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• 1990-11-11
• michigan
Member Since
• 2005-06-18
• I'm a freshie....? *sighs* Damnit..I'm at the bottom of the chain. -_-U
Real Name
• otaku
• Eh....I won some story awards in school competitions, I was head of teh volleybal team last year, and uh.........I dunno!! ^^U
Anime Fan Since
• Now that I think about it, I've been around anime ever since I can remember..Blame my uncle.
Favorite Anime
• YGO, Fruits Basket, FMA, FMP, Read or Die,Inuyasha, Damnit, I can't list em all! *dies*
• I uh....wanna be uhm....king of the world...? *grins sheepishly*
• Drawing, reading, writing fanficcies, DOODLES!!, uh.....playing volleyball, soccer, baseball, sports in general...Excet golf and basketball...
• Drawing, photography, playing music..? And singing..I guess...?
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Italian class rulez....xD
Moohaha....I'm in italian right now...xDD
We're looking for holiday traditions in italy online...xD
I really shouldn't be doing this right now...*laughs*
But I finshed my work, so it's okay right??? I researched panettone, a delicious italian sweet bread that is great with milk and chocolate...^^
I hurt all over right now...Yesterday's weight training killed me. *is dead*
Ha, I got to doodle all over the white board in my Literature class today 'casue my teacher wasn't there...*laughs* it was fun...
Ow!! It hurts to laugh...My abs hurt....*sigh* There's this one exersize (sp?) that you put your arms on and you use the strent of your arms and abs to lift your feet parallel from you body, adn usually you hvae someone hold their hand out in fron of you so you can kick it with your feetsies...xDDD Its fun..But hurst like a bithc afterwards...Luckily for me, my abs are the strongest part on my body.....^^ I don't like weights though.....xD
Wow...I'm surprised I haven't gotten caught yet...*dances for joy*
Today is a fun day...Except for the fact that I'm starving and I stil need to go to algebra...I hate algebra, I would rather take trig, to be honest. Triangles are much easier...^^ And we did it in class once too...xDD
Meep....I kept making sqeaky noises while searching online...xD
Damnz. I'm bored now. That's not good...I'll go visit your sites befor I run out of time....^^
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Monday, December 18, 2006
Yeah....I'm a hardcore football fan. I'm Bored...And my dumbass friend was just reading what I was typing. He was behind me and I didn't even notice...^^U Hehe?
My weekend was good. I had virtually no homework, just a story I needed to type up for my literature class, and that was it! Saturday I pretty much did.....*is trying to think back to Saturday* What the hell did I do?? Oh well..I can just say I did nothing on that day. And yesterady I went to see King Tut at the Field Museum!!! There were so many things that he had in tha tomb. It was really interesting to see, but I was disappointed that they didn't have the coffin here, only a coffinette (tiny mini coffin) that looks just like teh real one. I guess Egypt didn't want all of Tut's possesions to leave. I'm just glad I got to see it all though, it'll help me with the story I'm writing, the one I mentioned in the last paragraph. ^^ And I was surprised that his tomb was not made for him, but for someone else before him. *is still confused on that part*
*sighs* I only have this one week left before I'm outta school for two whole weeks! Ugh....but then I gotta go back to school.....On my friggin birfday. -_- How fun.
Oh well! At least I get presents! xDDD
Hmm.......What else did I have to say....? Nothing! Okie, toodles! I'll try to get to everyone's sites today!
♥ Katie~chan
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Thursday, December 14, 2006
My nonna came from Italy yesterday! I was so happy! She got me a pair of pretty boots and a cute skirt(this is surprising for em to say cut and skirt at the same time, I'm not a fan of them at all)....!! I luffs her!! ^^
I had photo club yesterday, adn we all went outside to take pictures in the freezing cold (weather changed again) for the yearbook.....Adn has anyone ever read Twilight?? OMG. That book is the smex. xDD No seriously..Its awesome!!!! I loves it...I'm almost done too!
Blah...I have a wait, I have TWO tests today, one in health on the muscular system (which I'll probably fail) and the other in Algebra (which I might just pass but still don't wanna take) I hate taking tests...They suck.
Oh, and I've also got soccer practice again, so I'll still be home late, which means I'll be up all night doing homework. AGAIN. *sighs* At least I've only got, *counts on fingers* six days left of school (next thursday and friday are staff meeting schedules, so we only have half a day of school for each)! ^^ Ah, then I won't have to worry about homework.....At least I hope.
Hmm.....What was I gonna say....? Oh yeah!!! That piccy for muh friends (lolly, Chiru, Jenna, you're all in it!) is inked and ready for colour! So now I only have a few pics to finish before break and then I'll be happy....^^
I think I've run out of things to say, so I'm gonna go finish muh kickass book now...^^ Toodles!
♥ Katie~chan
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Tuesday, December 12, 2006
Chicago weather has mood swings
Seriously. The title is true!
I LOATHE Chicago weather. One day it's all sunny, the next its cold and snowy, AND NOW ITS FRIGGIN HUMID AND RAINY!!! Which not only means that Chicago has mood swings, but I also have them thanks to the rain, damn you rain.......
Well, I can't complain about the snow being melted away though. xDD
My neck still hurts, but not as much as it did yesterday. I can sorta turn my head now but I still can't do it without a sharp pain in my neck.
Hmph... I have a math test on Thursday, and I'm not really getting it, so I'm staying after school to get soem tutoring on the problems taht seem most confusing....^^
Don't mind that..I just felt like yelling *is getting wierd looks from the students in teh tech lab*
HA! I got soem of my pics partially done, Oh and Amandaxthomas, I'm almost done with that pic of Kaiba and Mel and .....Damn, I forget the other girl's name...But I'll get that Christmas request you wanted done too!!!...Ooh and I also did this one piccy of Yami sleeping..It's been a while since I've done anything with just Yami in it. ^^ But I'm not done with it yet, so you'll hvae to wait and see how it comes out!
Hmm.....what else did I want to say...? Idon't remember.....
......THIS SUCKS!!!.......
*walks away*
P.S Don't mind that last rant...It was completely random.....I'm sorry for my violent mood swings...*goes off to "study in the library"* hehehe.
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Monday, December 11, 2006
Ow poor neck......*cries*
Flah....I'm so tired...And MY NECK HURTS LIKE BITCH!!! But that's 'cause I slept on it wrong...*dies* IT HURTS!!! I cna't even turn it to the left!! Owie.....
I finally got to see Pirates 2!!! I luff Jack Sparrow......Smexxie muffin that he is....xDDD
What else did I do this weekend...I drew some, not completely finished 'cause I'm still reading my book, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Nighttime.....It's really good! Read!! ^^ I had to read it for school though, tbu so far its the only book I like that has been given to me as an assignment...
Oh! I also went downtown yesterday and went to the Field museum. I got tickets to see the Pharaoh himself! (King Tut, I mean...xD) I'm gonna see him this Sunday! After wasting my time with my brothers at the museum, we all went with my mom to meet my dad (who was working) at this German Christmas Market thingy......It was fun though, 'cause they made good hot chocolate..And they had good sausage too....^^
So when I got home, I had to clean and stuff, cause we had visitors over, and speaking of visitors, my grandmother is coming this Wednesday from Italy! ^^ Yay, taht means presents!! Don't you love how granparents feel the need to spoil their grandchildren? ^^ I do...xDDD
Hmmm...Anything else?? Oh yeah...I gotta go to the goddamn doctor's this Thursday....Stupid doctor....I hate them. ><
Oh well...I gotta go...I'm gonna draw some stuff and them I got to do the sketches for my requests...^^U Plus I want to finishe one of Rockinmuffin's fanfictions...I love her stories, they're so funny!!! Okie, toodles!
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Friday, December 8, 2006
OMG! TOODAY IS DECEMBER 8TH! Only a month away from my birfday!! xDD ^^ Presents most appreciated! xDDDD
Okay... I got that over and done with...anyway! Hello everyone! I see that you liked my piccies that I put up! Thank you for taking time to go and look at them!!* glomps you all*
Oh Ebony! It's your birfday today isn't it? I'm gonna draw you a piccy! ^^
Speaking of piccies, I shall be soon putting one up for the holidays with my many good friends here on myO! That with a bunch of request....Ha...
And uh....wait....What did I want to do again??? Oh well..I forgot....*sigh*
I'll go check out your sites now! Toodles!
♥ Katie
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Thursday, December 7, 2006
*is rubbing hands together to thaw out fingers*
The weather has to be below zero 'cause it hasn't been this cold the whole time....Ugh....I can't stand the cold...My hands get all dry and rouhg and my skin on my fingers starts cracking and I HATE IT!! *sighs*
Oh! I almost forgot! I put up seven new pics just now! So they should be up soon! Go look please and tell me what you think! hmph...I have so many stories that I have in mind..Some are for school and others are just for fun.....But still! I need to put them down on paper or something! Otherwise I 'll be lost....hehehe....
Blah....I have conditioning today..I dun wanna goooooooo!! Cause we have to do lunges....UGH .....THOSE...SUCK. If you don't know what they are, I'll tell you.... Its where you have to walk while kneeleing one of your legs almost all the way to the floor but you can't let your knee go all the way down..It hurts your thighs so much.......*squirms in chair* ITS COLD......><
I'm gonna go read my Furuba now.....meep...
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Wednesday, December 6, 2006
Blah........Skool sucks.
Damn this sucks...Why, do you ask? Becasue there is no more new avatar to look forward to for a long time, and this week there was no new episode of House.....AND WHY THE HELL DOES TODAY FEEL LIKE TUESDAY?!?
-_- I 'm bored......And my gum is losing its taste...I want some Extra.
At least the Furuba I ordered at the library came in! Only 5 and 6 though, 3, 4 and 7 and 8 haven't come in yet. And for those of you who were wondering, its my district library, not the school library that carries them....^^U Although I wish my school library carried 'em too..... xDDD
Hmph...I have stupid conditioning for soccer tomorrow.....I don't wanna go....To that, or photo club. Which is also tomorrow. *sigh*
My life is odd.....I want to go back to sleeeeeeep......*pouts*
OH! I have such an awesome idea that jsut popped into my mind right now for a furuba ficcy and I've been working on my brainstorming for the avatar ficcy too! ^^ EEE! I'm gonna pop in my USB and start working on them!
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Monday, December 4, 2006
Avatar Rawked!!!!! wooo!!
I hate school compus....They SUCK.
But I'm getting off topic... OMG DID YOU SEE IT?!!! DID YOU!? It was AWESOME!!!!!
Sorry, but YEAH! It rawked....I luff Avatar...I can't wait for season 3!! ^^
I went to my best friend's birfday party on Saturday, we went to laser quest, and played with laser guns in teh dark......foohaha...^^
Then yesterday I went sledding and saw her and another friend again! But I was with my brothers....and I got frostbite..Not literally, But it felt like it....xDD
Man..I'm so tired......I hate this. Monday you suck.
Monday: *cries in a corner*
pfft.....I have unrealiable working partners....I hate the fact that I can't trust someone to do the goddamn job right!!! -_-
I'm going to the library and pretaend I'm studying while really, I'm catching some Z's...
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Friday, December 1, 2006
7:00 pm tonight!!! Watch Avatar on Nick!!!
Woooo!! Tonight's the night! The one hour finale of Avatar!!!!! xDD I'm happy.....
Ugh.....But now I'm not. I was hopong the forecasters were wrong about the snow...They were right....The bastards...I walked out of my house and snow was everywhere! Stupid stupid snow....Ha...All the cars were having trouble getting out..Thankfully my car is a 4matic...So alll four wheels have control....Not just the back. ^^ Muh dad and I got out of the driveway with no trouble!
Oh yeah...There was this old drunk man on the train with me...He was funny...He kept singing and started playing a bottle of orange juice as if it was a guitar! xDDD And his bottle of alcohol was completely empty...And he thought it was Sunday....xDDD And he wreaked of alcohol smell too..But he made me laugh....He kept talking to random people..I was one of those random people...xDDD Funny how the strangest things make someone's day...Like that old man on the train..He made my day....^^
Well, I only have like 15 minutes till class starts, SO ON WITH THE QUESTIONS! Okay..Since today's the day of the finale, I'm going to ask a pure Avatar: the last airbender question. Who is your favorite character of Avatar, and tell me why? ^^ My favorite is Toph, because even though she's blind, she knows how to see with the earth, and she's a great earthbender....^^Sokka's muh next favorite, 'cause he's funneh....xDD
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