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The Utility Muffin Research Kitchen
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Apartment manager, cop, serial killer, anime club president
Real Name
Gary Feldman
Dedicated entire life to Rumiko Takahashi series, killed self upon realizing the triviality of it all, rose from the grave to watch Nobuyuki Fukumoto shows
Anime Fan Since
1743 B.C.
Favorite Anime
Ranma 1/2, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, R.O.D, Black Lagoon, Black Jack, Cowboy Bebop, Urusei Yatsura, Lupin III, Hellsing, Maison Ikkoku, Kaiji, Akagi, Hokuto no Ken
Learn Hokuto Shinken, win a game of Mine Field Mahjong, make a good sandwich
Being a douche, playing vidya gaems
I suck at mahjong, but I can kinda draw and stuff
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 10/20/04:
That's a lot like me, odd, and to think I hate Kikyou, do I hate myself?! I dunno!
 You Are Kikyo: You're usually a very reserved person, and somewhat of a dreamer. You would give up a lot for the people you care about, but you try to think of the greater good. Thinking of things that could be instead of focusing on the present can sometimes make you withdrawn and downcast, but the friends that you do make are loyal - and your active imagination can lead to creative energy.
Which Female Inuyasha Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
Result Posted on 10/20/04:
That's a pretty good song and a great pic, poor Kurt, LOL!
Result Posted on 10/18/04:
I got her again!
Result Posted on 10/18/04:
I also made this quiz, God, I hope I don't die like that,RFLMAO!
Result Posted on 10/18/04:
All of this is true, give this quiz a try, i made it!
Result Posted on 10/18/04:
I pretty much half Dante, half Randal, but I really am a sarcastic movie nut!
Result Posted on 10/18/04:
I love Clerks, but sadly, in reality, I really am like Dante, I suck.
 You are Clerks. Unfortunatlly your easily manipulated into doing things you don't want to, and are persuaded easily by friends to do things you know you shouldn't. Ultimately...your life sucks ass.
What Kevin Smith Movie Are You? brought to you by Quizilla |
Result Posted on 10/17/04:
Freaky, I hope I don't die like that,
Result Posted on 10/17/04:
I was nicknamed Steve-Dave at a party this summer 'cause Tom acts like Walt the Fanboy and I do an awesome Bryan Johnson imitation!
Result Posted on 10/17/04:
Nicklaus is a character is was in a play a few years ago, but this result is AWESOME!
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