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a most lovely box, conveniently located on the planet of tamaran!
Member Since
being awesome... it's a full-time job
Real Name
>.> I am not at liberty to discuss that
being MYSELF cayse I rule like that
Anime Fan Since
since I was like... three years old
Favorite Anime
my favourites are... inuyasha, .hack, mew mew powers, naruto, shaman king, jing king of bandits, one piece, sailor moon, lament of the lamb, dream saga, cardcaptors, miyu, and teen titans even though it's not really an anime :P
to watch all 3 Lord of the Rings movies in one day, to magnetize myself, and other things I forget
learning random facts, drawing, surfin the net, tv, not paying attention in class...
drawing, not doing chores, getting in trouble because I didn't do my chores
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Hey there. Just so everyone knows, I am me, and I live on the planet called Earth (ever hear of it?). I am 7 and a half plus half my age (hehe try to figure that one out!) I am a vegetarian and I have 4 cats and a dog.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
new post
alright, here's my yearly post. happy late new years, btw.
okay. I'm officially not obsessed with anime anymore. I'm also not as much of a freak. well not right now at least.
and I'm a vegetarian now! haha go me!
alright. so... I'll see y'all for my next post, in like 8 months or something, probably.
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Sunday, May 21, 2006
fuck i need a life
will maybe explain later
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Tuesday, January 17, 2006
no, i'm not dead.
hiyo. i haven't been online in like a month. but only 'cause i didn't care. also i forgot. also also i was addicted to neopets. but now i are posting to let peoples know that *COUGH I GOT AN IPOD FOR CHRISTMAS COUGH* i'm not gonna be posting or even online very often for the next while 'cause i'm spending too much time on the comp and i'm gonna spend most of my time practicing flute (i'm getting private lessons now, so i hafta practice every day) and reading, 'cause i have like 10 books i want to read. just to let you know.
this next part is what happened in about a week last month... kinda long but dramatic....
the night of that nosebleed i wrote about in my last-ish post, i woke up at like 2 and my nose was bleeding again and it went for like a half hour. then there was no school thursday, then on friday i went to school despite my slight cold. on saturday i was extremely sick. my temp was up to 104 degrees and i threw up like 7 times. then i went to the hospital. i was there for like two hours but it was mostly waiting. i had a blood test done. and i was prescribed to a nasty medicine. then i went to my grandma's apartment (which was near the hospital) and stayed in bed. when it was time to go home i got up then in the living room i sort of fainted for a few seconds, then sat up and threw up a bunch. very pleasant, i know. so i stayed at my grandma's and went home afew days later, where i was home from school the rest of the week. when i went back to school monday i had to do about 4 tests, one of which i was totally unprepared for and i'll be surprised if i even pass it. haven't got it back yet. i hope the teacher lost them....
anyways. maybe in a few months i'll be done with the books and be a computer nerd again. we'll see. so. bya! for now.
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Wednesday, December 7, 2005
bloody hell... well... nose
nose bleed. majorly. it all started this morning...... *flashback thingy*
wakes up. complains. goes to washroom. brushing teeth. blood falls into sink! grabs kleenex. blood stops after 15 seconds. complains more. continues with day.
*end flashback* see? the horror! and there's more... just after my band practice... *another flashback thingy*
puts away flute. puts stuff in backpack. put on sweater. blood on floor! gasp! get erin. erin gets paper towel. band teacher give instructions. me getting annoyed at band teacher. goes out to car, driving home. nosebleed is worse. home, stuff from car to house, nosebleed still worse. nosebleed calming, clotting. supper. nosebleed practially healed =)
*end flashback* see!!! that nosebleed started at about 5:00, then it bled for like an hour, then it kinda clotted, and now its been all weird and icky for an hour and a half. take pity on me. please. it feels weird...
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Friday, November 25, 2005
lip fappin', mah peeps!
wooo man, yestaday I was just honkin' around on the net and I found a fab lingo site for '60s slang, and I'm like, "whoa, this is so boss!" and now I'm totally hep and I got the latest (and I mean the latest) lingo! it's cherry. I'm so stoked for the weekend... sleepin' in! yeah!
man, in my class we got assigned seats, and I was put with some real melvins. taryn (she's such a sosh) and jason (what a spaz) and then there's kirtsin, but she's not so bad. and mah friend gets to sit with two of the best peeps to sit with, some band peeps like us. we're all tight. but noooo, I get stuck with a bunch of clods. it's such a hang-up.
later, peeps!
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Featured Quiz Result:
ooooooo indeed
*sings* she is the one
named sailor moon!
*blink* kinda...
i ish the undead! roar!
true, true...i listen to
music like alot
 Music is your salvation. Listening to songs is your way to escape reality. You have an amazing character but you don't know how to show it, actually you don't care if people know this or not. You look for artists who can say how you feel. You appreciate the beauty you see in the little things in life.
~~Just me and my obsession~~
What's your way to escape reality? What's your salvation? brought to you by Quizilla |