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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
Im back!
Hi all! Well the move went off ok and wev just got the Internet put in :-) unfortunatly our new place still looks like a building site. The dry rot put back the work that was being done by about a week, but we'r getting there!
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Still moving soon, but not quite as soon
Well, we were gona move on saterday, but thats not looking possible now. They found dry rot in the floor of our new place T_T So now we'r moving the weekend after instead. Which is a bit of a pain but as long as we get there in the end....
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Sunday, January 22, 2006
Moving soon ^_^
Well its moving day soon, a week from now actually. Im really looking forward to us having our own place, we share at the moment. Dont get me wrong sharings fine, but itl still be nice to have a place of our own.
Although the whole thing has been a bit of a leap of faith really. Since the 1st time we saw the flat it still needed a bit doing to it, well a lot doing to it. Like floorboards, interior walls and doors, electrics, plumbing, ceilings, a kitchen, a bathroom, lights, painting and flooring....
But the people who are doing it are working really hard and im sure itl be done by the time we need to move in ^_^ Also it means that everything will be brand new. We even got to pick the colour of the paint. So im looking forward to that, even if the actual moving will be a bit hectic.
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Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Hi all!
Sorry, once again its been ages since I last posted hasnt it? Well its mainly due to my boyfriend and I having to find a new place to live. Wev have found somewhere though! But its not finished lol, but with any luck it will be finished in time for us to move in at the end of January.
Anyways, so other then that im back at uni. Wev had most of our results back from last term, mine wernt too bad if I do say so myself ^_^ . Now we have some different modules but some are the same. We have a 2 hour maths lecture at 9am on thursdays now, yeah soemone was having a joke when they timetabled that in.
Im going to scan in a couple of new pictures now so if you have chance please go see them ^_^
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Thursday, December 22, 2005
Im not dead, really!
Hi all, sorry iv been away for so long. University got really hectic right near the end of term what with tests and assignment hand ins and stuff. But now im off untill January 9th, woo hoo! So I finally get a holiday after a great long monster of a term, and what happens? I get a cold, I spent most of yesterday in bed T_T this was supposed to be my week for getting everything sorted before Christmas! Ah well, I geuss I was pretty much sorted anyway, but it still sucks, feeling better today though.
I even have some new stuff to post. I have begun the excavation of my scanner from under the pile of junk that has formed on top of it during this time of disuse. So ill scan it soon ^_^
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I really cant think of a good title today
Hi all ^_^
Thanks for the lovelly comments on my new art, its most apprieciated. In answer to Shireishuo's question I made the background useing the fill effects in paintshop pro 8. Theres loads of really pretty ones. The answer to Morbo86's question is pretty similar, I found a fill which is made up of green and yellow sploges and used it for the eyes, you cant tell where the differant bits of the pattern are going to go and often you have to use it like a paint to get all the bits filled.
Obviously, I didnt use fill effects for the whole thing. I dont know, Some people out there may think im 'cheating' by using fills. Im really not sure ^_^ but Iv been more or less teaching myself and its something iv found.
Im working on a coloured version of my goddess picture, its taking me a little longer then the other two but hopefully it'l look better too.
Work on that my have to be put on hold for a bit while I work on a birthday card for my boyfriend, but im not sure what to put on the front lol.
Well id love to stay and chat on all day but iv got to go get ready for uni. byebyes ^_^
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Saturday, November 19, 2005
Another coloured picture
Thanks for the advice guys, Iv just posted my 2nd attempt at CG. Its quite an old picture but I choose it to get some practice because im quite fond of it and because the line art is quite good. Hope you all like it ^_^
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Ebay scammers should go out and get a real job
Hi folks!
I almost got scammed on ebay yesterday, people who do that really annoy me. All that effort to steal other peoples money, why cant they channel it into something constructive? Theyr probably somewhere between totally bone-idle and selfish. Grrr, ok thats that out the way ^_^
On to better news, Iv posted another picture. It started out as a pencil sketch but that didnt seem like quite enough but I didnt want to ink it or colour it in with pencils. So I decided to try and CG it instead. This is really my first proper attempt to CG anything (I used paint shop pro 8). I was really tempted to shrink it down so you guys couldnt see my mistakes so well ^_~ but I decided against it. The picture itself isnt the most inspireing one iv ever done so it was more of a technical exercise really. But im still quite pleased with it.
Any tips on using CG or links to paintshop pro 8 tutorials would be very gratefully accepted.
Well thats about all for now, im going to go visit all my friends sites now, laters!
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Saturday, November 12, 2005
Some weirdness
Hi all, there was some weirdness going on last night with the site wasnt there? I managed to post my pixie picture twice. I posted it but when I clicked 'see your picture' it said an error had occured, your art is not longer here, and it wasnt. So I posted it again and ended up with 2! So I had a slightly narky email from the automatic moderation about double posting, im sorry guys! It was an accident. Anyways Wheem001, im just glad you all went to see my art, even if the site did screw up for a bit ^_^ but it seems to be fixed now.
Morbo86, what laptop are you thinking of getting? If you need some advice, I love prattleing on about computers ^_^
hmm, what to do today? maybe ill do some more drawing, im in a really arty mood at the moment. Im supposed to be meeting my friend today but when she rang me last night she sounded like she might have been the wrong side of a few too many tequilas. So I wont expect to hear from her till the afternoon lol.
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Friday, November 11, 2005
2 for the price of 1
Hiya all, I posted that peice today, its called 'fallen angel' its a bit of a weird one but it came out better then I expected.
Also I posted one I did today, called pesky pixie, remember kids, stay off the mushrooms ok? ^_~
I took my new laptop to uni today. Managed to get it connected to the university wireless during electronics (after accidentally connecting to some persons home network that was unsecured, eeeek, thats so illigel). Then I managed to get online aswell. I really should have been working on the electronics, but I just couldnt resist playing with my new toy lol.
Morbo86, when you say your laptop overheats do you mean it gets really hot then crashes? If so its probably the fan that cools the processor which is on its way out, or if theres a fan for cooling the other components that might be on the blink. I find that if im using my laptop while its plugged into the mains it seems to get really hot, so I prefer to run it off the battery then charge it up again. Although that probably not very good for the battery though lol. Of course thats not too good if you dont have much battery life, luckly I have 4 hours at maximum charge ^_^ Do you have a pentium 4 processor? They do tend to run quite hot, although the mobile ones arnt too bad. As for fixing it, laptops are tricky things to fix, finding the parts is a bit of a nightmare. Unless you have a Dell, they just get mass produced so the bit are fairly readily available. Im afraid I havnt had much experience with laptops as this is my first one ^_^. But messing around with the ram was pretty simple as my model has a little hatch on the underside so you can get access. Phew, i can really rattle on about computers, im such a geek lol ^_^
Anywat, hope that didnt bore you guys too much, take care!
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