Haruno Sakura
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Wednesday, September 8, 2004
~ending my fangirlistic ways. Screw spending hours upon hours on message boards that incite such behavior from me. Am now set on avoiding places like Tofu Records Forum where my music-based threads are completely ignored in favor for threads that basically encourage Hyde droolfests, or random fan fic collaborations about L'Arc o_O; Sure, seeing more Yukihiro pictures are always awesome, but it all gets quite tiring after a while. Especially when one really wants to talk more about the music and songs, and only ends up getting into a serious discussion about such things with really only one other person. Or two. Out of the possible 30 or so folks that frequent the forum. Sad.
Also off limits now is the Duel Jewel overseas BBS. I don't want to cross that border from a fan of their music/performance ability to a crazed stalker. And on there, it's quite possible, especially since the people on there seem to know extremely personal things about the band members. And because the band members do check the board frequently, especially my favorite band member, Val (yes I have a thing for drummers), I really don't want to be seen as just another fangirl. It gets tiring after a while, ne? At Fanime, I heard that people weren't really asking about their music at their panel, and that girls were just asking for hugs and shit, and you know, if I were in a band, and that shit happened, I'd be incredibly frustrated.
This transition is going to be hard, especially since I've been fangirling for so long, but hell, I'm too old to be acting that way. But seriously, it's time to focus on the more important things instead of wasting my time on stupid frivolous conversations about Yukihiro's arms (as awesome as they are). Lord knows all those threads and shit are sort of fun, but they really make me delusional. And they incite too much hope. All the talk of a California concert really raised my hopes when I didn't want them to be raised. I, for one, am quite tired of disappointment, and I realized that I don't want to be disillusioned like I feel a bunch of people on those types of forums are. I used to be like that, all hoping and shit, but what has come from it so far? Nothing. Shit. Just more stupid fucking rumors that aren't worth listening to.
Sigh. I don't know where this post is going, but whatever. I'm just tired of my fangirl ways, and I'm ending them now. I just can't take all the stupid conversations that come up during fangirling. They were fun, but they just aren't fulfilling. My mind needs to be stimulated with some form of intelligent conversation, and it just isn't happening. I'm not saying that the people participating in such acts are stupid or anything. This is my own personal choice of leaving that part of the fandom because I just need a little something more than that.
However, I also can't take totally elitest conversations either because then I just end up feeling stupid for liking the things I do. Sighs. Is there anyway to find a happy medium? A middle ground of sorts?
Whatever. :goes off to listen to Orange Range:
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
stole this from preston xD
[Name ] Valerie
[ Nicknames ] Val
[ Screen name ] not telling.
[ Birthday ] January 12, 1983
[ Age ] 21
[ Weight ] not telling.
[ Astrological sign? ] Capricorn
[ Chinese zodiac sign? ] Boar..I think.
[ Location ] California
[ Marital Status ] Single
[ Eye color ] Dark brown
[ Height ]5'3"
[ Shoe size ] 7.5
[ Parents still together? ] Yes.
[ Siblings? ] 1 twin brother
[ Nieces/Nephews? } no
[ Kids of your own? ] no
[ Grandkids? ] no
[ Pets? ] no
[ Education? ] 1 year left in college.
[ Rent, lease, or own your home? ] Renting a house near school.
[ Have any credit cards? ] Yes, unfortunately.
[ What do you drive? ] 2003 Mazda Protege5
[ Color ] Black, Red, Yellow
[ Number] 112
[ Animal ] Elephant
[ Flower ] Orchids
[ Scent ] Just washed laundry.
[ Shape ] Heart. Or a circle.
[ Drinks ] Arizona Iced Green Tea with Honey and Ginsing. Or any tea in general. And water.
[ Soda ] Don't drink it anymore.
[ Band ] L'Arc~en~Ciel
Do you...
[ Color your hair? ] At times.
[ Twirl your hair? ] At times.
[ Have tattoos? ] no.
[ Have piercing? ] one in each ear.
[ Cheat on tests/homework? ] no.
[ Drink/Smoke? ] I drink at times.
[ Like roller coasters? ] Not particularly.
[ Wish you could live somewhere else] Sometimes when I'm bored.
[ Like cleaning? ] No.
[ Write in cursive or print? ] I do both. At times, I find myself writing in hiragana and kanji when I don't mean to.
[ Swear a lot? ] At times.
[ Know how to drive? ] yes
[ Own a cell phone? ] yes, unfortunately. that thing bugs me.
[ Ever get off the damn computer? ] Yeah.
Have you ever...
[ Been arrested? ] no
[ Been in a fist fight? ] yup.
[ Kicked someone in the nuts? ] No.
[ Stolen anything? ] No.
[ Held a gun? ] no.
[ Drank? ] yes
[ Considered a life of crime? ] no
[ Considered being a hooker? ] no
[ Cried over a girl? ] no
[ Cried over a boy? ] yes.
[ Lied to someone? ] yep.
[ Been in love? ] fuck love.
[ Fallen for your best friend? ] no.
[ Made out with JUST a friend? ] no.
[ Been rejected? ] yes.
[ Been used? ] i guess so.
[ Been kissed? ] no.
[ Current mood ] pissed off. blame the imbalance of hormones.
[ Current music ] P'unk~en~Ciel: Milky Way
[ Current taste ] Orange juice.
[ Current hair ] Haphazardly uneven and all over the place. stupid fucking humidity.
[ Current annoyance ] my fucking computer.
=Love life=
[ First kiss ] does not apply to me.
[ Single or attached? ] single.
[ Ever been in love? ] ...
[ Do you believe in love at first sight? ] unfortunately, yes.
[ Do you believe in "the one?" ] unfortunately, yes.
[ Describe your ideal significant other ] Someone who's comfortable with himself and doesn't give a shit about what other people say. Someone who has his priorities in order. I sort of like a sarcastic sense of humor. And if he can stimulate my mind with intelligence and good conversation, that's a big plus. Uhm, good morals and all that shit are nice. +500 points if he likes L'Arc~en~Ciel. Preferably taller than me with a nice smile. I think that's it.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
My computer is a piece of crap, and I lost like almost everything. It was making this clicking noise, and then BOOM. It shut off. Then, I restarted, and almost everything was gone. Mostly my anime. My Naruto manga. And some of my photoshop work. A lot of my L'Arc pictures are gone. I'd would be angry right now, but I'm not in the mood to waste so much energy into that emotion.
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
I've succumbed...
...and have joined deviant art. Check out my page:
I've only got one Hyde wallpaper up so far, and it's really quite simple, but in any case, if you've got deviant art, visit me, and I'll be sure to comment back.
Have a good weekend.
And visit Tofu Records on September 1st for the first L'Arc~en~Ciel web special (about damn time).
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Friday, August 20, 2004
A stupid, silly product out of extreme boredom..
LOLLLLL...Okay, I was super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super, super x100 bored the other day (when I should've been studying >_> ) and I made this stupid photo manipulation of me and Tetsu. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL.... I'm slightly embarrassed because it's really awkward and downright wrong, especially since I love Yukki, but anyway...
Tetsu fans turn away. LOL I don't want to piss you off. LOL. Remember, this is just me being bored. ;>_>
The lighting is off, but blah whatever. Not like I was serious when making this, hahaha xD

PUWAHAHAHAHHAHA Yes, the insanity of fangirlism o_O;;
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Tuesday, August 17, 2004
I love L'Arc~en~Ciel. The end.
Oh, and I got featured in an article declaring my absolute love for the band. Yep.

There I am, right column, 2nd one down xD I hope L'Arc gets to read it, but what are the chances of that happening? LOL.
To check out the rest of the article go here:
...and ano...can someone PM me with my comments? xD gomen, I can't seem to read them, *tears* When I click on the link, it takes me back to the top of the a bookmark T_T
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Saturday, August 14, 2004
Just a bunch of film talk.
I've been catching up on watching Filipino films/TV shows, and all I can say is that I can see why they're not internationally recognized. My parents say I should try to use my skills to help out the film industry in the homeland, but damn, it's going to take a bunch of work. Production levels are subpar, storylines are basically all the same, and mostly all of the acting I've seen really isn't all it could be. For one, it seems as though everyone is trained to act the same exact way. No one really has their own acting style. If you see a crying scene in a drama film (there are at least 20 or so in one film), you'll see that they all cry the same way. I kid you not. No one tries to hold back tears, and they do the same type of howling. I've become so immune to the whole drama genre because it's the same thing over and over, and it hasn't changed from the films I've seen way back when I was a wee little girl.
As for the action flicks...I'm sure you could cut together all the action films into one, and you probably couldn't tell the difference. And the effects...not believable in the slightest, nor highly entertaining.
And the love stories...they're so corny and sweet that it makes me want to puke. They lay it on THICK. :shudder: I can't take it. At all. Seriously. They're just not believable at all. In fact, they make me NOT want to fall in love if it's just going to be THAT sappy. Seriously, if I met a guy who acted like those in those romance films, I'd fucking hit him with a kendo stick for being such a sappy ass bitch, and I'd put a restraining order on his ass. Ugh. They seriously need to get bitch slapped.
And the horror films are more comedy than the comedy films. Seriously. I can't help but laugh everytime I see them.
There are probably a few exceptional films of course like the Crying Ladies, but those come like once every ten years. If I were to do a film, I'm sure I'd cause some sort of uproar since the PI is highly conservative and religious that they'd probably call my work blasphemous. But hey, since I live on controversy, I think I'm willing to take that risk. Heh.
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