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myOtaku.com: hassei

Sunday, April 15, 2007

16 April 07

My Style when Play O2jam

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T___T !!!! (16 April 07)

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Aaaah so sorry!!! Really long I am not blogging... I dunno why.. I am really lazy to blog lately.. ARGH! really hate myself because of this...

O yeah.. I got flue few days ago! And now I already feel better... But I am really lazy to go outside lol. I am still confuse should I go to the meeting.. I am still feel dizzy if I am walk too far. But the leader said the meeting today is important and all of the member must come T___T Should I come?

See u! Have a great day! 

Video of the Week
I decide to keep this video till next week. Any comment?

Hmm.. I wanna put my voice with my sister Shireishou here ^^ We play dubbing ^^ Hope you enjoy it ^^


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