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hiei luver92
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completing my 160 page hiei fanfiction
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i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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yu yu hakusho, Fma/Ouran High School Host Club, Death Eyeshield21
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| haseo luver92
Monday, September 17, 2007
who's more of the fool, the fool or the fool who follow?

sorry, i was thinking star wars eariler, and i just love obi wan!! (the guy who plays him in the phatom menace was hot!!! i can't spell his name fo crap tho...)
my life is going okay, but it's kinda weird, cause everyone is saying i'm clueless, and i don't think i'm that clueless (or at least, not as much as everyone makes it sound like i am!) so yah...
i think i like this one guy. (and he's single!! that was the highlight of my day when i found that out!! (i have a bad habit of falling for guys that are taken =_=). it drives me nuts.) he's really nice, funny, and really tall!! lol and like, he's different, like he actually looks happy to see me, which is nice for a guy that i like!! ^^
*ahem* sorry for always talking about boy trouble. it's just that i always see everyone w/boyfriends/girlfriends and it makes me kinda sad. (or really grossed out, cause like one minute i'm talking to my best friend, and the next he's making out w/his girlfriend!! i made him swear to warn me before he does that!! lol)
*cough* i'm just barely getting over a bad cold (kaname luver in her post complains how i gave it to her!! lol) but i was feeling really bad on friday!! i actually got out of school!! *le gasp* (all of ro was forcing me to! they said i was going to cough up a lung sooner of later!! lol)
o, btw, i wanted to clear some things up, cause i had alot ppl ask me if i liked yaoi after my last post. i personally don't like yaoi, but i asked ppl to go look at teapot domescan's work because it was very good (down right awesome) and she deserves regonition. (all of her stuff is!!) and my thing is, just because i don't like the concept, doesn't mean that her drawing (or anyone else's) is bad. so i really hope no one dogs anyone cause they don't like the concept, rather than the artwork. so that's all. just to clear things up.
o, and please go check out Fire Fox Sakurie's updated fan manga!! it's very cute and adorable!! (my character is on the front! sakurie draws her so cuuuuuuute!!) ^^
o, and welcome a new friend, "StolenCrusade" (he's on my friends list). he's a newb here, and is one of my best friends from school, so i hope everyone welcomes him!! (i'm sure it would make his day if y'all visited him! ^^ much 'ppreciated!)
twink out!
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