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| haseo luver92
Saturday, September 1, 2007
crack kills all things good.

*just as a precaution, this post will have a significant amount of language, so anyone offended by that should not read it*
man, i just had a major blow to my self esteem (plus there is all this drama going on!! >_<). remember that hot junior i met? yah, nuttin is going to happen between us. it started like this;
i thought he was hot, (as i've mentioned) but i don't think i flirted w/him (i'm not very good at that) but i did hang out w/him and give him hugs and junk. then right before algebra 2 he asks me to come out into the hallway and asks me if i like him!! (heart goes into a frantic beat) but since i'd only known him for about three days, i told him i'd rather get to know him first (i mean, that's just how i am...unless ur some extremely sexy person...and i don't hold him that far. lol jk jk) he noddes, and tells me that he thinks i'm one of the cutest girls he's ever seen!!!
now, i'm sure everyone is wondering why this is "supposed" to be bad at this point, but it goes majorly downhill from here. the next day during lunch we're just talking, and of course telling each other the dumbass things we've done, and he comes to tell me he SMOKES w/his mom! (and not tobbaco ppl!) so that like was a blow. i forget sometimes that the school i'm in has alot of ppl like that. but like he makes good grades so i thought he was a little too smart for that (i thought i'd actually bagged a smart one! NOT!). so i'm taken back. the only thing now that i think is good about him is he's honesty. cuase he wanted to get that out before we became good friends, just in case that bothered me. and it does. i mean, no offense if anyone on here does, i have friends that do that too...but when it's a guy that i that...even a's different. u'know? i had a friend that was almost killed by the stuff. so maybe i can't control what my friends do, but i can choose who i date. u'know?
and so i've come to the conclusion that the only reason he thought i was cute was because he was probably so damn high when he said it! (i knew something was wrong, me, cute? only girls have said that to me, and they mean that in the chibi way cause of my tininess!!) so yah. and that was only the beginning of school drama (in the first week!!)
i'm not sure if i mentioned this last year, but there was a guy that was nice, cute, and loved anime that like, three of my friends all liked at the same time, but asked me out, and i turned him down? yah, last year he got w/my best friend (which was a good thing! ^^) but then brought up w/her (bastard). but those weeks when i left before school ended, he got back w/her. and now he's like, being the biggest asshole in the creation of assholes. my friend the day before looked like crap, she felt so sick, she was almost in tears!! and what does that manwhore do? NOTHING! he's sitting over yonder flirting w/any girl he can see!! so now i'm pissed. no guy, and i mean no guy, treats my friends like that. i don't care who they are. so i go over there after we convinced my friend to go to the nurse. and i tell him off. and then the manwhore decides he's gonna try to play "mister innocent" like he always does. (biggest load of shit i think i've ever heard). he was trying to tell me that i didn't understand, that everything was a mistake, that if my friend wants to hug him, he'll hug her, but that's about it. and that there are just some things i can't comprehend. and i was like, "like hell!" (those were my exact words). i was like, all i know is that my friend is hurting, and ur not doing anything. and u not doing anything, is making it worse! he just shrugs! just shrugs!!! all the asshole of a manwhore does is shrugs!!! i couldn't believe it!! and then, the day after, when she felt better, when we were saying goodbye, he had the nerve to go up and hug other girls, but had to be asked by my friend to get hugged!!
i'm real tempted to talk to her and tell her that he's no good for her, that she deserves better (which she does) but she relaly likes this guy (only God knows why) and i don't think it'll work.
then there's more but i'll save that for another post!! lol i know this one was long, thanks for bearing w/me. lol
i hope everyone has a great three day weekend!!
twink out!
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