Hatake Koga-chan

Kakei Koga here! You know me, you love me-- ..Okay. So maybe you don't know me, but you love me anyway, right? Right!? >3 I'm glad we can agree on something. Welcome to my.. -looks around- Lair. -laughs manically- I shall torture you with supreme cute-ness! I don't know where I'm going with all this.. So, just sit back, relax, and enjoy me whilst you ca-- I mean..uhm... Wonderful to have you on my page! -nervous laugh-
Thursday, May 11, 2006
What hath I become?
What shall thy do with me?
Mmmmmmmmmmmmm.. beans.
Yes. I said beans.
Oh, and po-ta-toes.
Anyway.. I got a new reed.
Joyous day~
Well, technically it isn't a new one.
Just.. I got on to school. XD
I squeaked like a rat with it's tail nicked.
And, yes.. I have heard that.
Poor Chippers! D:
Hmm.. hmmmm.
I'm.. not too fond of school as of late.
My teachers more or less piss me off.
-sigh- I'm at risk of failing one class.
Which is good- as opposed to earlier..
which was two thirds of them. -shiimasu-
What else..
Oh, shizz. I had it, too.
-thinks really hard-
Oh, right. I noticed..
My writting style changes with what I read.
Like... I was reading Romeo and Juliet.
Which made be speak in "Old English" quite abit.
Next, I read Great Expectations.
Which led me to speak.. as they did.
I wonder how I shall speak now.
Since I'm reading A Seperate Peace.
[Keep in mind- when I say speak; I also mean write.]
Anywhoo~ anything else has eluded me.
Good 'morrow to you, sirs and madams.
~Thy Future Ruler~
Koga A. Nira <3
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Monday, December 26, 2005
It's that time of year again..
Joy to the world and all that.
Yeah, Christmas wasn't all great.
I got what I wanted.
Well, not all of it.
But, I got a camera.
I bitchin' one at that.
So, all's good. :D
My brother on the other hand..
Pisses me off.
He complains about everything he gets.
"This tanks are shit."
RIGHT in front of the person he got them from.
C'mon. >>
They tell me it's because he's Autistic.
I don't care!
I'm A.D.H.D. and I don't use that as an excuse.
Argh. ><
Well, well..
So, back to my camera..
I have it.
I have yet to get a good picture of meself.
Yay for not being photogenic! < / sarcasm >
Bah, I don't even care if I spelled that right.
I luff my camera..
It's all shiny and-and.. -drool- <3
OMGZ! My literate guild has a radio sation..
So, I'm all..
"Yay, music! Music, music, musi-- ONGZ!!! HAWT FSKING VOICE!!one!!!elebenytweleve!1"
I luff KLSG.. <3
I luff alot of things.. :D
But, only one person gets the special kinda luff from the Koga.
:Þ <3
~Kakei Koga
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Thursday, December 15, 2005
I'm bored and I'm burning a CD.
Might as well post on this thing.
Well, I'm supposed to be grounded.
Buuut..My mum's cool like that. x3
Hm.. I'm getting closer to my B's in all classes.
They don't like to update grades for me online, so I won't be getting on untill....the report card that I have all B's, and A's on.
Yeeeeah.. I'm acing Japanese. :3
Hah! I'm better than you older-sister-person!
Anyway, I'm bored.
I finally got my mum to defragment the hard drive.
For Akida's sake, woman!
It's all over the place.
I have it paused as of now.
Yureka, this is why to defrag when I'm not home.
It's been up for five hours and it's only ninteen percent of the way there.
I need to go Christmas shopping.
I really don't want to....
I wish I had a car, and a job..
Then I wouldn't have to have my mother tailing along with me.
I wanna get her something without her knowing.
How, how I miss Holiday House.
-sighs- We had it in Elementary and your parents wouldn't know what the hell was in the bags 'till Christmas.
It was fun. :D
I have Napster and it's pissing me off.
So, I'm getting rid of it and getting World of Warcraft, I think.
It's just a money movement thing.
It shouldn't get worse than Napster.
I'm alittle afraid I'll be addicted and not pay attention to anything else...
Buuut.. That's a risk I'm willing to take!
Ergh.. This CD is taking forever...
There's no one to talk to on AIM, either.
-sigh- WoW has stolen his soul!
..Or something like that.
-shrug- There's so much stuff going on....
I don't know if I wanna type everything.
Ergh. I'mma gonna go find something to do on this expansive thing we call the
-waves her hands around dramatically-
~Kakei Koga
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
You know what...?
N--okay.. >>
I got nothin'.
My mind is blank.
I'm lost in this...
Pathetic thing I call a life.
No, I don't have a life...
No one that doesn't involve
turning on a computer..
Not that I really want one
all that bad.
I laugh, when I see them..
With their hair done...
Make up hiding them from others.
I don't hide.
No, no. I'm me. If you don't like it..
Too bad.
I think I'm done now.
~Kakei Koga
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Sunday, October 9, 2005
Band Competition.
Fun-ness, man. 8]
Yeah. Band Comp'.
'Twas fun, bishes.
You don't get nervous untill your on the feild,
and you feel good about yourself, even if you screwed up, a few minutes after get off the feild.
Well, I have a few laps that I'm giving myself. >>
I screwed up.
Dash'll probably give himself, like, fifty.. XD
He wasn't too pleased with himself.
With the starting on the wrong forty yard-line and all.
I need to watch the tape, just to laugh at him.
I got a comment from the Feild Lt. on how I stayed in step most of the time. n.n
Second-place for ColorGaurd.
-dances- Oh, but there's more!
First place for DrumLine.
We placed twice!
School's still annoying.
Save for band. ^-^
I'm done.
~Kakei Koga
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