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Saturday, February 3, 2007
im ill....
Yeah I feel pretty bad. One of the risks of going to Uni I suppose, lots of people living together all the time, it only takes one person to catch something and pretty soon the whole campus has got it...
Its 6am now, and ive been up since 2:30am T_T its like someone is messing with my internal thermostat, turning it up to max then switching it right off. Luckly this cold medicine deals with the fever, but it packs a hefty punch of caffine too, not that I was sleeping much anyway.
Although I managed to get a few hours sleep yesterday afternoon, until some swine rang the doorbell and ran off T_T
So I havnt been drawing much im afraid, havnt been doing much of anything, ive been watching daytime TV for pitys sake!
Well thats about all for now, hopefully il be better soon.
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Tuesday, January 16, 2007
New art
Finally posted some new art ^_^ its a picture of Necromancer character on guild wars.
Well if you guys get chance please go take a look see ^_^
Take care all!
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Sunday, December 31, 2006
Hi all ^_^
Well just a quick note to say hope you all had a very merry Christmas and have a happy new year ^_^
I had a good Christmas visiting family and such, ate too much hehe.
I also had some lovely presents, some nice new clothes and a watch and some video games and lots of other stuff aswell.
Well have fun all ^_^
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
A last minute reprive
Sorry I havnt been on in sooo long, been doing an absolute TON of coursework. And it was looking like I would be spending all weekend doing an extended essay (3000-4000 words) for monday....
But, would you beleive the entire network went down at Uni, no email, no network drives, zippo. So since all the coursework has to be scanned into the network when it gets handed in all deadlines have been put back till January ^_^ YES!!!!
Still going to be a busy week though, had a business test this morning which didnt go too bad. And need to demo our database to the lecturer, then my software group wants to get our project done before Christmas. So yeah still pretty busy lol.
Take care all!
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Saturday, December 2, 2006
Hey all
Well its been a long time since I last posted hasnt it? Iv just been so mega busy trying to get all these assignments done. Basically been starting to work at 9 or 10am and not stoping till 11pm or midnight. And still not quite ther yet, still more to do...
But on the bright side I have found a job for my placment year :-D which is a big weight off my mind...
Sorry if I havnt been able to visit your site, hopefully will be able to soon!
But now I have to go start testing our database, yay.
Take care all!
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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Um, I cant think of a good title today lol
Well I have an electronics test fast approching that I do not feel anywhere close to ready for T_T so after this im going to have to do some revision.
Went to see that new James Bond film (the remake of casino royale) on friday. I have to say I was realy very impressed.
I wont spoil the story line but if you do want to know absolutly nothing about it, skip the next paragraph.
Wow, you must trust me, or not care lol. Either way I thought it was a really good film, much improved on the last one. Hes certainly a much colder, more rugged James Bond and alot of the camp elements are gone, along with alot of the crazy gadgets. But all the same it was genuinly funny in places, there arnt many films (even comedies) that iv seen make a whole cinema laugh like this one did, in a whitty way, no puns here. But on the other hand I dont think it should have been given a 12A rating (for anybody not in the UK, 12A means a child under 12 can go to see it as long as they have an adult with them.) I tend to measure if I think a film should be 12A by asking myself, would I be happy to take my 10 year old sister to this film? And in this case it is a resounding no, there are some very adult scenes. And I dont just mean adult as in adult I mean violence too. But I dont think it was bad enough to get a 15, personally I dont think they should have gotten rid of the 12 rating. I think they should have kept both 12 and 12A, But I digress. Anyway, the action was spectacular and the storyline was very good aswell, twists and turns right up till the end.
Well that turned into a very long paragraph lol :-) Id better get back to revision. Take care all ^_^
ps I started to draw a picture, but the way things are looking I seriously doubt it will be finished before Christmas lol.
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Monday, November 13, 2006
Dodged a bullet, no pun intended
Well I managed to reach a compromise on the costume, I basically ditched the bandanna, face paint and the top (in favor of a black one) and wore a poppy. I think someone did complain to one of our group about the costumes but overall it was a good night.
But im still picking gold glitter spray out of my eyes, ears and everywhere else lol.
And now its back to uni work, need to revise for the test coming so, so probly off to do that now.
Take care all ^_^
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
Oh no, not tonight!
Well today is the 11th of the 11th, or rememberance day when the country pays respect to all the war dead. I was observing the 2 minutes silence this morning when it struck me, im supposed to be going out tonight, in fancy dress, as a soldier! (see earlier post). This seems ill advised at best, at worst flagrant dis respect to all the dead service men and woman... Of all the nights of the year, its coincidence it happens to be a saterday, but that means we'll run into rememberence sunday aswell.
Argh, what am I going to do? Am I thinking about this to much? I just don't know...
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Wednesday, November 8, 2006
looks like I lied....
In my last post I said things were getting quieter, looks like I lied lol. Software assignment in at the end of the week, test in 2 weeks, database needs to be done in 3 weeks, and another 3 assignments and another test sometime before Christmas. Lol its going to be a killer term....
To be fair I have made a start on some of the afor named assignments so should be ok, I hope.
Anyway, almost time to go to uni, so take care all ^_^
Also, I took a test to see if I am a nerd. it seems I am, but not a very good one, I feel like such a failure :-p

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Sunday, November 5, 2006
soldier, soldier
Well iv had a slightly quieter time of it of late, not so quiet that iv had any chance to draw though T_T which is a shame.
I have been invited to go out for somebodys birthday though which is always fun ^_^ also its fancy dress and the theme is the soldiers and the military. So I had a lot of fun yesterday at our local army surplus shop finding a costume. I have to say some of the stuff they sell in there was definatly bordering on the weird, like ex govt towels £1.50????? But in the end I did find a skirt which I never expected in a million years to fit but it did. And a T-shirt, unfortunatly all the T-shirts they stock are supposed to be loose fitting which wasnt exactly what I was after for a night out so I had to go into child sizes in the end.
I also managed to find a little gold pin saying R SIGNALS which I presume means Royal Signals so I bought that along with some camo paint and a matching bandana (lol). Then in another shop I found some little novelty dog tags, theyr ment to be a pair of those 'best friends' necklaces but give me 15 minutes and a pair of pliars and im sure I can make them into 1 ^_^
The my friend tried to get me to buy some camoflage design stilletos lol, but I cant walk in stilletos so I think il just stick with my boots for now.
And then we went over to my dads for fireworks, which was fun ^_^ we had some nice big ones too. We'r going over to my boyfriend's family tonight for more fireworks, so lots of fireworks, pretty ^_^
Anyways thats about all for now, take care ^_^
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