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completing my 160 page hiei fanfiction
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i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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yu yu hakusho, Fma/Ouran High School Host Club, Death Eyeshield21
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| haseo luver92
Saturday, October 13, 2007
merry is the day when i can normal

hi everyone! well, as everyone knows i've had problems w/my laptop and i got it back...BUT...while my mom has no problem with me coming on here anymore (aka i'm allowed back on), she doesn't want me going onto myo or any other site on my school laptop. i have to write on my desktop. which means in the long run, i can be on only a few times a week. TT^TT but i'll try my hardest, and if anyone posts some pics, please pm me (and to those whom i haven't replied back to, i will right after this!! i haven't forgotten about u guys!!).
omg, i have to say, this comment made me laugh (tho i can't find it anymore...i know someone told me this). on a few posts ago someone told me they had a dream of watching eyeshield 21. omg, that made me giggle so!! my, "convincing" is working!!! lol but the chibi comic above is really cute. (to me). so i liked it. ^^ i hope u guys do too.
omg, this week was so fuuuuun!! (i wish i had pictures!) it was homecoming week, so we got to dress up on certain days. like wednsday was wacky tacky, but it backfired on me! like i got my grey skirt (i hate wearing skirts, so i thought that was gonna be wacky enough) and then wore my grey and black long sleeve shirt, with a white spagetti strap shirt over it, had black panty hoes w/my white and black vans. plus i wore my naruto "sand" headband around my neck, and my little sister's konoha armband, one leather glove, had the emo hairstyle of the "swoop" bangs and i had a high ponytail, lots o eyeliner, (which is unusual, since i normally don't wear makeup), some really weird white lipgloss, and crazy earings. i thought i was set. guess what everyone's reaction was? (well, there were two different types)
girls: "omg!! kitty! (that's my nickname) u loook so adorable!!!! u should wear that more often!"
boys: "omfg, u look hot! u should definitely wear that more often!"
this was my expression. O_-' *twitch* it was so weird!! but then they were like, telling me i looked like one of those japanese/german/french maid porno/hentai chicks!! like my best friend, reid (aka offroadin' redneck on here) was like "dude, u look like a porn star" i about killed him while laughing. i looked in the mirror, and i had to agree w/them on the maid thing tho!! (tho i thought i looked more french w/my hair, cause my swoop bangs were ultra straight, but my hair is naturally curly so my hair in the ponty tail was all full and curly!!) so that was funny.
then on thursday was "dress like a pirate day!" and my friend and i decided to be characters from one piece!! i was sanji and he (darknessslayer) was zolo (zorro)!! ^^ it was so fun! i actually found an outfit in my closet that looked just like sanji's!! and i even got the hair right (and i gots a lollipop stick and did his eyebrow thingy w/eyeliner)! the only problem was that my friend was supposed to bring blond hairspray, but she never came, so my guise was "luffy and zorro played a prank on sanji, and he woke up w/brown/black hair". but ppl regonized me, which was completely unexpected. so it was fun!! ^^
1) do u like to dress up?
2) am i starting to get u interested in eyeshield 21?
well, have a great day!! ^^ i'll try to visit!! ^^
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