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completing my 160 page hiei fanfiction
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i was six (DBZ and Sailor Moon people!)
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yu yu hakusho, Fma/Ouran High School Host Club, Death Eyeshield21
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| haseo luver92
Monday, January 28, 2008
back in black

hi everyone!! OMG! it's been like friggen forever since i've posted!! gomen nasai!!! but i was studying for my midterms!! (which paid off wonderfully!!) but i should be on every week now!! (like i stated before, myo got blocked!! TT^TT)
like the new theme? i'm actually a big tsubasa fan. fai and kuropoo (hehehe...) are my favs, but i actually like fai the best!! (*le gasp*) i'm sure most of u are going "OMG! is that possible? she likes the pretty boy?!" yes, i have to say so, he's really cool, and really funny!! ^^ i have to like him! (plus he's HOOOOOOT!) but yah...
o! here's what i made on my exams!!
algebra 2: 100
world history: 94
accounting: 100
ROTC: 100
english 2: 94
chemistry: 94
spanish 1: 96
aren't u guys proud of me? ^^ so i finished off the semester w/a 4.0! ^^ my parents were really happy! (so that's always good!)
um...what else has happend? o yah! i never posted what i got for christmas! ^^ i gots a set of copics! (FINALLY!!!!) and a sketch book. plus, our family got a new tv (we'd been using a tv that was older than i am for the past...ever!) and we got a new computer moniter! and i gots 1-5 death note (which is awesome!! ^^) and the zelda game. so i was pretty happy. ^^ (o, and my sister got me a studio ghibli calender from japan! ^^)
but i'm still pretty excited cause my birthday is coming up!! (even tho it's valentine's day...*glooms*) and my parents and i already ordered me a new tablet!! *dances* the one i have has been on the fritz for the past few months. and it's been driving me crazy!! so i'm getting a new one (but that's my entire birthday!) so yah...expect to see new piccies in a few weeks!! ^^
eh, what else...o, i'm still with my bf if anyone was wondering. he gave me a really pretty necklace for christmas! so i was happy! ^^
o yah! i'm gonna start doing a manga reccomendation weekly, a shonen and a shojo one. starting this week!! lol
shojo: The Bride of the Water God. awesome manga. it's Korean tho, so it reads left to right! (figured that out the hard way!) 9/10
shonen: Psyren. really cool. a little freaky, but cool. 8/10
o!! and i posted a new piccy. hope y'all like!!
1) did i miss any artwork? if so, please tell me!!
2) have a good christmas/new years?
3) anyone's birthday coming up?
well, twink out!
btw, if anyone has a link for themselves, could u tell me? (or send it to me? cause i wanna do a whole little thing of my friends links! ^^)
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