haseo luver92
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Sunday, October 7, 2007
damn them teachers

caution, lots o cussing will be used.
man, i think the school and life is out to get me. as soon as i'm ready to get back on the computer and avidly come back on theo, they fucking take my laptop away!!! *fumes* they pulled me in on friday trying to tell me that i was on some "adult" site (that i had never heard of!! it's some shit called "livejournal") and they fucking took it away without even letting me try to figure out what the fuck they were talking about!! it's so not fucking right! and it wasn't even just me!! lots of other ppl got pulled in for sites they never heard of! god it pisses me off so much! (this is my first tiem on the computer all weekend).
plus, my fucking english teacher made kaname luver upset on that same day, because she accused her of plagerising her paper (which is entire bullshit, cause kaname luver is an awesome writer, i've read tons of her stuff). and the fucking teacher didn't even have any proof that she plagerised it! the only thing she went off of was "it's too good, i think u plagerised it!" damn those teachers!!!
on a better note, i finished page 3 of my "shh! it's a secret" manga. one more page to go!! *dances* it makes me so happy. but i think i might redo the cover (again). it all depends how fast i finish the fourth page.
and that's all, but i wanted to especially thank teapot domescan for all that she's done. she's really helped me and has listened to all my ranting and junk. along with kaname luver and off roading redneck.
and everyone too, everyone has helped me so much, so i just wanna thank all of u guys too. i don't know what i'd do without u guys.
twink out!
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Monday, October 1, 2007
in the path of darkness

first off i wanna apologize to everyone. i know i haven't been on for the past three weeks and i've missed countless posts from everyone. i'm very sorry. but these last three weeks i've been very "emo" shall i say and i didn't wanna rant some evilness on here and say things i'd regret or that would make ppl sad. so i'm sorry, and i hope i can be on more often, and in time i'll tell everyone what's been going on.
but on a better note, i have uploaded two pages of my contest entry. i think it's pretty good, and i have to say i like the cover for once. i hope u guys can check it out.
also, i've been getting into a manga called "Eye shield 21" it's a really good manga and it has me hooked fo sho!! ^^ there really isn't much eyecandy for either girls or guys, but himura and sena make up for it!! (sena is adorable, and himura is sexy in his own weird, evil way! ^^) but for those that don't know it, it's a manga about american football. and what better time to read it than football season!! ^^ i've also been getting back into Final Fantasy VII. ^^ cloud is sooo smexy!! (but reno is my fav bishie, but i have to say my all time fav guy character(s) is barret and cid, and my fav girl one is areis!! ^^) so i'm debating my next theme for being FFVII or Eyeshield 21. which do u think?
1) have i missed any artwork? if so, please tell me!!
2) how has school been?
well, that's about it.
twink out!
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Wednesday, September 19, 2007
*insert final fantasy ending fight song theme*

hi everyone!! i just wanted to say real quick, thanks to everyone that commented on my last blog, it really cheered me up. ^^ so thanks.
today is kinda blah, but i've suddenly realized i'm the commander of apt!! (some speaking thing for kids) in rotc. that's three jobs!! O_O i'm a support officer, the second in command for the unarmed drill team, and now this commander!! *sways* so...much...*faints* but i'll do it!! lol
nothing else to talk of, i belive, still hopelessly singel TT^TT, but that's it.
talk to u laters!
twink out!
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Monday, September 17, 2007
who's more of the fool, the fool or the fool who follow?

sorry, i was thinking star wars eariler, and i just love obi wan!! (the guy who plays him in the phatom menace was hot!!! i can't spell his name fo crap tho...)
my life is going okay, but it's kinda weird, cause everyone is saying i'm clueless, and i don't think i'm that clueless (or at least, not as much as everyone makes it sound like i am!) so yah...
i think i like this one guy. (and he's single!! that was the highlight of my day when i found that out!! (i have a bad habit of falling for guys that are taken =_=). it drives me nuts.) he's really nice, funny, and really tall!! lol and like, he's different, like he actually looks happy to see me, which is nice for a guy that i like!! ^^
*ahem* sorry for always talking about boy trouble. it's just that i always see everyone w/boyfriends/girlfriends and it makes me kinda sad. (or really grossed out, cause like one minute i'm talking to my best friend, and the next he's making out w/his girlfriend!! i made him swear to warn me before he does that!! lol)
*cough* i'm just barely getting over a bad cold (kaname luver in her post complains how i gave it to her!! lol) but i was feeling really bad on friday!! i actually got out of school!! *le gasp* (all of ro was forcing me to! they said i was going to cough up a lung sooner of later!! lol)
o, btw, i wanted to clear some things up, cause i had alot ppl ask me if i liked yaoi after my last post. i personally don't like yaoi, but i asked ppl to go look at teapot domescan's work because it was very good (down right awesome) and she deserves regonition. (all of her stuff is!!) and my thing is, just because i don't like the concept, doesn't mean that her drawing (or anyone else's) is bad. so i really hope no one dogs anyone cause they don't like the concept, rather than the artwork. so that's all. just to clear things up.
o, and please go check out Fire Fox Sakurie's updated fan manga!! it's very cute and adorable!! (my character is on the front! sakurie draws her so cuuuuuuute!!) ^^
o, and welcome a new friend, "StolenCrusade" (he's on my friends list). he's a newb here, and is one of my best friends from school, so i hope everyone welcomes him!! (i'm sure it would make his day if y'all visited him! ^^ much 'ppreciated!)
twink out!
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Friday, September 14, 2007
like hell, bitch

i hate my english teacher. did i ever mention that? cause i really hate her. like, she got all mad after i made the comment of not liking the french gov't. (cause they kinda were traitors to the U.S and junk, but i won't go into that) and she got all bitchy and junk, saying that they were smart for not getting into the crap that the U.S was getting into and junk) which really pissed me off. and then, we took a lord of the flies quiz, and like, half of her questions are two way things. and when i got a bad grade, and wanted to ask questions, she ignored me! and later on, she kept ignoring me! so i hate her at the moment. >_<
in other news, isn't my new theme cool? it's from one of my fav webcomics called "applegeeks". and the four panel comic, it's from it too. ^^ isn't it cool?
and that's all i have, talk to u laters!! o, go check out the website if u can, and go see Teapot Domescan's new artwork!! (yaoi lovers will like!)
twink out!
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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

i'm convinced, no man likes me. (as in girlfriend). i just barely started liking someone and i find out he's taken. just my damn luck. TT^TT
okay, enough emoness about boy trouble. life is going okay i guess. it's kinda boring, and i keep having alot of rotc hmwk and algebra hmwk.
o yah, some people asked what rotc was. basically it's like a miltary thing for high school (they do have it for college too). we're the nerds walking around in the uniforms. (just kidding, we're not nerds). but yah, we march and learn ranks. it's fun for me, i get to teach ppl stuff now. but it can get a little frustrating. (like all things).
o, i'm changing my entry for that contest. it's not going to have an oc in it like before. it's gonna be two pages shorter, but 10x funnier. i like it better and glad i thought of it. ^^ i'm not chicken out by that entry! in fact, i found that my adobe photoshop on my computer works!! *dances* my friend showed me how it worked. (if he didn't have a girlfriend i would've kissed him right there!)
i'm finally gonna do some questions!! ^^
1) does anyone listen to "Third Eye Blind" or "Nirvana"? if so, wat's ur fav songs. and if u haven't, i highly suggest u go listen to them. they're fricken badass!! ^^
2) are u in anything after school? (like band, drama, sports?)
well, have a great day!! (btw, check out the new vg cats comic. at
twink out!
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Wednesday, September 5, 2007
and god said

yah. i'm being emo for the day (i'm NOT gonna hurt myself!!) but just be all "myah". i was rejected....TT^TT yah, so i'm sad. even tho i kinda knew it anyways, it still hurts. so yah...i'm being emo.
um...what else happened...o, i'm not talking to the drugie guy that i met. i've cut off all ties, so i hope that makes everyone else feel better. ^^
i'm actually doing really good on my storylines. i've sketched out various pages and pictures, and i've typed lots o stuff. ^^ so i should be updating soon.
i've come to the conclusion that our admin at school are gay. there're cutting off rotc's funding. which sucks!! i hate them so much!! >_<
did i mention that i suck at math? i made a 70 on a pop quiz, and i made an 80 on my history quiz. i suck, and i'm retarded. and it's not like i even have any looks to compensate that. v_v
so yah, sorry my post is emo, i should be better tomorow.
btw, keep a look out for "Fire Fox Sakurie's" manga that should be coming soon. ^^
twink out!
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Tuesday, September 4, 2007
boys officially suck

no offense to any guys here, but, men in general suck. they're sooo evil!! *sobs*
but anyhoo, i can't believe it, my friends are gonna tell teh guy i like, that i like him (even tho i'm almost pretty damn sure that he doesn't like me). i'm soooo nervous!!!
i'm in accounting right's soooo boring!! we're trying to learn monopoly game or something of that matter...only we make it into a business or something. my teacher is boring.
um...just a quick update, i'll probably post a big post tommrorow.
twink out!
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
crack kills all things good.

*just as a precaution, this post will have a significant amount of language, so anyone offended by that should not read it*
man, i just had a major blow to my self esteem (plus there is all this drama going on!! >_<). remember that hot junior i met? yah, nuttin is going to happen between us. it started like this;
i thought he was hot, (as i've mentioned) but i don't think i flirted w/him (i'm not very good at that) but i did hang out w/him and give him hugs and junk. then right before algebra 2 he asks me to come out into the hallway and asks me if i like him!! (heart goes into a frantic beat) but since i'd only known him for about three days, i told him i'd rather get to know him first (i mean, that's just how i am...unless ur some extremely sexy person...and i don't hold him that far. lol jk jk) he noddes, and tells me that he thinks i'm one of the cutest girls he's ever seen!!!
now, i'm sure everyone is wondering why this is "supposed" to be bad at this point, but it goes majorly downhill from here. the next day during lunch we're just talking, and of course telling each other the dumbass things we've done, and he comes to tell me he SMOKES w/his mom! (and not tobbaco ppl!) so that like was a blow. i forget sometimes that the school i'm in has alot of ppl like that. but like he makes good grades so i thought he was a little too smart for that (i thought i'd actually bagged a smart one! NOT!). so i'm taken back. the only thing now that i think is good about him is he's honesty. cuase he wanted to get that out before we became good friends, just in case that bothered me. and it does. i mean, no offense if anyone on here does, i have friends that do that too...but when it's a guy that i that...even a's different. u'know? i had a friend that was almost killed by the stuff. so maybe i can't control what my friends do, but i can choose who i date. u'know?
and so i've come to the conclusion that the only reason he thought i was cute was because he was probably so damn high when he said it! (i knew something was wrong, me, cute? only girls have said that to me, and they mean that in the chibi way cause of my tininess!!) so yah. and that was only the beginning of school drama (in the first week!!)
i'm not sure if i mentioned this last year, but there was a guy that was nice, cute, and loved anime that like, three of my friends all liked at the same time, but asked me out, and i turned him down? yah, last year he got w/my best friend (which was a good thing! ^^) but then brought up w/her (bastard). but those weeks when i left before school ended, he got back w/her. and now he's like, being the biggest asshole in the creation of assholes. my friend the day before looked like crap, she felt so sick, she was almost in tears!! and what does that manwhore do? NOTHING! he's sitting over yonder flirting w/any girl he can see!! so now i'm pissed. no guy, and i mean no guy, treats my friends like that. i don't care who they are. so i go over there after we convinced my friend to go to the nurse. and i tell him off. and then the manwhore decides he's gonna try to play "mister innocent" like he always does. (biggest load of shit i think i've ever heard). he was trying to tell me that i didn't understand, that everything was a mistake, that if my friend wants to hug him, he'll hug her, but that's about it. and that there are just some things i can't comprehend. and i was like, "like hell!" (those were my exact words). i was like, all i know is that my friend is hurting, and ur not doing anything. and u not doing anything, is making it worse! he just shrugs! just shrugs!!! all the asshole of a manwhore does is shrugs!!! i couldn't believe it!! and then, the day after, when she felt better, when we were saying goodbye, he had the nerve to go up and hug other girls, but had to be asked by my friend to get hugged!!
i'm real tempted to talk to her and tell her that he's no good for her, that she deserves better (which she does) but she relaly likes this guy (only God knows why) and i don't think it'll work.
then there's more but i'll save that for another post!! lol i know this one was long, thanks for bearing w/me. lol
i hope everyone has a great three day weekend!!
twink out!
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
so sorry!!! *bows*

i'm so sorry!!!!!! i haven't been on at all!! i'm sorry if i missed a post, but this last week has been hectic. but, the good news is, i got my laptop back, which means that i can get on whenever i like, w/out worrying about being busted, and i can get on when teachers think i'm taking notes!!! ha!!! in their faces!! so i can be on more!!!
omg, i made a boo boo. i entered in meun's contest, but i put it under my "antiNarutocraze" account!! (bad me!) it's the first ever picture of my harry potter oc, i really like the character in the picture, but it was my first attempt at using the watercolor tool in the program for the bg, so i don't think it turned out quite how i wanted it too. but i thouht it was funny all the same.
school is actualy going okay. but it's sad cause kaname luver isn't in any of my classes (darknesslayer either) TT_TT but i did meet a cute junior, so that is a major plus. ^^
other than that nothing else is new, i haven't been doing too much, but be a zombie all day. i officially think i'm the only person in my spanish class that doesn't know spanish. the rest are all hispanic (no offense teapot, but u'll understand my complaint in a second)!! so they all know it (pretty damn perfectly unfair...)!! it's making me look stupid, and i know they're in there for an easy credit!!! but it is funny cause every time the teacher tells me something in spanish that i don't know i reply in japanese just to piss her off (or so that's she's confused) it's really funny. cause she said something to me and i was like "wakarimasen sensei!!" (=i don't know teacher!) and she looked at me funny. it was priceless.
well, that's about it. i hope everyone is having a great week, and i'll see everyone later (since i plan on being on every day!!!)
twink out!
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