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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

yo wat is up ppl? i'm having a pretty good time, i know, i know, i can't seem to keep a bg up for more than a few days, but i saw this wallpaper and couldn't help myself! i mean aren't they sexy? (glad my lil sis isn't here or she'd smack me...she hates the word sexy for some reason...=_=) but ya, nothing much as been happening here lately, other than me getting A B honor roll and that ticks my mom off. she's one for "all A's!" bah, i tried, i really did, she's just way to damn picky! i mean come on, the b's were an 87 and 88!!!
in other news, ppl say that there is supposed to be a gang fight around here...i don't wanna be caught up in it so i'm hightailing my ass outta school fast everyday. yah...geography is really boring...really boring....yah...well laters!!!

twink out!
p.s wat do u guys think about the tsubasa voice actors? i think they did a great job!!!

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