so sad and wonderful! I love it!! Orenji no Taiyou.... *sigh*

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