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Wednesday, April 18, 2007
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hi everyone!! i've been getting angry cause i made this pretty layout and it won't work!!! i keep uploading it, and it won't work!!! *sob* yah...tommorow is my math taks, *bleh* i hate taks, they're really gay. btw, does anyone know of any good layout sites? eh.
hehe, i's the end of the year and i'm so excited cause the A-Kon is coming up and i get to go!!! ^^ but i'm changing my cosplay. cuase my little sister is going as hinata (which i think she would be a reallly good one, she's really shy and loves naruto uzamaki^^) and i'm going to play as neji. which means i don't have to cut my hair, cause it's exactly like his. ^^ i just have to pull it up. ^^ but his costume is gonna cost like 110$! O_O *sob* but o'll be worth it. ^^ well laters, my stomach feels like shit. so bye bey!!
twink out!
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Sunday, April 15, 2007
 Chibi Love Hosted By
this is the pic that i drew. ^^ i thought it was simply adorable. ^^ please tell me how u think!^^
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hey everyone!!
today just started, so i have a whole day to draw!!! *weeee!* i just uploaded three pictures, so try and check them out if y'all can. ^^ i know the scanner murdered my color pictures, but i can't help that, (i about cried when i saw them, they looked so different!). i'm in a digi charat mood (could ya tell?) so i feel like being random some time soon...
btw, for those of u that asked, a blah day is when u do absolutely NO work! which i love. ^^ tho i guess i did dishes, but that was later and that didn't count. ^^ well i gotta go, i plan on drawing a few manga pages, hopefully those will go well! ^^
btw, check out the tsubasa trailer! it looks fricken awesome! ^^ i so wants it!!!
twink out!
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Saturday, April 14, 2007
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hi everyone! wowo, this post is late! O_O today has been an extreme blah day! yay! i love blah days, i've been drawing all day!! (which means i ended up surrounded by a sea of crumpled up papers, and a few broken pencils). mangas have not been going good. i keep getting frustrated cause i'm trying to draw this one original (i'm not sure if i'll post this one) that i draw when my other mangas aren't going well (those aren't working w/me, i think i'm having an off day). and like, i redrew, reinked, this one page like over and over again!!! i'm telling u, if i have any black ink after this, i'll be seriously surprised!!! lol but just simple pictures have been going good. ^^ i'm just writing a sasuke fanfiction whenever i'm bored (i know, i hate him, but he's such an interesting character to write about! i will admit, he used to be my favorite, until he became a loser) and i drew...two pictures w/him and my oc that i'll post. one is just them, and it's cute. and the other is a simple chibi pic that i think everyone will like. ^^ all it is is my oc holding her hand going "can we hold hands?" and sasuke blushing. i even got my mom to say "aawww, that's adorable" and she was mad at me. ^^ and the last picture was just one of my oc. ^^ so today all and all was good. ^^
today's episode of naruto was awesome. i love the part when it flashed back to jiriya's past when he got tied to the stump liek naruto and him and sarutobi are talking and at the end, jiriya's like "sarutobi-sensei, ur a perv". and it was hilarious just how he said it!!! i don't know why, but even my dad cracked up. ^^ (and my dad usually hates jiriya, tho i don't know why, i think he's liek one the best characters, and he was, emphasizes on the word WAS, cute when he was like sixteen. ^^) and that is all, sorry if i didn't get to everyone's post today, i'll do better tommorow! oops, i have to go to bed, laters!!!
twink out!
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Friday, April 13, 2007
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hihi everyone! ^^ i haven't been on too much lately cause of these damn teachers, and i'm pissed right now cause this bitch wrote up my friend for no fucking reason!!!! for nothing i tell u!!! it makes me so mad!!! i want to stab her!!! argghh!! (actually the friend is shreder, the guy who stole my laptop yesterday). i really like this layout that i have, so this one might actually stay up for more than three days. ^^ and i really like this pic. ^^
i haven't drawn in ages and my hands feel weird. i mean, i've doodled, but i haven't like done a real drawing. i want to draw!!!!! *sob* and that is all, i hope u guys have a great day! ^^
twink out!
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Thursday, April 12, 2007
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yo! wat's up? today has been weird. my friend, i shall call him joe, wanted me to join a site called loudfusion. i really wish right now, that i had a cookie. i want a cookie. did i mention i was in geography and i want to stab my teacher? cause...hi im shreder! whatss ur name?...(um...that was my friend who just stole my computer and added something...and i feel like keeping it up..cause we're random like that...) well, i'll try to get to ppl's sites, gosh i have so many requests right now! i'm pulling my hair out!!! i'm hoping to get them done soon tho. ^^ well, laters!
twink out!
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Tuesday, April 10, 2007
this is gonna be a short post, but o well! lol
today was good, i guess. everyone was kinda moody today (don't ask why, cause i have no flippen clue). tho i've come to the conclusion i hate confetti. i hate it so much. cause like i guess all my hispanic friends decided to crack those confetti eggs on everyone. and i thought i made it clear i didn't want any of that shit in my hair. no one listened. someone got me. and then as soon as i got it out of my hair, another person got me. i felt like i was going to attack someone. so that was my day. gotta go eat, so cya laters and i hope u enjoy the new layout!
twink out!
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Monday, April 9, 2007
easter was...okay i guess...i didn't get any candy so i was sad, and my parents went and invited ppl over and i had to be "social" as they say. but at least on saturday i gots to watch a marothon of NARUTO! yay! itachi's voice was really hot!! (which is weird for me to say cause i hate itachi) and kisame is like fricken badass!!!! though i can say i bawled at the third hokage's furneral. i was so sad!!! specially when i saw konohamaru cry, i couldn't take it, and when it did iruka (who's like my second bishie) flashback, i couldn't help it!!! *sob*
well enough about that...i'm trying to think of something interesting to say...well i guess i could say my love life is a little...wacked...cause my boyfriend is all depressed (he's almost emo...almost) and won't talk to me and is all "blah" so yah...i wish he would talk to me but everyone tells just to give him space. so yah...i'm kinda bummed. but that's all! i updated pics not too long ago, adn i gots one request done! *does a dance* it's a garra pic. ^^ and he looks smexy...mmm...anyhoo that's all for today, sorry i haven't posted in a while! and i haven't been on so if i didn't get to ur site yesterday, i'm sorry!!!
twink out!
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Friday, April 6, 2007
hey guys! guess wat? i don't have to go to school today! *does a dance* but this weekend might just suck because my parents feel the need to invite random ppl to our house, so i might or might not get to go to the movies, which my parents PROMISED they take me to. they're such bitches at times. i've learned never to take their promises seriously. i mean, they're all empty by now. cause my dad's work always gets in the way. i swear, he might as well live at work. (wait, he doesn't already? *la gasp* lol)\
yesterday i went to the most boring field trip in existence. i'm in a business carreers magnet school, so they take us to "businesses". like hell. seeing how they processed cheese would have been funner (and don't tell that's not a word, cause it is in MY dictionary, jk jk) than going to this place. we went to *shivers* sercuity services. that stupid credit union? yah, we toured that damn place. and throughout the whole time i thought "well damn, aren't u trying to recruit us? stop boring us to death!" it was retarded. and yah...
i went to practice again yesterday! *giggles* me and lloyd (my rifle) were having a great time! but like, everyone was giving me a weird look cause not only was i sick and practing, but i was in a skirt! lol, (it's hard to march and stuff in it, btw) cause when we go to those weird field trips, we have to dress "business like" so i wore a business skirt suit thingy (w/heels! god those damn things hurt! but i brought an extra pair of shoes *snuggles vans*). but it was also kinda weird, cause i've had like this crush on my flight commander (who's a real cutie!) but i kinda got rejected at the beginning of the year, but i can't help but like him, but i know it'll never happen so it's okay (he has a girlfriend btw). (god i sound like some character offa an anime! but he's a really good friend and is there for me when i'm sad or pissed) but like yesterday he gave me a look when i passed him in lunch, and i was like "wat?" he just smiled, and didn't say anything.
so in ROTC i was helping him do the grades (cause i'm the flight sgt) and he was teasing me (like in flirting wise) the whole time and calling me "cutie" and junk. i swear that's mean!!! cause he knows i still like him *sob* and he continued it even right before practice! (he's also on the drill team). but yah, enough about him.
i think that's all, but i am working on everyone's requests! but like my parents are evil so like they keep booting me offa the computer! *evil parents* lol, well talk to u laters!!
twink out
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
sicky and feeling like crap
good gracious, i got like four hours of sleep last night, and i feel like crap. =_= i like,feel like i'm going to fall asleep as i type. i think that i'm typing at like twenty words per minute instead of the usual like eighty words. so like, yah...i wanna take a nap. i wanna go back home, but my mommy won't let me. *sob*
but on a good note, i actually was able to go to practice yesterday. ^^ i had so much fun, i missed my pretty rifle (his name is Lloyd, ur supposed to name it the oppisite sex that u are).
well i gotta go, laters!!
twink out!
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