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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
manga, it kicks butt!

hehehe, yes siree it does!!! lol i'm so happy, that little kid and his mom and my parents are going to be gone until late tonite!!! yay!! that little good for nothing *&%%*^%$&& kid broke two of my possessions, and my parents don't care!! i was so mad!! grrr!!!
nothing much has happened, tho i have to say, i'm still in the planning stages of my comic (it should be done in about two weeks, it's a short comic, about fourteen pages, but i want it to be the best one i've ever drawn!!) and speaking of manga, fire fox sakurie's is up in the fan manga section. it's a kingdom hearts one, and it's really good, i would appreciate (and i know she would) if u could drop by and read it for her^^.
i haven't done any random info, so i'll post some. ^^
random info: my first anime love (as in crush for a boy) was james (team rocket) from pokemon!! isn't that silly? but i still think he's awesome!! (in the older shows!) i can still reciet they're entrance thingy by heart! lol
1) who was ur first anime crush?
2) do u like ramen? (lol i know it's random, but deal w/me.)
3) has anyone u known mistaken "otaku" for "taco" cause maybe it's just a texas thing, but almost everyone down here has at one time or another!
have a great day everyone!!
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Monday, July 23, 2007

i finished the harry potter was sooo sad!! (for me, i'm not sure if everyone else sees it that way.) i won't say anything cause i know some ppl hate spoilers, but for the record, the book made me cry. (for those that know me, when u read it, u'll know why)
i'm taking a tiny break from working on requests, (a least two should be uploaded by friday) cause i'm working on a short fourteen page manga. i'll tell u when it's up, i want it to be a surprise!
and hats off to fire fox sakurie!! she's uploaded her manga cover for her kh manga that's she's doing!! she took many ppl's ocs (including mimi) and she made a manga of it!! she's going to upload the pages tommorow, and if anyone would like to see the cover, here's the link!
and remember to check it out tomorow!! ^^
i also have my mom's cousin staying over, and my god, i thought northern accents were hard to figure out! they have the traditional "islander" (aka they sound like the typical jamacian, but they're not from jamaca, they're from trinidad, where the rest of my so called family is) accent, and i can't understand a word they say!! (mom claims they're speaking english, i don't know what kind of english she's talking about!!)
school is only in five weeks! damn, has summer gone that quick!!? makes me angry, i like my friends, and i want to see them, but i have no desire to work. =_= (i'm lazy as heck, surprisingly i make a'
and i think that's about it! o, remember the kombat tournament "omegasnake16" is holding. if anyone wants to join, pm him.
twink out!!
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
dressed to kill

hellos! well, i changed my site around, not because i didn't like the ouran one (i was actually going to have it up forever!!) but, my friend omegasnake16 is hosting a kombat tournament, and i'm going to participate!! (anyone who wants to, just go to his site for rules and see his post) and figuring since most ppl that are going to join are going to be i brought back "haseo, the terror of death!!" lol it's been a while since i've had him up, but i have to admit, he's pretty damn sexy!! *hugs haseo*
and while i'm at that, i have to say, for some reason, i was thinking about how i met a few ppl that i call my best friends on here (ppl that have stuck w/me for the months that i've been on here!) and i've decided to share a few, cause a few were funny. ^^ (if anyone wishes me to not include them when they read this, just pm me and i'll take it off, but these are strictly internet buddies, i have lots o friends that i know in school on here)
fire fox sakurie: she commented on a picture of riku, axel, and demyx w/out their shirts on that i drew called "so sexy it should be crime". ^^ we did an artrade and have been friends since!!
teapot domescan: i remember sticking up for her on a chibi of orochimaru she drew, someone was being an ass about it and i told them off. ^^ she was thankful, we've been friends since.
(anyone that hasn't checked out either of their art needs to!! they're awesome artists!!)
um, there's someone who used to be a friend, stopped answering, but was a good friend about a few months ago, his story was actually one of the funniest.
it was an anime news post, about black cat, i had said on there anyone who liked cowboy bebop would like black cat, he gets (but throughout the whole time, i thought "he" was a "she") all mad stating that cowboy bebop is waay better! so we get into a heated discussion, that lasted days!! then finally we somehow or another became friends. buuut, another funny part was, i still had a haseo avi on (and haseo as my bg, this is why i normally don't have him) he thought i was a "he" and i thought "he" was a "she"! we had both genders mixed up!!
(actually, since i had that bg, lots of ppl (men) thought i was a boy!! that's why i took it down...)
well, i got the harry potter book last night, and i'm on page...483 i believe. my mom made me put it down, so i didn't finish it! *sob*
well, that's about all, i'll try to get to ppl's posts!!
twink out!
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Friday, July 20, 2007
dude, where's my car?

lol that title has nothing to do w/my post!! lol i just felt like putting something there...
i've been really sleepy this morning, which is weird...yah...but i've been drawing, i've been drawing alot!! i'm almost done w/a picture of kit (from my "randomness" fanmanga, who is about to be in another) in fmc style. i really like that style, it suits me. i can't draw big eyes like i want to...T^T but anyhoo! that and i've sketched out a picture w/all my ocs!! i had seven of them. and then (this was all from yesterday, i even finished two other things too!) i inked a picture w/kid alphonse hanging onto millie's legs. i thought it was cute! but i'm unsure if i want to color it, or maybe just do black and white...
random info: kit is a widely used character that is based offa myself. she's had various hairstyles, and appears in various fanfictions and original stories (a yusuke fanfiction, randomness, and in love w/a zombie, just to name a few) but still, her character was always the same. she was created about three years ago, and is still a happy member of my family^.
1) do u write fanfictions? if so, where do u post them (cause i'd like to read them!)
2) if u have ocs, do u base them offa urself, or other ppl?
3) has anyone seen the movie, "dude, where's my car?"
my answers
1) yess!! ^^ i have three. two are posted on quizilla. ^^
2) they're based mostly offa myself. millie, mimi, and kit are most like myself.
3) nope! just thought the title was funny.
have a great day!!
twink out!
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Thursday, July 19, 2007
harry potter, eh, okay.

i went and saw the harry potter movie last night!! it was actually pretty good, considering the book is about 800+ pages! but of course, i was sad because they left stuff out, but all in all it was pretty good. (waaay better than the fourth!!) but a good thing about it was, (sorry, but i have to add this^^) fred and george gots lots o screen time!!! i think they got just as much, or more than ron adn hermy! omg they're so hot!!!!! (specially fred, he's my fav^^) they actually had lots o time where they could've focused on other ppl, but instead focused on them.^^ i also think that kaoru and hikaru were based offa fred and george! they're too much alike to be mere conisidence! i mean, all of them are hot, red headed, love to pull pranks, and so on and so forth (both womanizers!).
but sadly, they totally messed up tonks. T^T she was my fav female character, and they couldn't even get her looks right. T^T her hair wasn't spikey, and she seemed a little girly for tonks. =_= but yah, that was me nitpicking. (i was sooo sad when ******* died!! i cried!! cause he was one of my fav characters!)
today is going to be a blah day, the clouds are dark, and it looks as if it's going to rain. (yay! me love the rain!) adn that's about it, i'm almost done w/my kh2 costume for mimi, so that'll be up soon. and i'm thinking of trying to put up a webcomic. but unfortunately, i have no idea on how to set up a site!! (darknessslayer got me thinking about it!! lol) so maybe my sis will know, i'll ask her! time for random info!!
random info: at the age of ten, i refused to read harry potter, and refused to watch the movies (the reason was because i wanted to read a series called "dragonlance" but my mother wouldn't let me, and harry potter was supposed to be a replacement for it). after reading the second one, i grew to like them, but never told anyone until the fourth book came out. ^^
1) who's ur fav characters in harry potter? (if u don't like harry potter, who are the characters u hate?)
2) do u read webcomics? and if so, which ones?
my answers!!
1) fred and george, oliver wood, tonks and sirius black.
2) yess!! vgcats, questionable content, nuklearpower, and applegeeks. ^^
have a great day!!
twink out!
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
new theme eh?

yeppers, i have a new theme!! (this post is gonna be short!) i really like it, it's simple, and it's ouran!!
nothing much has happened, except, that two of my one page manga have gotten featured!!! *dances excitedly* it's really funny because they're both original. (and from the same series...maybe i should try doing webcomics!! (if i knew how...=_=)
requests and art trades are closed!!
i didn't get to see harry potter last night, but i think we're going tonite...
random info: i used to blow up, hang, and shoot off heads from barbies. ^^
no questions today, i have to run!!
twink out!
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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

hehehe, my little sister finally beat the first kingdom hearts (after like, three years...but she restarted so i guess that's okay) i was so squealy tho, because she got the special ending, and it always makes me squeal!!! she also started playing kh 2 again (she beat the second before she beat the first one...weird..) and watching her play kh made me get back into fanfic gear!! *dun duun dun duuun* so i've been writing my kh fanfiction (actually writing=_= gosh it takes so long, but it's so fun!) i'm on page 28, in handwritten version! it's funny because when i retyped it, it was two pages longer than the written one...that's weird, it's funny how much i add!! lol
speaking of which, i'm going to post Mimi's (kh oc) kh2 outfit. i realized i hadn't done it before!! she looks totally different cause she wacks off all her hair in kh2!! (sora flipps when he first sees her like that!!)
in other news, the computer is officially in my parents room. =_= but my mom is knocked out on the couch, so i'm safe!! ^^ i also think we might get to go see harry potter tonite, too!! i hope so, i've been wanting to see it!!!
random info: i actually prefer older tv shows and sitcoms. and my sister claims that i'm the only fifteen year old that watches "Perry Mason" and "Matlock".
1) do u like any murder mysteries? (shows, movies, books, ect) if so, name them!
2) if u don't read ouran high, has anything i said persuaded u to go read it? (or do u want to read it now?)
3) do u think i'm random, and speak w/out malice?
my answers!!
1) yess!!!! but they're all older shows: Murder She Wrote, Perry Mason, Matlock, and Diagnose Murder.
2) i guess i can't answer that!! lol
3) hehehe, wouldn't want to spoil it for u!! ^^
have a great day, i'll try to make sure i get to everyone's site!!!
ooo, btw, i finally reached 80 guestbook signings!!! for a newb, i think i'm doing okay!! lol
have a great day!
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Monday, July 16, 2007
harry pot head my ass, it's all about fred and george!

sorry for the random title, i thought it was funny. ^^ particularly since i just finished a fred and george drawing!!! *does a dance* i thought it looked really good, but my mom made me feel really down, she told me they looked gayish in the drawing!! T^T i was so sad!! but i looked at it, and i didn't thikn they looked gay...(but maybe i've been reading too much ouran)...
on an ouran note! i've come to the random conclusion that they are only two guys haruhi would ever get w/!! mori, or hikaru! here are my reasons!
mori: she's always taken notice of mori, and in the episode (i'm talking strictly manga w/both men) at kyoya's resort (the fake beach) she offered mori a drink, then was happy when he finally said her name! (and he picks her up and she doesn't say anything!) there are other instances like that, but i won't list them.
hikaru: the twins definitly get haruhi's attention, and are the only ones that seem to get haruhi to bend in there favor. like at halloween, or when the twins were fighting, and she did go on a date w/hikaru. ^^
personally, even tho i think tamaki and haruhi make a cute couple, i don't think it'd work, tamaki just annoys her too much! lol
random info: i completed my first comic at the age of 11, it was 140 pages long, and was titled "lovestruck fallen angels" and i completed my first fanfiction at the age of 13, it was 180 pages long, and was titled (u should be familar w/this) "a feeling never felt before"
1) wat's ur top three fav female artists and then the top three fav male artists (or mangaka).
2) if u could be in any anime, wat would it be?
3) have u seen the harry potter movie, and if u have, did u like it?
my answers!
1) female: CLAMP (too many to count, i'm sure u know them), Bisco Hatori (ouran high school host club), and Koge Donbo (di gi charat, kamichama karin, yoki koto kiku, and many more!)
male: Yoshihiro Togashi (yu yu hakusho) Takeshi Obata (death note, hikaru no go), and Kei Toume (Kurogane). also, one female that i did not list, but highly think of is Hiromu Arkawa (fma). ^^
2) Yu Yu Hakusho!!!
3) we're going to see it this weekend!!
well, hope y'all have a great day!! (keep a look out for my new picture if it's not too much trouble!!)
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Sunday, July 15, 2007

hi everyone!! sorry i wasn't on yesterday, i went to splashtown w/kaname luver!!! it was really fun, but i was so surprised, dead crickets were everywhere!! (they tell me it's cricket season...weird...) i've also found out that my sister isn't coming home until the second, of august. =_= yea, that put a burden on my whole family. we thought she was coming home this week. specially my mom, she got all pissed off cause i was reading a vampire book (and it's not like i'm obsessed w/them, i barely read them! i barely like any of them! and it's not like it was Anne Rice's stuff! it was a simply harmless, 12+ vampire novel!) so yea....
also, i'm happy to say i have some new friends added to my wonderful otaku family!! u guys are so awesome, like a home away from hell!!! (seriously!!! i have no idea what i would do w/out theo!!)
but actually, i'm sad to say, i might not be able to get on as much anymore (i'll still be on tho!!) because my parents are moving the computer into THEIR room. talk about not trusting me! sheesh! this summer went from f***ing awesome, to great, to okay, to blah, to horrible. (and my f***ing younger sister won't stop bugging me!! she keeps staring at the computer while i type!! it's so annoying! she won't go away!!) so yea...but i'm still here! i'll try to keep as happy as i can, because going emo isn't going to sovle anything, right?
has anyone else been sterotyped something they think they're not? like me, ppl say i'm a loner and that i'm an antisocial person. i'm like "wtf?" because i've never considered (okay, the fourth grade to sixth grade was a different issue) myself antisocial or a loner. i thought i was too...happy...hyper...and weird to be a loner. but that's just me. i dunno, i mean, i have my "emo moments" but doesn't eveyone? who knows!
i've decided from here on out that i wish to get to know everyone a little better, (and u to know me!) so i'm going to post questions and little random things about myself!!!!
*random info: let's see...i didn't have any friend that were girls until the seventh grade...and i used to be a misfit that i threw grasshoppers at cheerleaders and helped throw some prep into a dumpster...(she told me i was going to hell in the third grade). yea...that'll be todays...*
these will be basic!!
1) wat's ur fav shojo anime (manga) and fav shoenen anime (manga)?
2) do u have siblings? if so, bro or sis and how many?
3) wat kind of music do u listen to?
my answers
1) shojo: ouran highschool host club
-shoenen: tie between yu yu hakusho and death note
2) two sisters, one is 22 and the other is 13
3) any kind of rock music. i really like hard, punk, and heavy metal. ^^ sometimes j-rock, but on occasions.
well, that's all for today! but i have to say, i have a sudden urge to draw fred and george...i think i will!!
twink out!
p.s i'll try as hard as i can to visist sites, but w/my dad home it's hard!! weekends aren't the best time cause of my dad!!
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Friday, July 13, 2007

this is a picture from the convention!! i wish i had a better one, but my friend has the rest of them and she's in mexico!!!
i'm the one on the far left, as neji, hunny sempai (the one helping me w/the ouran manga, and in mexico) is in the middle, and hinata is my kid sis. ^^ i hope to get a better pic soon, and hopefully find some of my new haircut. ^^
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