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completing my 160 page hiei fanfiction
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i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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yu yu hakusho, Fma/Ouran High School Host Club, Death Eyeshield21
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| haseo luver92
Monday, November 26, 2007
beauty is in the eye of the beholder...but what happens when u have no eyes?

yay! finally a half witty title!! *dances* omg, i haven't posted in ages! (or really been on...) gomen nasai!! *bows* but life has been going so so since i last posted.
i say so so cause things are going bad w/my friend, i shall call him bob, and like, he's one of my best friends in the whole wide world, and he could be moving away, and that makes me so sad on the inside. i hate it when ppl move, i want to be w/ppl forever, and never let anything change. i'm just that kinda person. but i can understand if he does move, it's just really complicated.
but on a slightly happier note, i'm still w/my bf!! ^^ *dances again* he's so awesome!! i'll have to post a pic of him and me sometime or another...(then u'll get to see me looking normal and not like neji!! lol but it's so weird...i think if u cosplay as a character u feel a connection to them, cause i'm much more sympathetic to neji now than i was bizzare!) actually now i kinda look like sakura from shippuden. my hair at least. it flips out like hers (damn u flippy hair!!) and i found if i wear my headband like hears, i look just like her!! (only tan, w/black hair...) lol so i'd be a cooler version!! (it's not conceited if it's true btw!! lol anyone can be cooler than sakura, it's not that hard!)
o, btw, i posted a new pic (or, two rather. one i posted a while back but got two votes and one comment...TT^TT) but this one especially took forever!! six hours! the longest time ever taken for me to do one picture! i kid u not ppl. but it turned out okay, but if y'all see a line towards the guy, that was not my fault. that came in after, and it couldn't be fixed. (sadly) TT_TT
o, but today actually sucked, now that i think about it. or rather, the end of it. cause i was the second in command for the unarmed drill team, but like, we were going to go to a competition, but four of the girls on our team failed their normal classes, making them ineligible for competing and w/out them, we dn't have enough, and we've been rocking back and forth on unarmed, so Sgt. Creacy just canceled unarmed. which totally sucks. cause i just wasted a whole semester on it, quit the team i originally was on for them, and this is how they repay me?! the armed team is waaay better than they are, i'd probably have a better chance of doing better, but no one wants to remember that! (course not!) so it was a real let down today, but i'm probably going back to armed (despite the fact that my bf's on the PT team...but i'm already on one of his teams (orienteering, it's where they stick u in teh middle of nowhere and u have to find ur way out basically)...he'll live w/it. ^^)
and that's about it in my happy life. thanksgiving went good, no one died (so that's a plus! lol) i was so certain that my bro in law was going to get murdered where he stood, but my parents contained their cool, (my bro in law has said some nasty things to them, and there was so fire going between them for the past six months). so it all worked out. which is good...but they made me play *shudders* guitar hero!! *gasps* sorry to all u fans, but i can't stand guitar hero, in my mind, if i'm going to spend that much time playing guitar hero, i might as well go learn to play the real guitar (and if any of u tell me real guitars are for real ppl like from south park i will scream, cause that's all she ever says to me for that!! (tho i have to admit that's a funny south park episode!! lol)) my bf was laughing at me when i told him that (he's a big gamer, but not into guitar hero either).
and that's about it!
1) did u have a good thanksgiving?
2) did i miss any artwork?
have a great day everyone!
twink out!
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