Haruno Sakura
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Monday, March 14, 2005
new wallpaper!
I just submitted a new wallpaper!! check it out you insolent fool!! ^_^
(I'm just joking about the fool part haha ^^;;; )
I'm going to go to Fanime this year. This time for all four days, I think. I'm actually pre-registering with a group so we can get a discount...but it should be interesting.
Anyway, I'm already on spring break, and I'm bored as fuck. It's only the first day but I'm already feeling really lazy. I was already bored by 11 a.m., and I've done nothing but meander around my house all day long. Sigh. What an exciting life I do lead.
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Sunday, March 6, 2005
Hm. I went into the bathroom last night with a pair of scissors and chopped off like 8 inches of my hair, so now it's super short...for me anyway. My hair has ALWAYS been pretty damn long, so this is something really new for me. In any case, here's the result:

Hahahahah >_< I'm always doing things like this whenever I get the impulse.
Hmm....I really don't look my age. I think I look younger than 22 years old -_-
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Wednesday, March 2, 2005
L'Arc~en~Ciel's new single: NEW WORLD!!
Holy shit. This new single fucking rocks!!! Granted, I'm listening to the demo version, but holy fuck man.
...I CAN'T BELIEVE YUKIHIRO CO-WROTE THIS! I think I love him even more than I have before.
And for those of you who are curious, you can hear it here:
L'Arc~en~Ciel- New World
*dies again*
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Thursday, February 24, 2005
blah blah blah...
School has been giving me massive headaches like every single day. Fuck. I've been thinking too much theoretical crap that my head feels like it's going to explode at any given moment.
...Spring break is so far away T_T
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Tuesday, February 22, 2005
Holy shit...
I've pre-ordered the 1st press of L'Arc~en~Ciel's upcoming single, "New World," and my credit card is feeling the first blow of many to come in the near future.
...I might actually get to go to the L'Arc~en~Ciel live in Seoul. If it doesn't conflict with my uni graduation, I'll be dying from happiness in Korea 4 months from now.
However, I'm almost expecting something horrible to happen that'll prevent me from going. Right now, I'm not really optimistic like I was for Baltimore because I was pretty sure I was going to go to that one, and I got super disappointed when plans fell through. So right now, my hopes aren't floating too high.
Whatever. I'm just glad that L'Arc~en~Ciel is going to be pumping out the singles and a 10th album in the upcoming months. If I'm able to see them live in Korea, good shit, I can die soon afterwards. But if not, meh, it's not like I really expected to see them at all in the near future. The chances of that happening are really slim unless a few drastic things happen...which also depend heavily on...more things that I cannot reveal.
A friend of mine is on the business side of things in terms of JPop/JRock, and I'm helping him with research on...a certain band's US fanbase (no it's not Laruku...but hrm...). The other night, my friend revealed a few business things to me that I swore I wouldn't say to anyone, but all I can say is that he's pretty damn connected.
More connected than I thought possible.
While I can't say a lot of stuff, I can say...his prized posession is the first press of Driver's High because that's his favorite song. And he told me it became even more precious because it recently got altered.
With a Sharpie pen.
...with four distinct scribbles on it.
And the lead vocalist of this particular band gave my friend a pick he used when recording his solo albums.
You know how it's said that everyone is connected through 6 degress of separation? Apparently, those four particular guys and a certain ex-Malice Mizer member/Moonchild star are within 3 degrees of separation from me.
It's enough to make anyone go all fangirly and shit, but I guess I'm sort of looking at things from a more 'this-could-benefit-my-future-career-plans" type of perspective.
Even with that connection though, I'm not expecting anything to happen. I am guaranteed to meet a certain band in the v. near future (3 months from now if things work out), so I'll just have to make the best out of that meeting, and hope for things to take off from there.
Whatever happens happens. If nothing happens...Cool. Just gotta go with the flow. I'm almost quite happy I didn't get into the JET program...seems there's another path forming right before my very eyes. Not going to think too much on it though.
Cuz it all seems way too surreal.
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
L'Arc~en~Ciel INFO
Information from Le-Ciel
2005 Tour International Venues announced
Korea - Olympic Stadium June
Shanghai Stadium July
Tokyo Dome (Tour final) September
[New world] Single release April 6th With P'unk en ciel C/W
(more details about a big tie up to be announced 2/27)
New single May
New ALBUM June
New Single July (opening theme for FMA Haragen movie)
Now...I just need some money. 3 singles, a new album and a SMILE dvd. I need to put away over $100 to get all this new stuff, but my wallet won't mind in the least. L'Arc~en~Ciel is putting a lot of stuff out there this year xD I'm feeling totally spoiled xD
I can't write properly. My head is spinning. Damn, I love L'Arc~en~Ciel.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Naruto got fucking licensed by shitty VIZ. Fucking hell. We're going to end up with some crappy ass dubs and crappy ass translations. VIZ has already seriously raped the manga, and I'm sure they're going to seriously fucking rape the anime. I can just imagine some English voice actor screaming, "Art of the Doppleganger!" instead of Kage Bunshin no Jutsu.
Fuck. I mean, I'm glad we'll probably get some legit DVDs now...but fuck. If it had been ADV or some other company, I don't think I'd be complaining so much. But whatever.
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Wednesday, February 2, 2005 finally arrived.
my Killing Me single (L'Arc~en~Ciel) finally arrived T_T; ...and it only took 2 weeks! ::rolls eyes::
...and the JET Program rejected my application. Blegh. On to Plan B...
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
Naruto Chapter 245 RAW!
If you don't want to be slightly spoiled about the series, don't read, ne? xD (Sorry Azure, Haze xD)
God, I've been waiting for this chapter to come out for the longest time...Kakashi Gaiden was cool, but I've been anxious to see how Naruto and Sakura were going to develop.
Let me say, I'm leaning a lot toward the Sakura x Naruto pairing ^^;; They look REALLY good together ^^;; *squeal!*
OMG. Naruto looks soooooo freakin' cool xD I mean he's not changed that much, but he looks really damn cool!
[/enthusiasm] I can't say a lot more because my housemates are all in my room watching this thing on my roommates computer, and it's totally ruining my Naruto concentration.
...Good energy leaving *kicks people*
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Friday, January 21, 2005
1-Year Anniversary!
Happy 1 Year Anniversary, hubby!!!
*huggles Preston* <3333333
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