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myOtaku.com: Hatchet

Wednesday, May 3, 2006

Keep Away or I'll Whack You With My Keys!!
Yeah..I whack people with mah keys of DOOM...xD

Today was a pretty good day, classes were cut in half because the teachers had a meeting, so we were let out of school at 12:30..Oh yeah..But for some reason was so tired I fell asleep whe I got home and didn't wake up till 5...^^U

When I did wake up I ate, did mah homework, and then when out with Stephani. I went to the gas station with her to get milk, then we went to Walgreens and I bought myself some scrunchies and eyeliner..'cause I haven't any of either...But now I do! YAY!

Hmm....I'm in the mood for some chocolate..and ice cream....


P.S. I'm thinking of changing my theme...any suggestions??

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