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i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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| haseo luver92
Monday, July 30, 2007
time stops for no man (that is, unless he casts stop ;])

Jesus!! how long has it been since i've posted? it seems like forever!!! *looks at calender* two days!! wowo!! well, i had good reasons, so i'll start off w/wat happened on saturday.
well, my mom decided we were all going to go to sea world w/our "islander" relatives (that includes "cheeze" their kid. that's not his real name, but he's a five year old terror that acts exactly like him. =_=) well, to begin w/, i wasn't too fond of going. i mean, sea world is great and all...the first time. this would be my third time going to sea world, second time in the one here, and there's not that many rides and there's only so much of "believe" i can take (that's the shamoo storyline, theme a ma bob). but that's only the begining. when i woke up on saturday (WARNING! ALL MEN THAT R READING THIS, SKIP TO the next paragraph!! i'm fairly certain u don't want to know the rest of this story, and if u don't take my advice, hey, ur the one that's going to go "aaa!!") my period came, and it let me know. my stomach was hurting like hell, and honestly, i didn't want to move. and u know, sea world is a "water" place (hints the "sea" in "sea" world) and i particually don't like wearing tampons (pads are more my speed, they're generally more comfortable) so water was not looking so hot. so i told my mom i wasn't feeling good. she thought i was faking (at first) cause she knew i didn't want to go in the first place. then my little sister came (i could've killed her in that moment, i mean, u could tell this girl was faking pain, and it just drove me crazy cause now my parents were going to think i was faking, when i really wasn't) in complaining her neck hurt. whopdee fricken doo. i about smacked her then.
(for the guys, basically my stomach hurts, that's all u need to know)so i got ready and we were waiting in line, i'm in pain, and come to find out, my dad was going to ditch us and go back home to "study". so of course, i wanted to know if i could go back w/him, cause honestly, i don't know these "relatives" and i'm sure they really don't care about me, and "cheeze" was going to annoy everyone so much u wouldn't miss me at all. my mom was actually going to let me go (she saw how miserable i was) but my dad told her no, cause he wanted "peace and quiet" when he studied. i was like "wft!" how much noise is one person going to make? the extent would be me, downstairs, watching something on hallmark channel drawing. and the volume would be low, gee, doesn't that sound distracting, while he's upstairs, door shut, clear across the house. =_= needless to say we came to a compromise that in two hours, if i wasn't feelingn good, i could go home. that pissed me off, just because if i wasn't feeling good in the first place, why should i walk around and make everyone miserable? so needless to say, we went to see the fake shamoo (it's amazing how everyone goes to sea world and wants to see shamoo, and then u wonder, how many shamoos there are?) and cheeze loved it (he screamed in my ear countless times) and then we saw a dolphin show. it was okay. then there was the new water ride everyone wanted to try, so wat happened to me? i waited for a fricken hour on a fricken concrete slab watching ppl pass by. normally that's fun, cause i'll look at the cute guys that pass by. but that day, it wasn't so much. particually because every cute guy was w/a girl. a pretty one at that. that was a blow to my self esteem (and i don't have much to begin w/). i had to be the only single teenage girl out there. cause if the girl wasn't w/a guy, she was pretty enough to where she could probably snap her fingers and she'd have guys begging to go out w/her (not that i don't think i'm pretty, i think i look fairly decent, nothing great, but just not good enough). then i got mad at myself. i hate it when i want a boyfriend, i really do. it irritates me so!! so then i called up my friend...i'll call him bob, and complained to him. he's really cool about it. he's one of those guys that u can rant to, on, just about anything, and he'll listen. he doesn't give u crap about it, nor does he try to make sense about it, he just listens, he doesn't tell me to get over it, or make me sound like an idiot, and that i like. so then my mom came back, and i'm still hurting, and we went to get lunch. and after we got lunch, it was about three hours into it (i waited for an hour and a half by myself for those ppl to get on that ride) and mom told me to basically deal w/it for another three hours. i was like "great". but hey, i got a waffle cone chocolate ice cream w/strawberries for it. to myself (normally i have to share w/my little sister). so that was a treat. so that was saturday.
sunday: did i ever mention that i had a friend that was going to have a sweet 16 soon? i didn't, well, there is, and boy let me tell u, if all sweet 16 were planned this way, i'd never go to one!! i originally was going to stand in w/my boyfriend (who is now my ex) and even still we thought we were good enough friends to were it would work. so she scedules times for like dancing pratices, i can go to those. i go to the first one, it was alright. then they cancel all the rest, cause of "money" issues. then they rescedule all the pratices during summer vacation! and of course, i've had stuff planned, so i can't make it. well, i finally was able to go to one, it went alright, but i was so behind (so was everyone else) that it was horrid! plus, my partner wasn't even there so i had to pratice w/a girl! (in fact, half of the guys weren't there!) so then i found out that this week, they wanted to have two other pratices. and i knew my mom was going to be pissed. she hates it when ppl schedule stuff like that. a day in advanced. then i found out my partner dropped, and i wasn't going to have a partner. and a whole bunch of other stuff went on and i had to drop it (cause of my mom). i felt bad in a way, and then i didn't. i felt bad because it was her sweet 16 and everyone was dropping out. i didn't because of their poor lack of planning, and the fact it was costing my parents close to 200$ just to send me to it!! and i'm not for making my parents spend usless money cause someone is trying to pull something they can't pull off. and that's how i felt. (towards her parents). so yea...that was...ick.
today: today was fun, remember "bob", the guy i mentioned ealier, well i went over to his house and we met up w/...i'll call him "joe". joe grew so muuuuuuch!! i couldn't believe it!! his hair grew out too!! (it's sad, because we were the best of friends during middle school, but we all go to different high schools, so we hardly see each other, but we phone often.) joe is the funny guy, the stupid class clown, and i'll admit, i used to have a huuuge crush on him! but that was a long time ago, and now, the two are like big bros. ^^ all we basically did was watch dumb stuff on the computer and bob owned my in super smash bros. my excuse was that the only game i played on the nintendo 64 was zelda, and that i owned him at the naruto games anyways. he shut up after that!! lol btw, for anyone that loves stupid stuff, but doesn't mind really bad language, watch "foamy the squirrel" or "carlos mencia" it's fricken hilarious!! ^^
and that's all i finished one request!! (yay!) and i've been working on my secret comic!! ^^ i'll tell u guys about it when i'm done, before i post it. ^^
also, remember that kombat tournament? well, i have to say, omegasnake16 certainly pulled a fast one, my best friend, darknessslayer (whom i know from school) is my first oppenent in the tournament!! and he did that on purpose!! lol i think it'll be interesting to see how it turns out. ^^
well, i hope everyone has a great day! i'll try to visit sites!! ^^
twink out!
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