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hiei luver92
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completing my 160 page hiei fanfiction
Anime Fan Since
i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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yu yu hakusho, Fma/Ouran High School Host Club, Death Eyeshield21
to become a mangaka
drawing, playing video games, eating, watching/reading anime/manga
drawing, writing, singing
| haseo luver92
Sunday, July 15, 2007

hi everyone!! sorry i wasn't on yesterday, i went to splashtown w/kaname luver!!! it was really fun, but i was so surprised, dead crickets were everywhere!! (they tell me it's cricket season...weird...) i've also found out that my sister isn't coming home until the second, of august. =_= yea, that put a burden on my whole family. we thought she was coming home this week. specially my mom, she got all pissed off cause i was reading a vampire book (and it's not like i'm obsessed w/them, i barely read them! i barely like any of them! and it's not like it was Anne Rice's stuff! it was a simply harmless, 12+ vampire novel!) so yea....
also, i'm happy to say i have some new friends added to my wonderful otaku family!! u guys are so awesome, like a home away from hell!!! (seriously!!! i have no idea what i would do w/out theo!!)
but actually, i'm sad to say, i might not be able to get on as much anymore (i'll still be on tho!!) because my parents are moving the computer into THEIR room. talk about not trusting me! sheesh! this summer went from f***ing awesome, to great, to okay, to blah, to horrible. (and my f***ing younger sister won't stop bugging me!! she keeps staring at the computer while i type!! it's so annoying! she won't go away!!) so yea...but i'm still here! i'll try to keep as happy as i can, because going emo isn't going to sovle anything, right?
has anyone else been sterotyped something they think they're not? like me, ppl say i'm a loner and that i'm an antisocial person. i'm like "wtf?" because i've never considered (okay, the fourth grade to sixth grade was a different issue) myself antisocial or a loner. i thought i was too...happy...hyper...and weird to be a loner. but that's just me. i dunno, i mean, i have my "emo moments" but doesn't eveyone? who knows!
i've decided from here on out that i wish to get to know everyone a little better, (and u to know me!) so i'm going to post questions and little random things about myself!!!!
*random info: let's see...i didn't have any friend that were girls until the seventh grade...and i used to be a misfit that i threw grasshoppers at cheerleaders and helped throw some prep into a dumpster...(she told me i was going to hell in the third grade). yea...that'll be todays...*
these will be basic!!
1) wat's ur fav shojo anime (manga) and fav shoenen anime (manga)?
2) do u have siblings? if so, bro or sis and how many?
3) wat kind of music do u listen to?
my answers
1) shojo: ouran highschool host club
-shoenen: tie between yu yu hakusho and death note
2) two sisters, one is 22 and the other is 13
3) any kind of rock music. i really like hard, punk, and heavy metal. ^^ sometimes j-rock, but on occasions.
well, that's all for today! but i have to say, i have a sudden urge to draw fred and george...i think i will!!
twink out!
p.s i'll try as hard as i can to visist sites, but w/my dad home it's hard!! weekends aren't the best time cause of my dad!!
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