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Member Since
I'm a freshie....? *sighs* Damnit..I'm at the bottom of the chain. -_-U
Real Name
Eh....I won some story awards in school competitions, I was head of teh volleybal team last year, and uh.........I dunno!! ^^U
Anime Fan Since
Now that I think about it, I've been around anime ever since I can remember..Blame my uncle.
Favorite Anime
YGO, Fruits Basket, FMA, FMP, Read or Die,Inuyasha, Damnit, I can't list em all! *dies*
I uh....wanna be uhm....king of the world...? *grins sheepishly*
Drawing, reading, writing fanficcies, DOODLES!!, uh.....playing volleyball, soccer, baseball, sports in general...Excet golf and basketball...
Drawing, photography, playing music..? And singing..I guess...?
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Sunday, March 26, 2006
Man....Today was so fun...My stomach still hurts from all the fried food me Liz, Ellie, Matt, Dezi and Sebi ate..
Liz Ellie and I went to Dezi and Sebi's house, where we found them and Matt. We had decided to fry twinkies because we had seen it on a movie..OMG..they are actually good! except..sadly for Matt, he tried them right after they came out of the deep fryer!! And all he tasted was the oil in his mouth!! After we tried twinkies, we tried frying pizza..yes damnit, pizza, I tell you! It was garlic bread with salsa and cheese actually. Then Sebi wanted to fry shrimp, so me and Ellie yelled "SHRIMP!!! YEAH!" We fried the shrimp, but what we didn't realize was that the shrimp wierd. The shrimp was smaller than a dime when we took them out!! But they were good nonetheless..xD and we drank Jones Soda...OMG. If you have not tasted Jones Soda before...I am very sorry. That soda is the best soda on the face of the earth!!! Woo!! But anyway...Yeah that's pretty much what happened so I'm a gonna go...^^ Toodles!
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Sunday, March 19, 2006
Hmm...Something's Different On This Site..
I just realized that myOtaku changed. It has a portfolio insteado of having everything separate. I checked to see my fanart to show a friend, and the fanart button want there, and I freaked out! xD and then I saw the portfolio button and was like, "Hey that's new." But anyway, I got my admission/registration papers for my high school today. I was looking through all the classes and how many courses I have to take, and then I saw World Language, and under, it had Italian, French, Spanish, and (what I was so happy for) Japanese!!! Yay! But damn, I gotta wake up at 5 to get there!! *pouts* I can't wait 'till I can get a license.
oh yeah, I also saw 40 Year-Old-Virgin today.. it was funny. ^^ And i put up some art. yep..Well, toodles!
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
i got arrested for killing the anger managemen counselor!
*laughs* part of a conversation me and my friends had before testing started. we were talking about what we would probably get arrrested for. me, well, the title says it all.
Bartek: gun shot fighting with the Polish Mafia
Sadad: Streaking.
Paula: saving cows and vegetarian portesting
Marybeth: stealing corn and grand theft tractor
and it kinda went like that. xD
Life's been good this week for me, how 'bout everyone else? oh yeah, and it snowed today..DAMNIT! i hate snow. and its gonna keep snowing all day! *whines* NOOOOOO!!
*sighs* other than that i've been drawing..i'll put em up soon. for now byebye!
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Thursday, March 9, 2006
hello everyone!! i'm sorry i haven't been on, but i've been flying around!! literally! i went to Florida for vacation for a bout 5 days, jsut came back yesterday actually..^^' and now i'm completely sunburned....xD but yeah, i'm back, and i'l have art up soon, im too busy to do that now, gotta make up homework and all.. was a pretty good day overall. my alarm clock just had to wake me up though..>.< so i went to school, where i got glomped by Leslie, Denisa, and Stephani, which kinda hurt my skin, since its all red and stuff. and people kept commenting about my damn skin! it was peeling and they just wouldn't let it go!!! idiots. you'd think they never saw skin peel before.... Today was also a half day at school, since the teachers all had a meeting, so we got let outta school at 12:30, which is why i'm posting so early. i finished mah homework!!
In Florida, while i was in vacation, i drew a couple of sketches of people i saw randomly walking by. Kinda hard to sketch when they move, ya know? But it was fun! lotsa guys too....^0^ LOTSA guys....hehe. i'm gonna post up the sketches i did soon as well, but like i said, right now i'm real busy with the make-up homework i have to it'll have to wait... so will the next chapter of mah fanficceh. >.< God damnit i hate waiting!!!! AGH!
well anyway, i'm gonna go now..toodles!! *glomps you all*
♥ Katie
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Tuesday, February 28, 2006
WOOOOO!!! *punches air* yeah, my works now!! and my second chapter is online!!! woooo!!! *glomps it* heres the link! okie, toodles!
♥ Katie
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*sobs* i need help!!!!! my account won't let me log in!!!! it says my email is invalid!! but i know its not because that's what i've activated it with!!! if anyone knows what i'm talking about please pm me or something!!!! i needed to put my second chapter of my fan fiction!! *sobs again* its not fair!.....-_-
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
ello people of the are you all? i'm good... i put up some piccys yesterday, finally i got my scanner fixed..i hate when it acts up! since its pretty early in teh morning, i'll just tell you about yesterday. well, i went to the mall with lizzie and ellie, we had fun, we all had so much make up on, it was hilarious the way people looked at us...we saw two people we knew and they flipped out.*laughs* they looked so dumb. xD Lizzie bought a hackey sack (i lvoe those things) and we went to Sebi's and Dezi's house. (they're brother and sister)Ralphw as there too, they were playing poker when we got there. when the finished we all drank jones soda and threw the hackey sack around.
sebi: *throws hackey sack at dezi, but lands on chair*
dezi: oh good catch chair! *claps*
then we all threw it at elle, cuz she was acting all emo and not catching the ball at all. *laughs* that was funneh.
then we aimed at Sebi. he hid under the chair. *laughs* he looked like a hermit crab with the chair over his head! then sebi went and changed his shrit to his I love anime t-shirt, just like the one i was wearing. xD we all went outside and Lizzie wore sebi's hat, and she couldn't see anything with it. she looked just like a pigeon!
me: you stupid pigeon.
lizzie: *bumps into a tree*
*laughs* good times... oh and then we went back inside and ralph was killing ellie with sebi's katana.. man that was funneh. and we named our feet..*laughs* mine are the feet of doom. Dezi has the Porn star feet. Seb's go the Gigantic feet, and lizzie has the feet of reatardedness.
yep, well that's prety much what happened..xD okie, imma go now...ToOdLeS!
♥ Katie
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Saturday, February 18, 2006
i hearts him..^-^
 You got Mr. I'm a sexy pharaoh - Yami Yugi! That's
called a lucky shot! Yami is a king and is
very strong-willed and decisive. He can take
good care of his beloved ones, and is a very
passionate lover, you can count on this! He
can be dangerous, too, but only to his
YOUR LITTLE PROBLEM: Yami is a very strong and
smart person, but he's had a very sad life
and sometimes needs to feel a little
protected himself. In such moments it's
better if you are beside him and soothe him,
because without your love, Yami could not go
TO MAKE YOUR MOMENT PRECIOUS: From time to time try
taking him away from his royal
responsibilites, and having some fun instead.
This will keep him from lozing faith.
together, always get together!"
Your Yu-Gi-Oh! dream guy quiz! brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006
i hafta get shots t'morrow!!
i gotta get meh shots tomorrow for my high school physical. i can't get admitted to a high school with out havin it done! but at least i'm not scared of getting shots, so i'm good guess..
So i'm still working onmy second chapter for my ficcy, first one's up if you haven't seen it yet, just search for me, my pen name is Killerloop.... ^-^
i have's a couple requests that i still gotta get to, so yeah i will get to those soon enough, just first i gotta fix my damn scanner!!!! ugh, it's not connected i think, so i gotta hook it up and i'm lazy...>.> but yeah..
So what's new with me? hm.....Valentine's Day was fun, we do this thing in school where we all send each other Candy Grams, as they're called but really they're just these kiss shaped lollipops. So yeah yesterday i was suckin' on a buncha lolli's yummie...and i went outside, since the weather was exceptionally good! had fn outside, first, me and Liz went to anna's and stayed on her staircase for a total of 30 minutes, then we went and grabbed Denisa (and realized she has a skylight in her ceiling) we went over to the park, and being me, i shouted random thoughts at the people passing "CHIQUITA BANANA, MAN!" or "GIMME YOUR FLOWERS!" or something stupid like that...haha, i love freaking people out..
welp, that's all i got to say for now, so ToOdLeS!
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Saturday, February 11, 2006
im in a happy mood...
HIHI! *glomps* how is everyone? me, i'm doing well..damnit, it snowed a lot today here in Chicago...gosh, i hate's all cold and wet and UGH!...oh, another thing that upset me today, YGO isn't on the Kids' WB anymore! NOOOOOOOOO!!! this cannot be happening to meee!!!! *cries* i was so mad this morning! and i missed it the last two times beacause i had to go testing for my high school applications!! gah...
on the other hand, i got to go back to my old swimming classes!! yay! and yes, it's indoor, i'm not dumb enough to go swimming in snow.. i haven't been there since summer, and my coach, Nick, was glad to see me again!^-^ i was the best in his class...heehee..
i drew a buncha pics today, and coloured 'em too, since i finally found my colour pencils!! yay! i mainly had nothing to do so i just sat on my bed a drew...oh and listened to music...this time it was The Used. ^0^ now i'm just waiting for my pics to finally be uploaded, gah, i can't wait long enough to be a senior member on this thing, i'm going insane waiting!! o.O yes i know, i'm a very impatient person..but hey, not my fault!! okay, yeah it is, but who cares anyway! xDD
welp, i don't want to bore you all with anything more so i'm gonna go..ToOdleS!
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