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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Monday, February 26, 2007

   i'm better!!!!
yay happiness to teh world! i feel great!!! my fever is gone and i'm back in school w/my friends! ^_^ all is well, specially w/my art. i'm working on a hiei comic that is based offa a fanfiction i wrote a year ago. tho it's all hand drawn (so the fancy tones won't be there) but i'm having a hard time uploading it to where it gives it justice. hopefully i'll get it figured soon cause i really like it want everyone to see it!!! well, art trades and requests are up, i also want to apologize to anyone taht i haven't relpied to because i haven't been on and i'm techinally (all my friends that i've told know this) not supposed to be. well anyhoo, have a great day!! don't be strangers!!!!

twink out!!!

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