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Racer , Dj , Writer and photographer.
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Shane Matsuke --" Yuki "
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...i don`t really know it changes to much to say i just have one
To get the girl i desire and to be at peace with myself.
sleeping, Raceing & Flirting? And boxing
Raceing & Flirting? and boxing.
| Haruka Tenoh
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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
MY MUM RAN OVER MY BOOKX! .... i had a crappy day yesterday
today is good cause lunch was happy and i'm with onii-chan and a friends brithday is soon ^^.
yeah,,, i am going to eat waffles now... so yeah i will post a pic of me another time. I had a good day
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Monday, March 13, 2006
i sleeped in today
however i had a really good dream
i ain`t saying what it was about
but it was good
and over the weekend i rode my friends horse i went fast
and i am going to take up boxing again.
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Friday, March 10, 2006
i is getting pictures developed ^^ ah yes and um wow what a nice day it is today ^^ *shines* wow *happy eyes* ...BUT MY PEN IS STILL BROKED!!!!!!! *ah-hem...* my mum owes me money today too ^^ oh wow and AH! i had some thing cool to say and i forgot it on my way here... to the mall.
so i will post the song i am listening to on my cd ...
Eric Clapton: Change the world.
If I can reach the stars,
Pull one down for you,
Shine it on my heart
So you could see the truth:
That this love I have inside
Is everything it seems.
But for now I find
It’s only in my dreams.
And I can change the world,
I will be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
And if I could be king,
Even for a day,
I’d take you as my queen;
I’d have it no other way.
And our love would rule
This kingdom we had made.
Till then I’d be a fool,
Wishing for the day...
That I can change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.
I could change the world,
I would be the sunlight in your universe.
You would think my love was really something good,
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.
Baby if I could change the world.
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
wow she is really pretty today. wow my nees and nerves still feel funny. beautiful ^^ anyway i forgot what i was going to say ... my cousin is creeping me out he is chalanging onii-chan to star wars stuff im with two star wars nerds XP any way we is doing stuff i'm going to get subway then we are going to watch Invader Zim! yay! GiR! My Love!
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wow lunch was fancy today ^^ i did not have lunch but still. um...yeah i think i am over Michiru now. ...finaly maybe.
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Wednesday, March 8, 2006
on a liter note i won 2 games of poker! ^^
NO! MY POOR HELLO KITTY PEN*trows an anime fit* NO!
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bite me!
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Monday, March 6, 2006
so sleepy want to post though...damn my call on me video in not downloading very fast. in fact its not working at all. DAMN! *has a fit* *sighs*
oh man my writing is crap i wanna write somthing good but nothing good comes out juste a lot of nothingness. its kinda sad... i could post something i just wrote like now its bad i know but shut up i have been sad lately. um damn now i don`t know if i want to... but i promised i would AH! no im sorry you know what i can`t post anything maybe tomorrow.
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Sunday, March 5, 2006
well some of them don't ask (*hum hum*looking at porn*hum*)
i really am trying to find a sweet heart and its not working i almost asked my ex out again tonight (good thing she did not answer her phone) heheheh. oh well my hair is getting really long and pissin' me off but i don't know if i should cut it i will pist a pic another time like when i get them cause the most of you on this site don't know what i look like. but whatever. wow this bites i am so fricken' bord damn! wow this chick is russian on the movie xxx however she is not hot ...her accent is though^^. oh yeah... wow i need a hobby.
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Friday, March 3, 2006
I need a girlfriend like an actual one to get over some one that I don’t have a chance in hell with. I could just go ask some one however I don’t like her. So I am at a loss there is this one girl that really wants to meet me however she sounds kinda creepy she started doing drugs and I don’t want to go back to that life style. Anyway about my poem/song thing it’s not done I have not really been inspired to write it and i’m still not sure I should post it even if I finish it. It also does not seem like any one comes by any more*sighs* no not just you however I do miss you and I hope you are ok. I was wondering if you still want to be friends because we have not talked in a while and you seem not to want me around. So yeah sorry if you don’t. As for every one else …..School sucks the big one. Um…yeah…. Look its GiR dancing!

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