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hiei luver92
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completing my 160 page hiei fanfiction
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i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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yu yu hakusho, Fma/Ouran High School Host Club, Death Eyeshield21
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| haseo luver92
Thursday, August 2, 2007
the spell stop isn't working...maybe i should upgrade?

gomen nasai!!! *bows* i'm very sorry for not being on yesterday!!! very sorry!! (and the day before if i believe). yesterday i was very mad at the world, very. but i was afraid i'd type something very emo up so i decided not to. (i have a tendecy not to read what i'm typing, and just let it flow). in a nutshell, my mom just ragged on me all day, for stupid stuff. and she was being a major hypicric. i hate that. so yah...that's about it. and the day before i was working hard on my art, and by the tiem i wanted to post, my dad got home, and he booted me offa the computer.
and now i have an annoucement!!! i keep mentioning a secret comic, and i can't contain myself anymore!! i'm really tempted to upload the cover page onto the fanart. i really am. do u think i should? will i get a cookie if i do? lol jk jk i seriously am thinking about it tho. but as i look at the cover, it's really pink. i mean really. but who knows?
has anyone else narrated themselves? like, if ur walking, and ur mad, and u start narratoring ur life? i have, and it's really weirding me out. cause i can't stop it. so i decided to type it down, who knows, it might make a good story later on.
i just finished the book "a catcher in the rye" it was actually a pretty good book, well, the moral of it anyways. it wasn't boring at least. the main character said God's name in vain too much for my liking, and he said "bastard" for every guy, and "damn this" and "the hell w/that" alot as well. in fact, he even dropped the "f" word occasionally. and he talked about sex alot. that kinda disturbed me, but all and all it was a good book (unlike lord of the flies, but then again, we all know how i feel about that book!)
and now my mom's making me do 10th grade math!!! grr!! i have only three weeks left of school, and the god for saken woman is making me do math!! math!! i've read about thirteen books this summer, two of which were twelveth grade level, and boring, just so my mom would be happy. and now i have to do math?! it's ridiculous!! i'm tempted to go steal the asnswer key right now and copy all the answers, so i can breeze by it!! grr...i despise math...
random info: it's very easy for songs to get stuck in my head, even ones i don't like. does that ever happen to u?
question time!!
1) who all wants to help me destroy all the schools in america (and if u don't live there, maybe the whole world?)
2) do u believe in fairies?
1) um...hell ya!
2) kinda...i wish they were real, i really do. (this question was inspired by the book "blue girl" if u've never read it, i highly suggest it, i never put it down once i started. it was that good)
and that's all!! i'm sorry if i sounded a little...angry? i think that might be the right word, but things have been tense around my house cause my older sister (the married one) is coming today. so my mom is been all "grrrr" towards us. well, wish us luck!! (i hope the house doesn't burn down!)
twink out!
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