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Saturday, November 6, 2004

stupid thing
bleh. today was... interesting. i'll start with what happened with the bus. well it started when i went to art club meeting, and everyone showed up late! and we started talking and thenall of a sudden someone said to me "hey don't you take the bus?" "yeah" "o_o don't they leave right about now?"

so i ran out to where the buses were and they were all gone except for 1! then i started to panic but i went into the office and called my parents, and my mom said she would pick me up ^^ but then i had to wait around at the school for 30-45 minutes because my school is really far from my house.

guess it serves me right for not bringing a watch today. hahaha. i'll remember for next week. maybe. or i'll just keep an eye on the buses. x_X;

IDP stuff
only 4 days left of IDP!! bleh our group made more changes that weren't really necessary so that means more work for me! xD oh well i guess it's ok so long as we get a good grade. ^^;

more realism??
yeah. on thursday... i drew miyavi. realistically. actually "to-mi-zu miyavi" whatever the katakana meant ^^; from a picture in my shoxx magazine. he was like a ventriliquist or something.

i spent 2 hours and 45 minutes on it. x_X

but it was worth it. i'm almost happy with it! sure the shading looks kind of odd and the eyes are too small and the face isn't really balanced and... well that's beside the point. what i mean is... i've actually tolerated all these mistakes long enough to finish a picture!!

finally got around to talking about this xD anyway it was pretty good... i loved the first chapter with the ghost girl ^^; (those of you who read it know what i'm talking about) and then in the first volume when ichigo has to fight the hollow that's that girl's brother (kakei - can't remember the girl's name tho ^^;)... that was kind of depressing. but i liked it ^^ i really want to see volume 3 and what happens with the mod soul...

did you ever notice..
ok i lied i'm putting it on here. but only because it's an example. as i was checking people's sites today, i found about 12 of these! o_o; they got really popular on xanga too! i wonder why...? they've had these forever, but why did the suddenly get so popular now?

1. Who are you?
2. Are we friends?
3. When and how did we meet?
4. Do you have a crush on me?
5. Would you kiss me?
6. Give me a nickname and explain why you picked it.
7. Describe me in one word.
8. What was your first impression [of me]?
9. Do you still think that way about me now?
10. What reminds you of me?
11. If you could give me anything what would it be?
12. How well do you know me?
13. When's the last time you saw me?
14. Ever wanted to tell me something but couldn't?
15. Are you going to put this on your journal and see what I say about you?
16. What song are you listening to right now?
17. Do you love me?

maybe people really really want to know about what people think of them?? i don't know.

I'm really happy about this! i have a friend at school with a fast internet connection and a cd burner! she says she'll download the tremolo pv (and one other that's on the website) for me and burn it to my cd-rw so i can watch it. i'm so glad she's going to do that for me ^^


dark moon fox - i dunno. maybe korean singers like tragic things? i actually have no idea whatsoever xD

bluedemonboy - thanks for the advice... ^_^

kei-chan - you saw the tremolo pv? from where?? where do you get your pvs?

chickenburger - ummm i don't think so... ^^;

nikorasu - computers are always mean, aren't they...?

destinyssweetman - yay longer comment! hehehe. thanks again for all the encouragement ^_^ and i think maybe you should listen to kpop also.. there are a lot that you would probably like... hmm *decides to find good artists to recommend to you*

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