haseo luver92
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Wednesday, November 7, 2007

lol i'm running out of witty titles. i'll have to start thinking up of new ones...
so, how does everyone like the new theme? i'm in a death note mood, so i felt like changing it to L!!!! ^^ *huggles l* personally he's like so cute, and i love the new avi!! *dances* plus, i put up a new comic above too...i thought it was cute.
i'm really tired right now, so i'ma gonna go take a nap sooner of later, but i want everyone to know that my computer is being gay again and it won't let me see everyone's sites, so i'm gonna have to wait to get home to get into y'alls. TT^TT not only will it not let me into the sites, i can't even see my portfolio!!! (or my site for that matter!!) i hate this stupid computer!!! grr!!
well, that's about all, hope everyone has a great day!
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Monday, November 5, 2007

hi everyone!! surprisingly, (despite having a God awful weekend) i'm pretty happy right now. ^^ but i'll fill in everyone on what's happened.
last week: well, i know i told everyone about the one guy, well, he offically turned me down, but it's okay cause we're still friends, and we act the same way we did before!! ^^ so that's always good...but then things got really bad when i got home one friday. cause like my mom was mad cause of my grades, and i was like "well, i have all pre-ap classes, and one pre-ap and magnet school classes!!" and she just rolls her eyes and gives me that look. so i took a test in math on friday and i thought i did good, cause like, i made a 100 on the review. so i found out i made a 65 on the test. and my mom was pissed and started dogging me the whole weekend!! like, she was supposed to be making me my fav soup on sat, and i asked her on friday if she was going to make it and she was like "i dunno..." and i was like "well, u said u were going to" and she looked and me and said "well u said u were going to make an "a" on ur test too" and i was really silent after that. plus, i was commenting how i thought i was getting bigger (as in weight) and my mom was like "well, i'm sure it has nothing to do w/the candy wrappers i found in ur pant's pocket!" i was sooo mad!! she was doing that to me all weekened long!! grr!!
but in better news, i posted a new picture!! i think it's one of the best naruto pics i've ever drawn!! well, it's not really naruto, but it's one of my oc pictures. it's actually a chick, but she looks like a dude on purpose. lol so please go check that out.
omg, the death note dub is amazing!! (i know i stated this last week, but by God, it was just amazingfullness!!) l's voice is sooo smexy!! and light is just awesome! omg, i just wanna glomp them all!!
and that's about all, talk to u's later!! ^^
twink out!
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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

well, all my happiness has been sucked outta me. v_v i went and told the guy that i've liked for a year and a half that i liked him, and like, he hasn't given me an aswer, which more than likely means no. so yah...i'm bummed...and i hate my history teacher...which sucks, cause history is my fav subject.
i dunno what i'm gonna do today...but i am going trick or treating, so HAPPY HALLOWEEN! (for everyone else...TT_TT)
twink out
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Tuesday, October 30, 2007

sorry for last time...i hate this computer!! *sobs* but anyhooo
hi everyone!! well, school is mweh, life is mweh, but my anime/manga life is going great!!
i finally posted my last page of the contest entry!! *dances* omg, i'm so happy. pray for me everyone!!!
also, the dubbed death note is awesome!! l's voice is the sexiest voice i've heard in foever!!! so smexy!!! *huggles l*
man, i wish like, i could attack one of my teachers, they're so evil!! (but i never would...i don't feal like going to jail)
o, and i'm trying to reform. crim zombie has brought it to my attention that i cuss too much, and i'm trying to cut down on it. so pray for me on that too!! (i'm a bad cusser, it's cause my dad cusses, and then my mom does, and like everyone does, and like...i know i'm making excuses, but like, i've been cussing since i was in fourth grade, so it's a bad habit. v_v
but anyhoo, that's all that's happened.
have a great day!!
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Monday, October 29, 2007
so many problems

hi everyone!! well, school is mweh, life is mweh, but my anime/manga life is going great!!
i finally posted my last page of the contest entry!! *dances* omg, i'm so happy. pray for me everyone!!!
also, the dubbed death note is awesome!! l's voice is the sexiest voice i've heard in foever!!! so smexy!!! *huggles l*
man, i wish like, i could attack one of my teachers, they're so evil!! (but i never would...i don't feal like going to jail)
o, and i'm trying to reform. crim zombie has brought it to my attention that i cuss too much, and i'm trying to cut down on it. so pray for me on that too!! (i'm a bad cusser, it's cause my dad cusses, and then my mom does, and like everyone does, and like...i know i'm making excuses, but like, i've been cussing since i was in fourth grade, so it's a bad habit. v_v
but anyhoo, that's all that's happened.
have a great day!!
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Tuesday, October 23, 2007

yah, the computer is still being a bitch. not letting me on certain sits. so i have to bum other ppl's computers. Dx not cool.
but, *tears of joy* i am starting my own webcomic soon!!! (fire fox sakurie, thanks so much!! i'll be replying soon!!) it's called 13 wishes, and i have the cover posted in fanart if anyone wishes (hehehe, get it? 13 wishes...hehehe) to go see it, be much ppreciated.
omg, i hate my english teacher, she like totally disses my religion all the time!! like she was talking about some kind of hero today, and on this list was "Moses". i'm sure everyone has heard of him. and like, she was sayin that even tho he's a real person, everything that he did (or what ppl say he did) is an exaggeration or merely legend. aka it didn't happen. now, ppl that aren't christians (or catholics) maybe it's not that big of a deal, but it is for me. cause Lord help if she made a comment like that about some pagen goddess or something Muslim. Lord knows there would be hell breaking loose. and that totally pisses me off!! sorry, i had to rant.
*sigh* on the note of christians, did anyone hear what J.K Rowling did? the whole "dumbledore is gay!! so here's another thing to piss off the christians?" honestly, i couldn't give a rat's ass if the old fart was gay, but she did make the comment of "here's another thing to piss off the christians". and that makes me angry, because i know christians that like her books, and that had to beg their parents to let them read them, and that's like slapping us all in the face. it really is. it just makes me wanna hit J.K Rowling in her friggen face!! *shakes fist* she makes me so angry.
yah...also, i know i've said this before, but i'm starting an eyeshield 21 fanclub, anyone wants to join, please pm me, or if u know someone that likes the show, please tell them about it! much obliged!
have a great day! i'll try to check out ur sites!!
twink out!
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Wednesday, October 17, 2007
nani desu ka?!

hey guys, just a quick post, and i wanted to let u guys know, "isane android, magnus, roseeyes, darkangel, and a few others (i can't think of anyone else that i check recently and couldn't get on to right now)" i can't pull up ur sites to check them out!! i don't know why! it makes me angry. *growls* i'll see if i can fix it!! please, if anyone knows any of these ppl, please let them know!!
twink out!
btw, i'm starting an "eyeshield 21 fanclub" if anyone wants to join, please pm me about it, and if u know someone that does like eyeshield 21, then tell them!! (i wanna make this club a success!! ^^)
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Sunday, October 14, 2007

sorry for my lack of title. couldn't think of one. *sighs* well, i went to my homecoming dance last night. and like three of my friends finally got boyfriends/girlfriends! lol tho it was kinda sad, cause the guy that i like, i went to a dance w/him last year, and there was this one country song we danced to, and they played it at this dance, and well, he wasn't here, so i was a little sad. but i got over it. (hehehe, i kept trying to get kaname luver and her boyfriend to do some stuff, but it always failed!! lol)
but i wanna ask everyone, have u ever been, like in love? i mean, not just a simple crush, or an infatuation. but actually in love. i used to think that every guy i was with i was "in love" with him. until now. like, when that country song played at the homecoming dance, i felt the biggest hole in my heart. like it ached really bad. has that ever happened to u guys? i've come to the conclusion, that i've only been "in love" once. and that's right now, with this one guy. (i've "like" now, "love" this one guy for around a year and a half). and it sucks. cause he's with someone, (someone i helped hook him up w/because i knew she liked him). and like, it just fricken sucks u'know? i've never missed someone that bad before...ever. (well, that wasn't in my immediate family) it was so strange...i couldn't comprehend any of it. so strange indeed...
on a different note, i've arranged my fav anime/manga! it's funny how it now differs from last years!!
overall fav: yyh (that hasn't changed)
fav shoenen: eyeshield 21
fav shojo: ouran high school host club
and the ones that follow these are
1) death note
2) kuro gane
3) naruto
4) and finally full metal alchemist.
it really has changed, and i think it's funny that i only have one fav shojo. i'm not really into shojo that much, but i can say fruits basket is a close runner up. ^^
1) what is ur fav anime of all time?
2) what was ur first anime?
have a great day!
twink out!
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Saturday, October 13, 2007
merry is the day when i can normal

hi everyone! well, as everyone knows i've had problems w/my laptop and i got it back...BUT...while my mom has no problem with me coming on here anymore (aka i'm allowed back on), she doesn't want me going onto myo or any other site on my school laptop. i have to write on my desktop. which means in the long run, i can be on only a few times a week. TT^TT but i'll try my hardest, and if anyone posts some pics, please pm me (and to those whom i haven't replied back to, i will right after this!! i haven't forgotten about u guys!!).
omg, i have to say, this comment made me laugh (tho i can't find it anymore...i know someone told me this). on a few posts ago someone told me they had a dream of watching eyeshield 21. omg, that made me giggle so!! my, "convincing" is working!!! lol but the chibi comic above is really cute. (to me). so i liked it. ^^ i hope u guys do too.
omg, this week was so fuuuuun!! (i wish i had pictures!) it was homecoming week, so we got to dress up on certain days. like wednsday was wacky tacky, but it backfired on me! like i got my grey skirt (i hate wearing skirts, so i thought that was gonna be wacky enough) and then wore my grey and black long sleeve shirt, with a white spagetti strap shirt over it, had black panty hoes w/my white and black vans. plus i wore my naruto "sand" headband around my neck, and my little sister's konoha armband, one leather glove, had the emo hairstyle of the "swoop" bangs and i had a high ponytail, lots o eyeliner, (which is unusual, since i normally don't wear makeup), some really weird white lipgloss, and crazy earings. i thought i was set. guess what everyone's reaction was? (well, there were two different types)
girls: "omg!! kitty! (that's my nickname) u loook so adorable!!!! u should wear that more often!"
boys: "omfg, u look hot! u should definitely wear that more often!"
this was my expression. O_-' *twitch* it was so weird!! but then they were like, telling me i looked like one of those japanese/german/french maid porno/hentai chicks!! like my best friend, reid (aka offroadin' redneck on here) was like "dude, u look like a porn star" i about killed him while laughing. i looked in the mirror, and i had to agree w/them on the maid thing tho!! (tho i thought i looked more french w/my hair, cause my swoop bangs were ultra straight, but my hair is naturally curly so my hair in the ponty tail was all full and curly!!) so that was funny.
then on thursday was "dress like a pirate day!" and my friend and i decided to be characters from one piece!! i was sanji and he (darknessslayer) was zolo (zorro)!! ^^ it was so fun! i actually found an outfit in my closet that looked just like sanji's!! and i even got the hair right (and i gots a lollipop stick and did his eyebrow thingy w/eyeliner)! the only problem was that my friend was supposed to bring blond hairspray, but she never came, so my guise was "luffy and zorro played a prank on sanji, and he woke up w/brown/black hair". but ppl regonized me, which was completely unexpected. so it was fun!! ^^
1) do u like to dress up?
2) am i starting to get u interested in eyeshield 21?
well, have a great day!! ^^ i'll try to visit!! ^^
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Tuesday, October 9, 2007
discrimination is a bitch

well, i got my laptop back. ^^ but i have to say, my admins (at school) are evil retards. they are. they told me on friday that i was on an adult site, and got all in my face, now they came back (after they couldn't find shit on my computer) and were like "uh...we couldn't find anything on ur computer...but u did have japanese/asian websites on there!! u can't go on there (even tho it's not bad)" isn't that the biggest load of bull u've ever heard? isn't it? i should've totally told them i was japanese, and made it sound like that they were discriminating. i really wanted to, but to be honest, i was still too much in shock that that's what they were telling me. retarded eh?
but all and all my day has actually been going well. i have to say today has been one of my best days in a good long while. ^^ so i'm happy.
o!! i put up another piccy today (or yesterday). it's actually my first fanart in a while. it's of hiruma (my avi) and i like it alot cause it's the first time i drew him and i did it w/out reference!! ^^ *dances* i think it was good. ^^
well, gotta go!! love yas!
twink out!
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