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I'm a freshie....? *sighs* Damnit..I'm at the bottom of the chain. -_-U
Real Name
Eh....I won some story awards in school competitions, I was head of teh volleybal team last year, and uh.........I dunno!! ^^U
Anime Fan Since
Now that I think about it, I've been around anime ever since I can remember..Blame my uncle.
Favorite Anime
YGO, Fruits Basket, FMA, FMP, Read or Die,Inuyasha, Damnit, I can't list em all! *dies*
I uh....wanna be uhm....king of the world...? *grins sheepishly*
Drawing, reading, writing fanficcies, DOODLES!!, uh.....playing volleyball, soccer, baseball, sports in general...Excet golf and basketball...
Drawing, photography, playing music..? And singing..I guess...?
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
meh no happy....
yeshies, i am not happy. so i am thankful that ive got the otaku to blog on. okie, so story (tho i dunno if u wud liek to hear it) is this: i keep having this one nightmare. its with ed adn al in it. only instead of them losing their limbs/bodies, i am. everytime its a different part of me. the first time it was my left arm, (figures, im a lefty) the next time it was from my right knee and down. and ever night its the same thing. its really wierding me out, adn the real strange thing is, in the morning, that same spot where i lost my limb in my dream hurts like a bitch when i wake up and all through the day. im not making this up, im serious. today my side hurt, like right ont he left sife of my ribs. it kept feeling like a knife was jabbing into my side. and theres also that wierd feeling of emptiness inside. i dont kno how to explain it, its strange. i just dont feel, together. does that make any sense? well, yesh, other than that, i have a dumb social studies test tomorrow on south america so im gonna o study for a little then sleep, hopefully without another nightmare. bye-byes otaku fans.
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Monday, November 14, 2005
eesh, i havent updated in a whiel hehe, sry!!! ^-^; um, wats happened over these days taht i didnt update? oooh! i remember now! i had to do this art contest thingi where you draw the cover for a book. i did Heidi. wen i get the poster back and if i win, i will post wat it looks like!! yay! uuuuhhh.....lets seee.....icons!! woo!!! ahaha! im so stupid. ladidadida. okie, here are some icons ^-^ : 

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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
 You are a Perfect Girlfriend! Not too shy, but not to forward! You are just the right amount! Any guy would be lucky to find a girl like you to wrap around their arm.
Quote: To love and be loved is to feel the sun from both sides. David Viscott
What Kind of GIRLFRIEND are YOU? (with pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, November 7, 2005
yay!! me wuv kyo-kun!! woot!
 Kyo is your perfect match!congratulations!!! Kyo is very high tempered but don't be alarmed. He shows his feeling other ways than saying it.
What Fruits basket Character is your dream guy? brought to you by Quizilla
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 You are the Active Cat. You love to play outside and you love to play sports. You are always ready for something and is active all the time.
What Anime Cat Are You? //.:With CUTE Anime Pics:.// brought to you by Quizilla
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Sunday, November 6, 2005
What was your job in a past life? (LOTS of results & Anime Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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damnit. i just found out picture day was tomorrow..damnit!! i forgot about it and now i have no idea wat to wear....this is awesome...^-^i finsihed my science project tho!!! yay!! no more hassle on taht!! woot!
ooh my piccys can now be uploaded!! yay!! hugs scanner* me so happy!! i drew a lot, mainly for school and ppl bugging me about requests, damn them. but yeah, i also drew zatchbell!! yay!! i love zatch, he rules!! ^0^
weeeeeee..i do that too much...i gotta stop. lol um...wat else did i wanna say?? thinks** ..............eesh.i dunno..i forgot...OH!
i wen tto this open house today, for high school, adn they suck. the teachers are soooooo boring. and theyre all about math. fuck math, i hate math! its my worst subject!! plus theyre too...i dunno, i just dont feel comfortable around them..theyre idiots..but yeah whatev
*gasp* OMG, girls, u must see this piccy of gackt!! hes so flipin gorgeous!!!

eesh hes so hawt!! weeeeeeee i wuv him...
yesh, nyways, i think thats about it so yeap...byes otaku fans!! i will upload my piccys now..
~Kagami-chan (i just found out thats my name in japanese) hehe..
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Friday, November 4, 2005
hihi otaku fans!! wats up?? likes the new music? ^0^ yay, i fixed it!! woot!! me n my friend went to the park.....and then came bak. lol i the realized i didnt have my keys and i got locked out. haahahahahaha!1 so i went to my friends house and caled form there and then came back home and waited for fifteen minutes. finally my mom came, and now im home! yay! lol

i just found my fanfic for inuyasha!! yay!! im so happy!! lol ill post it in a couple days cuz i need to fix it. so yeah.
i think that piccy is so cute!! i just love yami and yugi!! ooh! i cant wait to see the new episode tomorrow!! yay!! but i need to wake up early cuz they changed the time from 10 to 7!! T.T oh well, at least i get to see my yami!! well,i dunno wat to say now.......*thinkthink* well, i ahev a damn science fair project that i gotta finish sometime this weekend. damnit. i dont wanna!! itll take up all my time!!
ooh!! i drew zatchbell!! yay!! i love zatch!! hes so adorable! yeah, i had to get a new sketchbook cuz my other one ran outta pages so i dedided to go and buy a new one. ^-^ ill have my piccys up soon, im still fixing my damn compy...
well,i guess i wrote enuf today...
bye otaku fans!!
luff ~Katie
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Tuesday, November 1, 2005
hi everyone!! did u go trick or treating like i did?? WOOOOOOOHH!!i had fun!! CANDYCANDYCANDY!!! eating it rite now. i went as myself, as i had planned, and just put on my makeup adn exposed my real me. pure evil in other words...hahhahahahahah!!! yeah, OH! i went to skool that day as pipi longstocking though. xDDDD it was hilarious to see everyones expressions wen they saw my hair (in braids)standing on its ends!! they looked like this:

hahahahahahaha!! it made me laugh just looking at their faces!! and now im eating candy...again..ooh!! im almost done with the requests!! yay!
i only have like, 3 more to go!!1 wooot!! oh and sorry i havent been posting pictures i a while, my computer crashed down completely and i had to reboot the whole freakin thing over so i lost all that i had saved. well, not all, but i did lose my pictures that i scanned...>_< grr.
oh well, ill get my stuff hooked up again soon, cuz im startin my compy from scratch again, but hey, its still alive!!! yay... i keep moving around in my chair cuz im listenin to my cd.. My Chemical Romance *I Never Told You What I do For a Living* doing this rite now:

hee... yeah, well, im gonna go finish homework cuz i flunked my s.s.test today (not good!) adn yeah, ill die if i dont pass...hehehe*tear*
bee bye!!
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Monday, October 24, 2005
HEY dudes!! wats up? yay!! i can now put up pics!! i cudnt a cuple days ago cuz i cudnt resize them. im like goin online and like, no ones on!! gir...
but yeah... um....jeez i dunno wat to rite anymore!!
ooh! anyone know how to put musicon theyre site, plz tell me... i dont remember how!! heehee... i forget alot..
oh and i finished a couple requests, so ill have em all done soon!! yay for me!! hahaha! yeah. and i also drew kitsune from love hina.... dunno y just felt like it.....hehe..yeah.
oh and my friends keep telling me to make an xanga so ill do that over the yep..
well, im not gonna talk no more so yeah... cya otaku fans!!
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