lostinthought (12/06/04)
Hi! You're background is awesome ^^ Um, I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend...
Equus (12/06/04)
I like your background. Take care. Be optomistic! Life often isn't as bad as it seems.
Riharu (12/06/04)
Wow, luv your site!! But I don't have much time to gawk, so see you later!
inu-neko-yasha (12/06/04)
Hullo!destinysweetman said you were sad so i came to try and make you happy!^^so i thought id sign your gb too!I hope you cheer up!:)
~Inu Chan
sailor firestar (12/06/04)
Hiya! Well, I just wanted to come by and visit b/c your Oni-chan is my Oni-chan (Alex that is...) and he said you were feeling down. I hope things will get better for you soon! You like Demon Ororon? I looove Demon Ororon! Have you read the whole thing? Well, come by my site sometime and if you want I will add you to my friends too, 'K?
swtanimechick (12/04/04)
Hi! Thanks so much for the PM and adding me as a friend! You're so nice! ^_^ Thanks for the birthday wishes! I'll add you as a friend too! ^_^ HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
marz (12/03/04)
hi, me likey the backy! it is really cool.well im going to add you as a friend!!!!k....and i would like it if you checked out my site too, but dont forget to sign my GB...please! ^-^bye
chiohchan (12/02/04)
I love your site! I Like the music also. :)
NaeNae (11/29/04)
*o* Ooooo! I noticed ur icon avi thingy....so ya DO like visiual kei rock! Sugoi!! Yay J-music! lol...anyway, nice page! Ja ne!!
zels hoseki (11/28/04)
awesome site, nice background!!! heh well i signed, come by my site some time!!