Haruno Sakura
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Monday, January 17, 2005
The Trax
Because I think you all should listen to the Trax, I've uploaded their two singles.
The Trax - Paradox Single
The Trax - Scorpio Single

L to R: X-mas, Rose, Typhoon & Attack
If you would like to see their music videos, "Paradox" or "Scorpio" or DBSK's "Tri-Angle" on which they guest appear, let me know and I'll upload them for everyone to listen to.
The Trax are awesome.
....and Typhoon is absolutely delicious, haha xD

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Thursday, January 13, 2005
Happy Birthday Mom!

Good news: L'Arc~en~Ciel's Single, Killing Me, is number one on the Oricon charts xD Yay!
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Wednesday, January 12, 2005
Happy Birthday to me!
January 12 has come, and I am now 22 years old. I don't think I'll do anything today to celebrate because it's just another day...except I'm now another year older when I don't want to be, heh.
I hope all of you are doing well, and I deeply apologize for not being able to comment on everyone's myOtaku daily. I'll try my best to catch up with everyone as soon as I can!
The best thing about today besides it being my birthday? Right now in Japan, it would be the 13th: the day the new L'Arc~en~Ciel single, "Killing Me" is supposed to be released! I can't wait to get my copy since I've pre-ordered it a while ago. But yay, another birthday, another Laruku single! What could be better?
Hm...when I think about it, I was born on the 12th in Guam. So physically, my body has already been 22 years old since the 11th since the time zone in Guam is way ahead of the zones in the US. Ah, I'm confusing myself ^_^
Anyway, have a good day people!
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Saturday, January 1, 2005
Happy New Year!!
Well, today is the first day of the New Year, and I hope everyone is doing well. Right now, I'm a little worn out because I've spent the night trying to keep up with my little cousins, all of whom are bundles of endless energy. And when I wake up later on today, I've got more family parties to attend to. What a way to wear myself out before going back to school on Tuesday.
As for new music to ring in the new year, I'm totally addicted to the TRAX, a Korean visual kei band produced by Yoshiki of X Japan.

L to R: X-Mas (guitar), Rose (drums & guitar), Typhoon (vocal), and Attack (bass). I don't know the story behind their names, but heh.
Typhoon is amazing. He has this really deep, rich, captivating tone to his voice that I haven't heard from any artist in a while. The two songs of theirs that I listen to the most are "Over the Rainbow (Piano Version)" and "Tears (Trax Version)." Because I like to share my music with everyone, here's a sample of "Tears" in Korean. This song should sound familiar, especially if you've listened to X Japan xD Maybe I'll post up a different TRAX song every day (or every other day) ^_^ What do you guys think?
It's not the full song since my server doesn't like me and won't upload the whole thing. Blah. Sorry.
Tehehe, I got it to work xD Now it plays the full song ^_^
Well, my computer actually died. The chances of catching me on aim are now very few, and my updating this place and visiting everyone else's mO's probably won't happen as often as I would like. If you want to catch me on aim to say hi, my sn is x0osasukeo0x. Hopefully, I'll be back with more boring posts of my crushes, haha, but until then, take care, and happy new year.
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Saturday, December 25, 2004
Ha. Leave it to me to go to midnight mass and do nothing but check out all the hot guys that never go to church except for Midnight Mass on Christmas day LOL.
I was checking out this one guy, and my brother looked at me like I was on crack because
I was like, "Dood, I'd so get with him if I could. He's hotness."
"Val...he's like 18."
"...shit! are you serious?"
"YEAH. FUCKING CRADLE ROBBER! He comes into Best Buy all the time buying video games!!" (my brother works at Best Buy xD)
Damn it. WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY??? LOL xD I'm almost 22. If the dood is like 18, that's a four-year difference. That would make me look slightly desperate, wouldn't it? LOL. GAH. Sigh.
I actually wore make-up for the first time in forever. And it feels like shit. Gonna clean this face of mine and head on to bed.
MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!!! Don't drink too much egg nog xD
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Monday, December 20, 2004
I recieved this news in my email.
"eigoMANGA DIGEST EXCLUSIVE: Latest on L'arc~en~Ciel to the West Coast.
eigoMANGA has struck a deal with L'arc~en~Ciel's US and Japanese management to start an official US fan-club for L'arc~en~Ciel and future J-Pop/Rock stars. The fan-club will enable US fans to obtain exclusive and direct information straight from the band. The fan-club will also enable US fans to sponsor more US appearances for the super group. There will also be other fan club exclusives including a series of contests where US fans can attend the band's All-Japan summer tour (this is only available to Japanese fans)."
Oh my fucking goodness. If that really happens, that'd be the best thing ever. I'd join immediately.
I've been feeling pretty sad lately. Dunno why. I should be happy because I'm around my family and stuff. And I've still got a couple of more weeks before I've got to go back to school, so that should be plenty of time for me to relax.
But I feel like complete and utter crap. What the fuck is wrong with me?
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Sunday, December 19, 2004
Not quite an update...
My uncle and his wife have moved in today with my family until they find a place of their own, and they've got a little kid who's really cute.
My little cousin is going to kill me. He's already attacked my guitar, and he's so fricking hyper that he'll climb up the stairs not knowing how to get back down other than falling. I don't mean something sissy like sliding down the stairs. I really mean FALLING. Like he fucking tumbles. But he gets back up and climbs those damn stairs as if he hadn't learned his lesson the first time. And he does this repeatedly. He's totally masochistic!
Anyway, I got a notice in my email that my order for the new L'Arc~en~Ciel single is going to be changed from January 19th to the 13th. That's one day after my 22nd birthday ^_^ Yay!
I hope everyone is well. Sorry I haven't been able to visit anyone's site really...I'll try to be better at that in the next few days.
More news on the L'Arc~en~Ciel front:
"*In SHOUCHIKU Group Theaters, Summer 2005
Confirmed for opening & ending theme "(Title TBC)"!"
I got this from the official site, so yep...I guess this news is pretty appropriate on here since it also concerns anime and such..
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Thursday, December 9, 2004
L'Arc~en~Ciel: New Single Info
We've finally got a release date and a single name for the new L'Arc~en~Ciel Single:
Killing Me
Release: January 19, 2005
That's exactly a week after my 22nd birthday. We have no cover as of yet, but I've preordered my copy already xD The single will also feature a P'unk~en~Ciel song, and the First Press will supposedly have a bonus feature, but I'm not sure what that is just yet. Anyway, yay!
And regarding my Otakon DVD order:
"Your item left TOKYO, JAPAN at 5:13 pm on December 08, 2004. Information, if available, is updated every evening. Please check again later."
Yay! ^_^ I can't wait to get it xD
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Sunday, December 5, 2004
Fall Quarter = COMPLETE!
w00t! I am done with the fall quarter, and what I'm even more happy about is that I'VE COMPLETED MY MAJOR! I've also gotten all my GEs done a while ago, so for my final 6 months of college, I'll just be chillin with easy ass classes (with the exception of Japanese of course).
Ah...all that hard work in 4 years has paid off. I can't wait to graduate from university ^_^
I'm just super happy that I'm getting a nice long month of relaxation. I'm just going to chill, read Gravitation over and over, and watch all the films that I've brought home with me. I think I'm going to also have that one whole day to myself where I'll have my Lord of the Rings marathon, using the extended versions of course xD I've always wanted to do that just to see how long I can last before Frodo annoys me to death with his fucking angsting every goddamn second, haha. You don't know how many times I've always wanted to see Gollum just eat him. I've read the books so I already knew how the story was going to turn out, but I wish Frodo had gotten beaten up a lot more.
...Maybe I'm just a masochistic person ^_^ *evil grin*
3 days until I have my beloved new L'Arc~en~Ciel DVD. I'm still bitter about missing their US debut. I won't get into that because I've talked that subject to death all throughout the summer, and sporadically throughout the fall.
Right. I've got nothing more to add.
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Friday, December 3, 2004
NEW THEME: L'Arc~en~Ciel
I really tried to stick to an anime theme. Really, I did. I do really love the character Haruno Sakura, and I love the anime Naruto, but you know, I really need a theme that reflects where I am at this point in time, and right now, one of the major things on my mind is my favorite band: L'Arc~en~Ciel.
I've featured several banners of the band on my myOtaku before, and I keep coming back with new banners of them because...well, I just love them. I can never ever get tired of them. Their music is what I listen to all the time, and they always have several songs that fit any mood I may switch to on any given day. They are the one band that I can be sure I'll love for a long time because musically, they're just too good. Their songs are so well-composed and well written that it's hard NOT to love the band. Of course, this is my own incredibly biased opinion, but I think there are more than a few people out there who would actually agree with me on this.
Anyway, here's my new theme. And I like it a lot. So I'll probably use it for a while, heh xD
ARG. I'm working on my thesis paper. When this is done, that means I'm done with my major, and I've got 2 quarters left in college with nothing to do but take easy classes to get the rest of my credits. In actuality, I can graduate in March, but I've decided that I'm in no rush to really leave college just yet, even though I do want to get it over with. But I want to finish out my Japanese courses for this year, and so that's the only reason why I've decided to stay an extra quarter. But yay. On Saturday, I will be done with my Film and Digital Media Production major, and I will be able to relax on my Winter Break.
December 8, 2004. So close and yet so far. I can't wait to see the new L'Arc~en~Ciel DVD. I'm quite glad that I've ordered the first press release since it's coming with a digipak. I have no idea what that's going to be, but whatever. It's something to look foward to after a quarter long of hard ass classes.
I've gotten sick of this one particular forum because everyone there is a screaming fangirl/boy. I don't think I've ever felt so disgusted before. People need to accept the fact that Hyde is indeed a married man, and although there are rumors out there that his marriage may be rocky, that is no reason for celebration. Fuck, think about how you would feel if someone was celebrating the fact that your relationship wasn't as strong as you had hoped? All those unhappy marriage rumors are just rumors and people need to lay off of it.
And all this 'claiming' members crap...claiming to marry the members and then arguing amonst themselves, wasting space. I've tried time and again to bring my music threads back up but no one ever wants to talk about the music anymore. It's all about Hyde's marriage, the sex of his child, wanting to compete with Oishi Megumi (which is obviously a lost cause since she's famous, pretty, and SHE'S ALREADY MARRIED TO HYDE), marrying the other members because Hyde is already taken...Ugh, just STF. It's all fucking hypocrisy...this talk about 'loving' Hyde so much, and yet totally disrespecting his wish for privacy.
It seems people have forgotten that Hyde is just one of the 4 members of L'Arc~en~Ciel and that they happen to do something else other than look pretty: THEY MAKE MUSIC. Just a couple of months ago people were so goddamn excited about the DVD and now there's hardly any mention of it. And these were the same people bitching and complaining that they wanted Laruku to release an Otakon DVD. What happened to that excitement?
And hello? New single in January? Anyone actually dying to hear their new material??? Is knowing the sex of Hyde's child so much more important than paying attention to Laruku's new music?
I won't even get started about that one stupid thread about someone wanting to be Japanese. Even if changing one's race were even possible, it still won't keep one from being an idiot. And that fucker who said that Asian girls shouldn't want to become Japanese because they're already Asian and being Asian is already 'halfway there,' he can kiss my ass. There is no halfway point to being Japanese, nor does being a type of Asian make anyone automatically closer to being Japanese. That was the stupidest, most ignorant thing I have ever read in the longest time. I won't even bother going to that forum anymore unless I see some news on a new release or something. It's pointless to lecture idiots who don't understand anything.
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