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myOtaku.com: Hardcore Otaku

Saturday, August 21, 2004

   Japanese 1-2
my friend is feeling a lot better now... which is good because usually when he is depressed it lasts for a few days... ^_^

i started japanese yesterday. it was pretty easy. i already knew everything for that day so homework wasn't a problem (memorize how to write a i u e o and 'greetings')

i think i'll write everything i learn here, is that ok with you?

so.... if you want to learn how to write you'll have to go to my deviantart where i am also putting these up just for something to write in the journals there XDDD but i will also be making animated gifs about how to write each letter.


1. Hajime mashite (Hahjeemeh mashteh) *the i gets lost in there somewhere*
"How do you do?"

2. Watashi wa ______ desu. (Wahtahshee wah ______ dess) *the u gets lost also... ^^;*
"I am _____./My name is _____."

NOTE: it is also acceptable for boys to use "boku" (bohkoo). i figured out that watashi is actually for both, while boku is only for boys.

3. Doozo yoroshiku. (DOHzoh yohrohsheekoo)
"Nice to meet you."

NOTE: i can't do pronounciation guides right when it comes to things like this, so i'll try to explain it here.

the "a" makes an "ah" sound.

the "i" makes an "ee" sound.

the "u" makes an "oo" sound.

the "e" makes an "eh" sound.

the "o" makes an "oh" sound.

ALSO: the "r" is kind of a mix between "r" and "l", so it may be hard for english-speaking people to get that at first, i'll try to find a way to explain it.

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