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student by day, gamer by night ^_^
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In the desert, you cant remember your name...
I built my own PC
Anime Fan Since
errr, as long as I can remember
Favorite Anime
at the moment kiddy grade, excel saga or chobits
To build an even more powerful PC ^_^ and finish uni
drawing, console games, computer games and generally tinkering with computers and listening to rock
I like to think I can draw a bit, and I can roll my tongue ^_^
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
what greek god/godess are you?
?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ?? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, April 11, 2005
Chobits was funny
I watched my chobits DVD and once you get over its brand of humour its really good. Theyve deviated from the manga abit but thats not too surprising.
For those of you out there who dont know, chobits is about an alternat version of the presant day where computers called persocoms have been made to look like people (mainly pretty girls, yeah a bit blokey fan service there but not enouth to make me switch off in disgust) The main characters are clueless Hideki (trying to get in to Tokyo university) and adorable Chi (the persocom he finds in the rubbish) Many adventures ensue.
But in the anime theyve made Hideki even more clueless and more of a pervert then he was in the manga. All in all it was pretty good, its an odd mix because its got some pretty adult humour and themes mixed in with some really cute/innocent artwork and stories, but id definatly recomend it. Heres hopeing the rest of seris doesnt dissapoint!
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Aww, but i wanted M&Ms ;-)
 discover what candy you are @ quiz me
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Friday, April 8, 2005
I just got chobits DVD 1!
Chobits are finally being realeased on regoin 2 DVD, I ordered it and it arived today :-) so ill watch that later. I really enjoyed the manga so hopefully this will be pretty good to.
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Another quiz I did, I found the link on Nikorasu's site
 You're a Fighter! You're often the leader in situations some other people can't understand. You're personality is a bit naive but at least you're kind and sweet. Nobody can really wish more for their leader. You're good at doing weapons with the stradgy of slash, slash, and slash.
What would you be in your fighting group? brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, April 4, 2005
back to college
well the easter hols are over and im back at college, half the class are missing but thats not too surprising. Easter was good, iv got enough chocolate to last me till next christmas :-) My bf gave me a game called suideken 4 but its really awful, i played it for a few hours, the graphics wernt gona win any prizes and the music wasnt my style but I could have over looked that. Unfortunatly the main character doesnt speak, ever (a pet hate of mine) and the supporting cast were bland or worse annoying. But what really got me was steering the damn ship! it was a real pain, all slow and cumbersum with a random battle every 3 seconds (literally) im sick of fighting sea weed! Anyway the story picked up a bit a few hours in but me thinks too little too late so were going to take it back (its within the 10 days warrenty) pity cuz it looked like a good game too.
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Monday, March 28, 2005
how strange
Hmm, the art rateings on this site seem to have messed up a bit, some of them seem to be going above 100% now i know some of the artwork here is really good but im sure its impossible to go above 100%.... Oh well.
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Some test I did, How evil are you?
 How evil are you?
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Mmm, im sleepy, I stayed up later then I ment to so I could finish inking a new picture. Kiddy Grade came thorugh and its sooo cool! Iv also got the expansion pack for Sims2 so ill be installing that tonight. Speaking of my computer iv got some great new speakers with a proper subwoofer for it now and they sound so much better then the cheapy shody came-free-with-the-case ones I had before.
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Damn i cant type to save my life
My last post didnt make much sense in places due to my amazing inability to type sometimes. but then even if id typed it properly it might not have made sense anyway, lol. Im to lazy to edit it so thats how its going to stay. Iv ordered Kiddy Grade vol.7 so that shud be at home when I get back, im looking forward to that.
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