Birthday 1990-08-21 Gender
Female Location When i find out i'll tell you Member Since 2004-12-19 Occupation Student Real Name C-L-A-I-R-E
Achievements God knows *points up* ask him Anime Fan Since 1996 Favorite Anime InuYasha!!! Goals To be the greatest animater to ever grace this earth!! (or a writer LOL) Hobbies Ps/Ps2 drawing, watching T.V Talents Drawing and Ps/Ps2 games Hanyou Baby
Just wanted to say thanks ^_^ i'm glad people come here^^
While you're here, why don't you have a look at my fanart or greetings? Or maybe sign the guestbook? LOL it's up to you really :D
Saturday, April 29, 2006
New artwork
Lots of new's been months since i was last here, tell me if i've improved k?
Dakness You dream of Darkness. You are somewhat dark and silent towards others. People treat you differently because they know nothing about. You might be a bit unhappy deep down too. You are usually alone and dont really show any emotions. You just bottle up your emotions but not the angered emotion. That's probably the one you mostly show to people. It's like you are lost in the darkness waiting for someone to get you, but gets shoved farther away from the people to get rescued.
You know, i'm sick of people critisizing my work because i copy. I mean, what do you expect? I don't have a great amount of natural talent, as that i can just draw something and it's fantastic. No i can't do that, i need practice if i'm ever going to be that good, and i copy to's not a freakin' CRIME people! If i was to copy something and then say that it was mine and i created it THAT would be bad, but i don't, i just copy. It really pisses me off when people say i trace, cause i don't...
I'm getting better at drawing from mind, and if my damn computer wouldn't be so picky i could show you them...i have added a new original peice, i think it's good, better than most of my original peices so wont be able to flame him and ay i copied, cause i created him.
It's my birthday today ^^ I'm 15 now! Hehe i'm so excited! I've got this giant choco cake to eat, oh and i got school tomorrow (the horror!) I can hardly sleep!
*cries* My rating's gone down alot *tear* I don't get it, i add a whole lot of crap (well not crap, but not my BEST work) and everyone just ignore them (which is okay IMO)
BUT!!! I add something that i worked UBER hard on and everyone voting bad on them, I can't do side views, that's probably the best i've done in ages! X| WHY?!
Okay maybe they suck, i don't know, i post them here for opinions. But they didn't even leave a comment! So if anybodies planning to vote bad on my work, please leave a comment saying WHY you don't like them uh?