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myOtaku.com: haseo luver92

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

hi ppl!!! i know, i know, i changed my bg again...but i'm in a shika mood (i'm a huge shika fan!!! *glomps shika*) tho i'm certain that shika should get w/ino...i despise temari...i despise ino too, but i think they make a better couple. two positives (like smart ppl) push away. but anyhoo...man geography is boring...i hate it...this guy is rambling nonense taht i don't care about. i'm never going to africa, so why bother w/it? that's my philosophy. but anyhoo, my life is weird...i found out something disturbing that i've sworn never to repeat, but i'm still weirded out. yah...u guys need to check out www.nuklearpower.com (for final fanasty luvers), www.vgcats.com (for video game luvers), and www.questioncontent.net (for u perverts). they're all hilarious!!! that's all!

btw check out my new hiei pic, and take my poll!!!

twink out!

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