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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Friday, March 2, 2007

   Course cards
blah! school is being gay right now. we're doing the whole "course card" shit. the counselor is being a bitch, which is pissing me off (i was told i could do something other than language for my sophomore year, and wait until junior and senior year, and the counselor is all bitchy and like "no, u can't, end of story" she was being a bitch to all my friends too...i say we go after her...i've never liked counselors...they're evil...like physciatrists...

my friends introduced me into someone new today. he's pretty cool; he's a hot junior who happens to like anime! ^_^ (me: hot+animeluver=good catch) but i have a boyfriend whom i like very much, so i hope we become friends. two of my friends really like him, and they've been fighting over him for a while...tho i don't think he likes either of them like that. i think he just wants to be friends; one flirts waaaay to much, and the other just wants to make him laugh. *sigh* i defientily don't wanna get in the middle of that!

well that's about it, i'm going to update soon (sorry!) i promise! spring break is coming up so i should have all the time i want!

btw, everyone needs to check out "narutowned" on youtube, or "kingdom hearts chronicles" on ugoplayer. they are HILARIOUS. lol

twink out!

itachi or sasuke?

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