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myOtaku.com: Hardcore Otaku

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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Goku-chan (05/27/05)

hi nice site the background is nice aniwae im adding u as a friend hope u do the same too!! :)

amber rain (05/08/05)

hello there,
kick ass site! i love it the BG rox
stop by my site plz

Mina, sophia (05/07/05)

i love ur site its so cool!
stop by mines anytime k>
well bybye! later!

angel drifter (05/02/05)

hey, i like the BG on ur site, it matches the avi, that rocks! im gonna add ya as a friend too, hope to ttyl!

angel drifter

catak (05/01/05)

wow.i love your site.Espesially your background.come to my site and sign my gbook and ill add you as friend.bye

Miracle Shining (04/29/05)

Thank you for signing my Guestbook and welcoming me to Otaku.com! I really appreciate it! :D

SkyeRainOfSorrow (04/29/05)

heeey! your site raaaaawks! the bg kicks ass and i love your avi! the music is a little bad... but not really... but really. I STILL LIIKE IIIT! man... you know what? im in the mood for some ramen... im allways in the mood for ramen.. im ganna delete my site and make it.. ramen2good4u or... RAMENINMYEYE yeah! thats awesome! hold on! im ganna go kook some ramen! -leaves compuer to go get ramen-...-5minutes later- im back! ^^ this bowl of ramen is hot in my lap! -eats ramen- HOT HOT! -splashes in eye- AH AH! RAMEN IN MY EYE! RAMEN IN MY EYE! HELP MEEEE! -drops ramen- OH NOO! NOT MY CREAMY CHICKEN RAMEN! DAMN YOU! -steps on it and falls- ARRRRG! ALL I ASK IS A BOWL OF NICE AND YUMMY RAMEN! THATS AAAAALL! AND WHAT DO I GET? THIS? -sobs- this happends to me all the time.. -sigh- .... -gets my brother to clean up the mess- yes... i amke my bro do everything! MWA HA HA HA! AND NOW YOU WILL BE MY SLAVE ALSO! -gets chans and stuffs- >.< -ends up chaning self up- wha- YUKIIIIIIII HEEEEELP MEEEEEEEEEEE! WAAAAAAAA! -3 days later... is still weeping- why... why.... -rocks back and forth continuously- .... -chains rust and break- IM FREEEEEEEEE! -runs around in cirlces- WHEEEEEEEEEEE! -jumps off a cliff- awe..... -happens to land in a giant bowl of ramen- YAY! MY DREAMS HAVE COME TRUUUUE! -eats whole bowl and is fater than you can imagine- wheeee -rolls down a hill into prickly thingys and pops- KYAAAAAAA!!! -ends up back to my computer chair- nya..... T.T well uh.. that was fun.... heh... i uh... better get going.. before this ends up to be 15 pages long! -jumps in toilet- wheeeeeeee! -flushes self contuosly and goes round in cirlces-
heh! if you need any help just pm me okay?

-shuichi shindou-

San0sk3 (04/29/05)

HEy thanks for signing my GB. cool site!

akayuki (04/26/05)

Wooo, i love ya background! It's so cool haha. Thanks for hoppin by mine, adding ya as moi friend =).

Flueky (04/24/05)

cool site ^_^v happy late birthday to you. hehe, that's cool that we have the same b.day minus 2 years difference. anyways I'm gonna add you as a friend. take care

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